Please read this is important!
Please note you will need to create a new account for this site..
If you were registered on the old “Word” site we recommend using your existing username so your fellow Afterworders will know who you are, but by all means be Bowie-esque and adopt a new persona if you prefer.
The fields on the sign-up form are optional apart from the last question which is designed to keep out spam/bogus accounts.
Once registered you should get a confirmation email. If it doesn’t arrive please check your spam-filter on your email account. You will need to click the link in the email to confirm your email address.
PLEASE NOTE: We manually approve new account requests to keep the spammers out so please be patient. Your account will not work immediately. First entries from new registrations are initially held for Moderation, after which you can post freely.
Please wait until you get a further email to confirm that an Admin has approved your account.
Do not repeatedly try and log in because you will be locked out after 3 failed attempts. If it doesn’t work first time please wait a while.
If you are having trouble setting up your new account please contact us.
OK, ready? Get yerself in!.