Whenever I stay away with friends or family and despite always having some with me, I always use their toothpaste! Hee and hee! Time to fess up, people. What other mad, bad and dangerous transgressions do you indulge in?
August Wordle
Sorry to bore non-players –
Anybody fancy being Scorer for the August comp? I’m moving around next month so not me I’m afraid…
An In Between Comp Wordle Thread
This will do until 1st May
Lou Reed
In a private email, Bri informs me of his renewed enthusiasm for the works of Lou Reed. It is his firm belief that Magic & Loss is Lou’s best, most coherent album. I can’t comment because I’m not really a fan but Bri would appreciate input and discussion from his old AW chums
Is Dai rigth?
Let’s discuss Beyonce’s latest album, shall we?
Or Pink Floyd, Jethro Full or Richard Thompson
It was The Day when The AfterWord imploded
…it was very messy
“An album I have always loved – I can and do still listen to this regularly, and still enjoy it as much as I did fifty years ago”
The quote is from Bargie’s review of Rick Wakeman. To be clear, this is not a criticism of our esteemed colleagues taste – each to his own and all that . What I am querying is – do most on here feel the same about music they loved back, back in the day? Is the thrill still the same, are you still discovering something new on Play Number 4538? I’m not talking here about remasters, messing around with mixes etc – I can see the appeal (although I think these are mostly expertly-crafted rip-offs preying on old mens’ gullibility). I, for one, rarely if ever listen to, for instance, The Beatles – I know every note and every note is heavy with memory and, yes, love but the magic through constant repetition has gone. Classical Music constantly reinvents itself through different interpretations and cover versions of Popular Music are a source of delight ( and here I heartily recommend the “Cover Me” site) but listening to ancient originals on anything more than a quick blast haven’t-heard-that-for-years basis (usually after a glass or three of fine red) – nah. Howsabout you?
Hoi, Mods (again)
Happened again, threads vanished from home page. Blimey, what do we pay you for?
Hoi, Mods!
I refer you to my “Norfolk Catskills” thread which you have tossed into The Sea of Loneliness…
From Norfolk to The Catskills
Blimey – Uncle Tupelo, Felice Brothers.
New Year’s Wordle Comp
Ist Hole is 926
…simply astonishing!!!!
2023 AW Poll
Posted this on the Uncut thread but maybe more visible here?
Last year @andyourbirdcansing aka Baron H seemed to be hankering after curating the AW Album of the Year poll but Gary beat him to it. If he doesn’t fancy taking over for 2023, anybody else like to step up to the plate? If not, I’m happy to dust off the spreadsheet, presumably starting proceedings 1st December
Every word
This is how to do it!
I am usually sceptical of remasters/reissues , most of which, IMHO, are financial rip-offs aimed squarely at gullible old men. Jason shows how it should be done. Original album remastered followed by outakes/demos then the whole album played live in 2022. Bravo!
Roll up, it’s a new (yet another) Wordle thread
Blimey, that’s a lot of Bob!
Nobody told me
If you can’t access the link I’ll post some highlights in comments
Hey Bingo!
Music – what is it good for?
I know most (97.57%?) of you lot listen to lots and lots of music. Bri tells me “Music no longer plays an important part in my life” – I wouldn’t go as far as that but I can definitely proclaim despite being retired with lots and lots of free time, I play less music compared to any period in the past fifty (sixty?) years. Lana del Ray is the only “new” music that excites me, apart from that it’s whatever takes my fancy. A bit of Ella Fitzgerald or Bob Marley or A Tribe Called Quest. Some days that means I listen to no music at all. No music at all. Anybody else similarly afflicted? Maybe we can do Therapy together?
Our Man in BC
Bri is currently “obsessed” with Reaction Videos. Anybody else similarly deranged?
Dust in my eye….
Me? Cry?
Most excellent;
I really didn’t know what to make of the “TV Show” but the clips from the fast approaching album are indeed most excellent
A Wordle in your ear
Confetti falls from every window