Courtesy of our local Eel Market, that nice Mr Phoenix on Stall 264, we got ourselves a copy of Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour. The movie is one hundred and sixty eight minutes long and given its breakneck pace and dazzling, some might say exhausting, pyrotechnics we split the viewing over Saturday and Sunday evenings.
My admiration for (almost) all things Taylor is well-known on here and Mrs Wrongness, whilst never describing herself as a true fan, has been known to bop round the room to the strains of Shake It Up on more than one occasion. (Mind you, Mrs W prefers the Kate Rusby version). We had, of course, read about the tour’s record-breaking success: 60 shows, 4.5 million tickets sold, gross revenue of over 1 billion (yes, 1 billion!) dollars and that’s just 2023. She’s doing more of the same, including the UK and Europe in 2024. (With an average, yes AVERAGE, ticket price of $456 dollars that’s not such a surprising figure).The film itself took over $90 million dollars in its FIRST weekend! Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen, Coldplay, Adele – you took one hell of a beating!
That’s enough about money, what about the film, I hear at least one of you say? Again and again and again my jaw dropped at its visual splendour. We are told which Album/Era is coming next, each merits a different lavish set and extravagant costume changes. Technology allows the band and backup singers to traverse the vast spaces of Inglewood’s Sofi Stadium unencumbered by wires and sonic paraphernalia. I cannot recall seeing any mile high stacks of speakers so presumably the sound is going through the stadium’s system which no doubt had been turned up to 11?
It’s a non-chronological run through Swift’s back catalogue – the hits, the splendour just keeps on coming. Song after song after song. Whilst you cry WTF! as Taylor dives into a swimming pool, turns into a sea-monster and swims a hundred yards under water make sure to keep the subtitles on. Boy, can this girl write a lyric!
Both Mrs W and I were exhausted by the end of each ninety-minute segment so god knows what it feels like to be in the middle of an adoring concert crowd of Swifties and I can only imagine it’s a similar experience at your local IMax cinema.
Put your prejudices to one side and go on, enjoy yourself!
I use Eel Markets to sample the products. If the products are sufficiently worthwhile, I invest. I have sent a personal mail to Taylor promising that next time she is in Pouzolles I will attend her concert. I had a look at Paris next year – a hotel fifteen miles away from the concert is already sold-out and the asking price for a Holiday Inn was 650 euros a night!!
(Those first two sentences may need fact checking)
Here it costs $20 (about 12 quid) to stream it, presume that will be cheaper once it leaves movie theatres. May be worth it if you are a big fan to avoid potential security issues when downloading stuff from illegal sites.
According to my computer’s internet, “The global Eel market size was valued at USD 4361.89 million in 2022 and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 3.36% during the forecast period, …”
My computer couldn’t get any further than that without signing in to Linkedin (which sounds too much like sucking up to the establishment for my liking, might just as well vote Tory).
Astonishing but apparently not astonishing enough to buy a legitimate copy. Never fails to amaze me how people are quite happy to steal music when presumably they wouldn’t think of walking out of a shop without paying.
To be fair, TS is as rich as Croesus and many hardcore fans feel she’s taking the piss by charging $19.89 for a 48-hour rental, on top of charging the same price for theatrical release.
I adore Taylor as an artist and a person with a genuinely good heart, but there’s no doubt she is *the* Capitalist Queen of Pop.
I pay a monthly fee to the streaming music service of my choice. I support a couple of young(ish) artists through Bandcamp. On my limited means I’m more than happy to steal tv shows and movies. I also used to tape records I borrowed from the library. I’m going to hell, I am.
A thought. Do Musicians get paid for review copies? Actually, given all those streams and discs come out the promo budget, they effectively pay the reviewers for them. At least Lodey is cost neutral, Mr Greenhouse.
I think that’s a normal price for movies that are still in the cinema. I look at it like this, invite 3 friends over and get the popcorn/prosecco going. $5 each, bit cheaper than all going to the movies (or even a concert) *
My daughter is a fan and we bought this last week. I sat with her to watch it end to end, soup to nuts. Despite Ms Swift being the current Leader of the World I was woefully ignorant of her catalogue.
Hmmm… I enjoyed it. The lass is made to perform. She has chutzpah in wheelbarrow fulls and her stamina is a joy to behold. I suppose you can say this of any artist you hear properly for the first time, but apart from a few ear worms even I knew, it sounded as though she was singing the same song over and over. By which I mean the lyrical content and mood was being duplicated, to the same tempo.
M’Lud , I give you Iron Maiden, or the Quo as purveyors of the eternally similar in her defence. I thought she’d be more Britney than she was, for some reason. I was expecting primary colour bangers rather than having a protracted row with a bloke at a table at one point.
Never thought I would see a comparison between Taylor and Iron Maiden for which I thank you.
However, isn’t the old trope “It all sounds the same” precisely what we say about music we don’t like?
Take The Blues for instance – “Woke up this morning and they were still playing Crossroads”…..
If you really want to know about the PA system (a flown line array) a nice dull man in a silly hat has made a video about it. Skip to 09:30 for the hot stuff.
She sings live, although at certain points due to the nature of the performance there is assistance from a recorded track and there are backing singers. But she has a 19-year pedigree of singing live.
ok thanks. I actually had a ticket to see her a few years ago at a venue 10 mins from my house, but my daughter wasn’t bothered to go (was going to be a surprise) so I sold the tickets.
I saw the movie twice at the cinema, once an Odeon iSense screening, and it’s everything you say Lodey – exhausting (in the best way), emotional, absolutely immersive and engaging. As I suggested in my post about the tour back in March (autographs on request), she shares with Springsteen that gift of making a stadium feel intimate – and every song personal to every individual in the audience – at the same time as being the source of almost a spiritual communal experience.
I’m so stoked about seeing this tour twice (yeah, I know) next year.
Oh dear.
There was a time when I would have felt it was a massive story that 12 of my top 20 in this year’s list were by female artists, but the ladies have become a real force in music these last few years thanks to talent and tunes. Ms Swift, one album aside, may not be my cup of Tay (as we say around these parts), but she has a body of work as well as a body..
I haven’t the foggiest why some folk get triggered in this manner over music. If you like it listen to it. If you don’t like it go and listen to something else. After listening to a fair few of Taylor Swift’s albums I concluded that her music didn’t chime with me but her music obviously brings a great many people a lot of joy and that is most certainly a very good thing and I’m all for that.
It’s art not competitive sport.
In fact: next time I’m exuding child-like enthusiasm for one of my favoured progressive behemoths and the usual suspects start ladling on the old mince – I shall retort “it’s art, not competitive sport – Mr Pencil says so…”
I’ve *whisper it* managed to get my kids Eras tickets for Christmas. I’d love to go myself but couldn’t pony up that much cash. They’ll be walking on sunshine for months after getting the news – managed to keep it a complete secret so far. Can’t wait for Christmas Day!
The idea that this has anything to do with “tired old men” is frankly mental. She’s the biggest artist in the world and those stadiums are filled with people of all ages. It obviously skews young – average age around 23 I’d guess? – but I’d be willing to bet it’s more distributed than you’d think. People I know who’ve seen it have come away reeling, elated. If she were a man of 34 instead of a woman, many of the naysayers would all be hailing the retvrn of “proper music”.
You come to me on the day my daughter is to go to Eras and ask me to do murder, for money. And I say, sure, need to earn the ticket price back somehow. Shall we say 50 quid?
@hedgepig, how did the big reveal go? I’ve watched loads of reels of youngsters essentially having a meltdown when they’ve realised that they have tickets. It’s just glorious.
“If you like it listen to it. If you don’t like it go and listen to something else.”
It’s that simple, isn’t it?
I don’t want to always like exactly the same music, fiction, lipstick, movies, restaurants, art, TV shows, beer, graphic novels, architecture, plays, dogfood, etc as the rest of you!
(You know what – I inserted a jokey and sarcastic comment here and have now thought better of it so I’m deleting it. Sorry! I do agree she is definitely the most triggering artist on the Afterword, let’s leave it at that….)
Funnily enough we were sitting here taking turns picking tunes from Spotify. She picks August by Taylor and I go for Light The Light In and she chooses Lovely by Billie Eilish and says it’s so great with these artists, I am getting more and more into them. So many good tunes and I agree. Such is the harmonious nature of our domestic discourse. Now it’s The Band. Such is the eclectic nature of our domestic discourse.
I have played her stuff a few times now. She is huge, she is respected, she deserved to be heard.
I didnt like what I heard. Whether it is the contemporary sheen , the lyrics or maybe this 66 year old just aint into pop music. Who’dathunkit.
I am quite happy to accept that this is a case of something is happening but you don’t know what it is , do you Mr Wells.
My mileage is similar. Her music is slick, glossy, beautifully played and produced – I quite understand why Swifties now make up a majority of the world population (subs please check). But my attention wanders fairly quickly. I’ll probably watch the movie though when it’s eventually beamed into the living room, for the spectacle and because I’m a drooling tired old man.
Yep, I’ve played a few of her albums based on recommendations here but found nothing that moved or engaged me, nothing that would have made me stop what I was doing and lean in if I had heard it on the radio. There is no shortage of new and new to me stuff which achieves those things, so Taylor will just have to console herself with her worldwide adoration and huge fortune as I won’t be putting any more time towards her cause. I’ll file her in the already bulging file marked ‘I’m glad she’s there for other people to enjoy’.
The blog needs a special subsection for people to explain that they have tried to listen to Taylor Swift (because she has merited that honour), but that they are simply unable to take any enjoyment from the experience.
A closed ecosystem, with safely padded walls, in which the same 20 people can endlessly bump into one another, repeating “I’m sorry; it’s not for me. I’m sorry; it’s not for me”, and floating their crank theories as to her popularity while sparing the rest of us.
Until such time as we have such a safe space, we will simply have to continue to host all said individuals on every single Taylor Swift thread until either the universe suffers heat death, or the intense knee jerk blog reaction fomented by La Swift finally abates. Which will be the sooner? One wouldn’t like to bet.
Well what do you want @Bingo-Little ? We should say that we don’t like it so it must be shit?
Or are we to not say anything because we are not fans ?
It’s a forum, there has been a lot of discussion about this phenomenon called Taylor Swift. Why can’t we put in our tuppence worth? And at least we’ve had a decent listen before coming to our view. Something not always the case in this place.
You’re more than welcome to put in your tuppence worth, and then I’ll add mine.
Which is that we get precisely the same tired tuppence, over and over again, on every thread about TS, often repeatedly from the same individuals (not you, I might add), and that it’s boring. It clogs up the threads, adds virtually nothing of any real merit, and can at this stage be taken as read: yes, we know.
There are all sorts of acts I’m not interested in discussed on here.
I generally don’t bother opening the threads about them, much less comment on them, much less depositing essentially the same comment over and over again on multiple threads.
Still, if that’s what people want to do, they’re of course free to do so – more power to their arm. But I will keep poking fun at those comments, because I’m afraid that I’m free to do that too.
Re; a decent listen, have you watched Eras? Because that’s what this thread is about, isn’t it? Or at least was, before the inevitable occurred.
Well enough of a listen for stuff I wasnt liking. Oh, it was about Era , not TS generally. Well excuse me , the thread deviated, like that never happens.
As for tiresome, how many times do you reckon on Dylan post I get, yeah some good songs but I really cant handle his voice or I lost interest after [ choose an album].
I quite agree, I mean can you imagine someone repeatedly coming on here to express how tedious and unimportant he finds another act to be, even when the thread is about something else entirely. I don’t know, to pick a random example, someone who is obsessed with how inconsequential The Beatles were.
Merry Christmas Mr Little! Your mad musical passions , for and against, always bring joy and light to this forum
To be fair the urge to declare lack of engagement isn’t exclusively directed at TS. It also shows itself with discussion of Dark Side Of The Moon and others. It’s just a tendency with this site. A by the way I feel the need to declare my position. I’m out. Likewise the new Stones album, or anything Bowie related.
Keep the faith. I’ve never seen the appeal of Springsteen, but recently heard a new album of his songs, recorded at various times, with piano arrangements … and it’s good! After decades of trying I’ve found that there is a Springsteen album for me. If it takes TS as long to do something equivalent it may be a close run thing whether I’ll be dead first.
Umm, I only mentioned it because it amused me. I’m not disengaged from her work. I like her stuff, but aren’t a mega-fan. Same applies to Springsteen. I am though a huge fan of Steely Dan, but I’d go ‘Eee-razz’ to them, too.
It’s odd. I really enjoy a lot of Lana Del Ray and bought a few of her albums. (Not a real fan, obviously 😉.) However, her best work is essentially Video Games repeated over and over, in terms of style, tone and delivery. I love it and am quite happy to listen to it for ever. Taylor Swift is a real talent and a stunning performer but she doesn’t have the same effect. Music fascinates me.
I think that’s a bit harsh on LDR. She found her thing, her subject, early on. Her subject matter and image and ploughed that furrow to great effect. A slow, moody style. But I think she does a lot with it in a hip hop vein, or country vein or more rock and also Laurel Canyon revisited. It’s more my thing than Taylor Swift, I agree in that respect. Taylor is a bit too goody two shoes. Lana convinces us she is a bit of a troubled, self destructive character, mysterious and charismatic and that is intriguing. The whole package is effective.
Yes. I agree I was caricaturing LDR drastically. I think you’ve nailed it ‘re the troubled soul thing. There is something broken at the centre of her art that draws me in.
We ( two old people) went to watch at the cinema and had an excellent time. We thought the film was great. As good, if not better, was the excitement of the young fans who had gone to see it. A number sang along ( and danced) to every single song – no mean feat when you are talking about a catalogue encompassing 10 CD era length albums released over 15 years. Normally people singing along can be distracting, at best,as drunks attempt to join with the chorus, or tone deaf folkies play one song to the tune of another. But being in and around people who were just so thrilled was a pure delight
I think I’ll have to talk to Bio Reflexen where I work and try and persuade my colleagues that we really ought to screen The Eras Tour.
Personally, I am a sucker for an audience that really gets emotionally involved in a movie. We have school screenings where teachers come with a great gaggle of kids. We showed this Norwegian teen film, Dancing Queen, to 70 12-year-olds just before Xmas and they loved it.
They laughed, cheered, clapped and booed with all the enthusiasm of a panto audience. It is very rare that we get a grown up audience who are so responsive.
I suspect Taylor could be the one to change that.
And as the average age of audience is probably ….err… 80, some young blood would not go amiss!
Ugh. When I was away I did enjoy having a break from being told off by the prefects for not liking the right things. There’s a lot of that on this thread.
Courtesy of our local Eel Market, that nice Mr Phoenix on Stall 264, we got ourselves a copy of Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour. The movie is one hundred and sixty eight minutes long and given its breakneck pace and dazzling, some might say exhausting, pyrotechnics we split the viewing over Saturday and Sunday evenings.
My admiration for (almost) all things Taylor is well-known on here and Mrs Wrongness, whilst never describing herself as a true fan, has been known to bop round the room to the strains of Shake It Up on more than one occasion. (Mind you, Mrs W prefers the Kate Rusby version). We had, of course, read about the tour’s record-breaking success: 60 shows, 4.5 million tickets sold, gross revenue of over 1 billion (yes, 1 billion!) dollars and that’s just 2023. She’s doing more of the same, including the UK and Europe in 2024. (With an average, yes AVERAGE, ticket price of $456 dollars that’s not such a surprising figure).The film itself took over $90 million dollars in its FIRST weekend! Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen, Coldplay, Adele – you took one hell of a beating!
That’s enough about money, what about the film, I hear at least one of you say? Again and again and again my jaw dropped at its visual splendour. We are told which Album/Era is coming next, each merits a different lavish set and extravagant costume changes. Technology allows the band and backup singers to traverse the vast spaces of Inglewood’s Sofi Stadium unencumbered by wires and sonic paraphernalia. I cannot recall seeing any mile high stacks of speakers so presumably the sound is going through the stadium’s system which no doubt had been turned up to 11?
It’s a non-chronological run through Swift’s back catalogue – the hits, the splendour just keeps on coming. Song after song after song. Whilst you cry WTF! as Taylor dives into a swimming pool, turns into a sea-monster and swims a hundred yards under water make sure to keep the subtitles on. Boy, can this girl write a lyric!
Both Mrs W and I were exhausted by the end of each ninety-minute segment so god knows what it feels like to be in the middle of an adoring concert crowd of Swifties and I can only imagine it’s a similar experience at your local IMax cinema.
Put your prejudices to one side and go on, enjoy yourself!
So, you love Taylor…. but not enough not to STEAL MONEY DIRECTLY FROM HER.
Interesting. Clearly her wee bairnies* will have to feed themselves, but you’ve had your fun, and that’s the important thing!
*which may or may not exist
I use Eel Markets to sample the products. If the products are sufficiently worthwhile, I invest. I have sent a personal mail to Taylor promising that next time she is in Pouzolles I will attend her concert. I had a look at Paris next year – a hotel fifteen miles away from the concert is already sold-out and the asking price for a Holiday Inn was 650 euros a night!!
(Those first two sentences may need fact checking)
“I have sent a personal email to Taylor….”
So, you’ve breached the exclusion order as well as international copyright law? You unconscionable varlet!
Guards, seize him!
Here it costs $20 (about 12 quid) to stream it, presume that will be cheaper once it leaves movie theatres. May be worth it if you are a big fan to avoid potential security issues when downloading stuff from illegal sites.
No Security Issues at Stall 264…. he’s as honest as an honest thing on Planet Honest’s ‘Lets Be Really Honest Today’ Day
Music, spectacle, magnificence – nah, let’s talk about Eel Markets.
According to my computer’s internet, “The global Eel market size was valued at USD 4361.89 million in 2022 and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 3.36% during the forecast period, …”
My computer couldn’t get any further than that without signing in to Linkedin (which sounds too much like sucking up to the establishment for my liking, might just as well vote Tory).
That’s a whole lot of eels …
Astonishing but apparently not astonishing enough to buy a legitimate copy. Never fails to amaze me how people are quite happy to steal music when presumably they wouldn’t think of walking out of a shop without paying.
To be fair, TS is as rich as Croesus and many hardcore fans feel she’s taking the piss by charging $19.89 for a 48-hour rental, on top of charging the same price for theatrical release.
I adore Taylor as an artist and a person with a genuinely good heart, but there’s no doubt she is *the* Capitalist Queen of Pop.
I pay a monthly fee to the streaming music service of my choice. I support a couple of young(ish) artists through Bandcamp. On my limited means I’m more than happy to steal tv shows and movies. I also used to tape records I borrowed from the library. I’m going to hell, I am.
A thought. Do Musicians get paid for review copies? Actually, given all those streams and discs come out the promo budget, they effectively pay the reviewers for them. At least Lodey is cost neutral, Mr Greenhouse.
I think that’s a normal price for movies that are still in the cinema. I look at it like this, invite 3 friends over and get the popcorn/prosecco going. $5 each, bit cheaper than all going to the movies (or even a concert) *
* Please note I won’t be doing this
What have I done? It was only a fkin joke.
– Moosey’s Mum, in the maternity ward.
Well, she certainly wasn’t laughing.
My daughter is a fan and we bought this last week. I sat with her to watch it end to end, soup to nuts. Despite Ms Swift being the current Leader of the World I was woefully ignorant of her catalogue.
Hmmm… I enjoyed it. The lass is made to perform. She has chutzpah in wheelbarrow fulls and her stamina is a joy to behold. I suppose you can say this of any artist you hear properly for the first time, but apart from a few ear worms even I knew, it sounded as though she was singing the same song over and over. By which I mean the lyrical content and mood was being duplicated, to the same tempo.
M’Lud , I give you Iron Maiden, or the Quo as purveyors of the eternally similar in her defence. I thought she’d be more Britney than she was, for some reason. I was expecting primary colour bangers rather than having a protracted row with a bloke at a table at one point.
Never thought I would see a comparison between Taylor and Iron Maiden for which I thank you.
However, isn’t the old trope “It all sounds the same” precisely what we say about music we don’t like?
Take The Blues for instance – “Woke up this morning and they were still playing Crossroads”…..
Absolutely, old fruit. It’s not that I didn’t like it. I did. But as newb to her oeuvre I was struck by the sameness of the lyrics.
More power to her and her wheelbarrows of energy.
I am with you.
Gave it a go as a newbie but not for me.
If you really want to know about the PA system (a flown line array) a nice dull man in a silly hat has made a video about it. Skip to 09:30 for the hot stuff.
I thank you – the modern world, eh?
Paging @Chrisf , who gets similarly excitable about such dull things.
Who says no one goes home humming the lighting…….
Have to say I found all that astonishingly fascinating!
I’m here. I’m not awake yet, but a cursory scan through has wetted my appetite for later a later viewing. I may even watch the TS concert…..
At work, can’t watch video. Does she sing live or mime?
She sings live, although at certain points due to the nature of the performance there is assistance from a recorded track and there are backing singers. But she has a 19-year pedigree of singing live.
ok thanks. I actually had a ticket to see her a few years ago at a venue 10 mins from my house, but my daughter wasn’t bothered to go (was going to be a surprise) so I sold the tickets.
I saw the movie twice at the cinema, once an Odeon iSense screening, and it’s everything you say Lodey – exhausting (in the best way), emotional, absolutely immersive and engaging. As I suggested in my post about the tour back in March (autographs on request), she shares with Springsteen that gift of making a stadium feel intimate – and every song personal to every individual in the audience – at the same time as being the source of almost a spiritual communal experience.
I’m so stoked about seeing this tour twice (yeah, I know) next year.
You the man!
Nah, she the man!
You’re meh.
And it’s a meh from meh too
So that’s twice HP has been told he’s meh…
Meh meh was a Swift meh
Get thee back to your man cave
Meh nah meh nah
*cue Swedish nudies*
I’m sure she’s great but I really can’t be arsed.
A thought provoking comment for which this thread gives thanks
My pleasure.
Seems like something for tired old men to drool over
Oh dear.
There was a time when I would have felt it was a massive story that 12 of my top 20 in this year’s list were by female artists, but the ladies have become a real force in music these last few years thanks to talent and tunes. Ms Swift, one album aside, may not be my cup of Tay (as we say around these parts), but she has a body of work as well as a body..
FFS! An attractive woman can’t possibly be a serious artist, eh? Back to the 1950s with you…
Indisputably the Afterword’s most triggering musical artist of 2023. Cry us a river, chaps.
I haven’t the foggiest why some folk get triggered in this manner over music. If you like it listen to it. If you don’t like it go and listen to something else. After listening to a fair few of Taylor Swift’s albums I concluded that her music didn’t chime with me but her music obviously brings a great many people a lot of joy and that is most certainly a very good thing and I’m all for that.
It’s art not competitive sport.
You have the mot juste, Mr Pencil…
In fact: next time I’m exuding child-like enthusiasm for one of my favoured progressive behemoths and the usual suspects start ladling on the old mince – I shall retort “it’s art, not competitive sport – Mr Pencil says so…”
Precisely this. Well said, P.
I’ve *whisper it* managed to get my kids Eras tickets for Christmas. I’d love to go myself but couldn’t pony up that much cash. They’ll be walking on sunshine for months after getting the news – managed to keep it a complete secret so far. Can’t wait for Christmas Day!
The idea that this has anything to do with “tired old men” is frankly mental. She’s the biggest artist in the world and those stadiums are filled with people of all ages. It obviously skews young – average age around 23 I’d guess? – but I’d be willing to bet it’s more distributed than you’d think. People I know who’ve seen it have come away reeling, elated. If she were a man of 34 instead of a woman, many of the naysayers would all be hailing the retvrn of “proper music”.
Come back when time allows, Mr H…and tell us how they reacted on the day.
We need the video of the moment!
Dad of the year action right there. 👏👏👏
I’d better hear no moaning about chores for a good year 😉
Gifts with menaces. How very Sicilian.
You come to me on the day my daughter is to go to Eras and ask me to do murder, for money. And I say, sure, need to earn the ticket price back somehow. Shall we say 50 quid?
Love it – people having an amazing time listening to music, what’s not to like?
That’s a rhetorical question by the way, fellas.
@hedgepig, how did the big reveal go? I’ve watched loads of reels of youngsters essentially having a meltdown when they’ve realised that they have tickets. It’s just glorious.
@black-type It was very well received, put it that way! Thanks!
Wise words, @pencilsqueezer!!
“If you like it listen to it. If you don’t like it go and listen to something else.”
It’s that simple, isn’t it?
I don’t want to always like exactly the same music, fiction, lipstick, movies, restaurants, art, TV shows, beer, graphic novels, architecture, plays, dogfood, etc as the rest of you!
How boring life would be!
But you don’t even know what lipstick I use.
*For the record, it’s MAC Ruby Woo. Taylor’s favourite, obvs.
(You know what – I inserted a jokey and sarcastic comment here and have now thought better of it so I’m deleting it. Sorry! I do agree she is definitely the most triggering artist on the Afterword, let’s leave it at that….)
Nah, let’s not leave it there. Mike Oldfield v Taylor Swift, ten rounds slugging it out….
Taylor ought to do Moonlight Shadow. I’m serious.
Compare, contrast
I refuse to be triggered! Not this time. (Dons cool helmet, climbs onto high horse, trots off into Smugland)
Nice Beatles clip, no?
Yeah it was! Never seen that. Very weird to hear them without the screams, it felt like there was an instrument missing.
Really looking forward to seeing this. 2 hours plus of Taylor, plus I don’t have to leave the bloody house! What is not to like?
We’re talking about the film, right?
Certainly hope so 💃🏼
Half way through , and it’s just great. The fact that she’s a bit gauche and clumpy when she dances just adds to the appeal.
Me and the missus were totally goat-ing to Trouble:
We’ll watch the other half tomorrow.
I’m sure she’s great but I really can’t be arsed with contemporary pop. And that’s exactly how it should be.
Afterword t-shirt.
I’ll buy one.
Funnily enough we were sitting here taking turns picking tunes from Spotify. She picks August by Taylor and I go for Light The Light In and she chooses Lovely by Billie Eilish and says it’s so great with these artists, I am getting more and more into them. So many good tunes and I agree. Such is the harmonious nature of our domestic discourse. Now it’s The Band. Such is the eclectic nature of our domestic discourse.
Oh, I so hate it when generations get along musically. It’ll be the death of rock and roll. Mark my words.
That’s the wife I’m talking about. She is younger than me but not that much.
Let The Light In it should be of course.
I have played her stuff a few times now. She is huge, she is respected, she deserved to be heard.
I didnt like what I heard. Whether it is the contemporary sheen , the lyrics or maybe this 66 year old just aint into pop music. Who’dathunkit.
I am quite happy to accept that this is a case of something is happening but you don’t know what it is , do you Mr Wells.
My mileage is similar. Her music is slick, glossy, beautifully played and produced – I quite understand why Swifties now make up a majority of the world population (subs please check). But my attention wanders fairly quickly. I’ll probably watch the movie though when it’s eventually beamed into the living room, for the spectacle and because I’m a drooling tired old man.
Yep, I’ve played a few of her albums based on recommendations here but found nothing that moved or engaged me, nothing that would have made me stop what I was doing and lean in if I had heard it on the radio. There is no shortage of new and new to me stuff which achieves those things, so Taylor will just have to console herself with her worldwide adoration and huge fortune as I won’t be putting any more time towards her cause. I’ll file her in the already bulging file marked ‘I’m glad she’s there for other people to enjoy’.
Three old codgers stand on the edge of the cliff, staring out to sea and puffing on their fags. Let’s leave them there, shall we?
The blog needs a special subsection for people to explain that they have tried to listen to Taylor Swift (because she has merited that honour), but that they are simply unable to take any enjoyment from the experience.
A closed ecosystem, with safely padded walls, in which the same 20 people can endlessly bump into one another, repeating “I’m sorry; it’s not for me. I’m sorry; it’s not for me”, and floating their crank theories as to her popularity while sparing the rest of us.
Until such time as we have such a safe space, we will simply have to continue to host all said individuals on every single Taylor Swift thread until either the universe suffers heat death, or the intense knee jerk blog reaction fomented by La Swift finally abates. Which will be the sooner? One wouldn’t like to bet.
You love it really!
Well what do you want @Bingo-Little ? We should say that we don’t like it so it must be shit?
Or are we to not say anything because we are not fans ?
It’s a forum, there has been a lot of discussion about this phenomenon called Taylor Swift. Why can’t we put in our tuppence worth? And at least we’ve had a decent listen before coming to our view. Something not always the case in this place.
You’re more than welcome to put in your tuppence worth, and then I’ll add mine.
Which is that we get precisely the same tired tuppence, over and over again, on every thread about TS, often repeatedly from the same individuals (not you, I might add), and that it’s boring. It clogs up the threads, adds virtually nothing of any real merit, and can at this stage be taken as read: yes, we know.
There are all sorts of acts I’m not interested in discussed on here.
I generally don’t bother opening the threads about them, much less comment on them, much less depositing essentially the same comment over and over again on multiple threads.
Still, if that’s what people want to do, they’re of course free to do so – more power to their arm. But I will keep poking fun at those comments, because I’m afraid that I’m free to do that too.
Re; a decent listen, have you watched Eras? Because that’s what this thread is about, isn’t it? Or at least was, before the inevitable occurred.
Well enough of a listen for stuff I wasnt liking. Oh, it was about Era , not TS generally. Well excuse me , the thread deviated, like that never happens.
As for tiresome, how many times do you reckon on Dylan post I get, yeah some good songs but I really cant handle his voice or I lost interest after [ choose an album].
Never mind Junior, you got Lodes a hamper.
Or: I think its better when other people sing his songs.
I quite agree, I mean can you imagine someone repeatedly coming on here to express how tedious and unimportant he finds another act to be, even when the thread is about something else entirely. I don’t know, to pick a random example, someone who is obsessed with how inconsequential The Beatles were.
Merry Christmas Mr Little! Your mad musical passions , for and against, always bring joy and light to this forum
Four. Got a light?
The lodestone of wrongness is not far from the clifftop of indifference.
When I first saw stuff about Swift’s Eras tour, I’m afraid I kept saying it Eee-razz, as on The Fast Show.
To be fair the urge to declare lack of engagement isn’t exclusively directed at TS. It also shows itself with discussion of Dark Side Of The Moon and others. It’s just a tendency with this site. A by the way I feel the need to declare my position. I’m out. Likewise the new Stones album, or anything Bowie related.
Keep the faith. I’ve never seen the appeal of Springsteen, but recently heard a new album of his songs, recorded at various times, with piano arrangements … and it’s good! After decades of trying I’ve found that there is a Springsteen album for me. If it takes TS as long to do something equivalent it may be a close run thing whether I’ll be dead first.
This is true. Never say never. I had that with Steely Dan. A late realisation. A whole new oeuvre to explore.
Umm, I only mentioned it because it amused me. I’m not disengaged from her work. I like her stuff, but aren’t a mega-fan. Same applies to Springsteen. I am though a huge fan of Steely Dan, but I’d go ‘Eee-razz’ to them, too.
It’s odd. I really enjoy a lot of Lana Del Ray and bought a few of her albums. (Not a real fan, obviously 😉.) However, her best work is essentially Video Games repeated over and over, in terms of style, tone and delivery. I love it and am quite happy to listen to it for ever. Taylor Swift is a real talent and a stunning performer but she doesn’t have the same effect. Music fascinates me.
I think that’s a bit harsh on LDR. She found her thing, her subject, early on. Her subject matter and image and ploughed that furrow to great effect. A slow, moody style. But I think she does a lot with it in a hip hop vein, or country vein or more rock and also Laurel Canyon revisited. It’s more my thing than Taylor Swift, I agree in that respect. Taylor is a bit too goody two shoes. Lana convinces us she is a bit of a troubled, self destructive character, mysterious and charismatic and that is intriguing. The whole package is effective.
Yes. I agree I was caricaturing LDR drastically. I think you’ve nailed it ‘re the troubled soul thing. There is something broken at the centre of her art that draws me in.
You’re overlooking her Drill album.
We ( two old people) went to watch at the cinema and had an excellent time. We thought the film was great. As good, if not better, was the excitement of the young fans who had gone to see it. A number sang along ( and danced) to every single song – no mean feat when you are talking about a catalogue encompassing 10 CD era length albums released over 15 years. Normally people singing along can be distracting, at best,as drunks attempt to join with the chorus, or tone deaf folkies play one song to the tune of another. But being in and around people who were just so thrilled was a pure delight
This far down to get to the best review. Thank you.
What a wonderful review, @ernietothecentreoftheearth!
I think I’ll have to talk to Bio Reflexen where I work and try and persuade my colleagues that we really ought to screen The Eras Tour.
Personally, I am a sucker for an audience that really gets emotionally involved in a movie. We have school screenings where teachers come with a great gaggle of kids. We showed this Norwegian teen film, Dancing Queen, to 70 12-year-olds just before Xmas and they loved it.
They laughed, cheered, clapped and booed with all the enthusiasm of a panto audience. It is very rare that we get a grown up audience who are so responsive.
I suspect Taylor could be the one to change that.
And as the average age of audience is probably ….err… 80, some young blood would not go amiss!
I tell you what, I’ve not listened to this but I have just given the Lankum album a go and it’s not as good as I hoped.
You’re welcome.
I tried the Lankum, I used to be a folkie but I’m not now.
I have no idea what I meant by this. Was I being witty, I wonder?
You were being hospitable and offering Lodey a Capstan on the veranda, where you’ve both gone to escape all this frightful music.
Ugh. When I was away I did enjoy having a break from being told off by the prefects for not liking the right things. There’s a lot of that on this thread.
Who are the prefects? Who are the brain police? When is now?
The Brian police are the King’s security team.
*Puts on glasses*
I think we should wait for Junior’s review really before forming a judgement.
And still we await Junior’s review