Linda Thompson has New album in out June. Normally that would be welcome if niche news, but the list of collaborators puts this right in the sweet spot of a significant section of Afterworders.
As well as Richard Thompson on several tracks it features Kami Thompson, Martha Wainwright, The Proclimers, Rufus Wainwright, Ren Harvieu, John Grant, The Rails, Dori Freeman, Eliza Carthy, The Unthanks and Teddy Thompson. And check out that cover.
Having read this, I wondered what was the most Mojo or Uncut Album in the World? I can never get on with their cover CD choices, which mostly seem to be half-formed lo-fi Americana.
Linda is a gem, though!
The most Q Magazine album in the world was the first Tracy Chapman album. On CD, obviously.
I don’t like it. AT ALL.
I’m in the insignificant section. Linda x’s I’d be more interested in hearing:
Goldie Looking Chain
Dua Lipa
Chase and Status
Calvin Harris
“Like many amateur photographers, I do occasionally experiment with editing”
Isn’t it…. how can I put this…. absofuckinglutely awful?
I know it’s supposed to be tongue-in-cheek but it’s at a Van Morrison-level of rubbishness.
It’s worthy of what used to be called an X Certificate. I’ve been irrigating my eyes with Optrex for the last half hour and it’s made no difference.
Could have been worse – could have been Country Life…
Certainly when I read it (1980-84) the most NME album ever made was either the Josef K or Fire Engines albums.
Thank you, Gatz. Order placed.
Appreciate you sharing that but I will be giving it the widest of wide berths. Do i have to resign my Afterword membership?
It’s a broad church and forgiving even of those, like me, who would rather set light to our ears than listen to a Steely Dan album.
Desmond Dekker and the Aces, on the other hand….
Also see “Vitalite”.
I can also hear the words “trousers are go” just before the line about Bonnie and Clyde.
An exciting new kids show from the Gerry Anderson stable? We’ll never know.
I’m wondering about doing that to get rid of the hair that’s started sprouting.
Oddly the link in the OP no longer works, and not does a search under Linda Thompson. Was it all a dream caused by cheese before bedtime?
I found it on the Dodgers.
Must admit, I checked the calendar to see if I’d missed the second half of March and it was already April 1st.
I’d seen it before and it does exist.
There’s a few tracks I’ll give a miss to, shame Zak isn’t on.
It’s the FB bit at the end that’s gone awol. The direct link still works if you really want to see it again:
Not working now…
What a good sport the old girl is! It’s so obviously done for a laugh! Credit to her I say for not taking herself seriously! Shame on you all for your ageist and sexist reactions!
*claws eyes out with fork*
I’m sure it will be grand, but the fecking Proclaimers aren’t a great incentive.
Or Rufus and the Unthanks.
Unspeakably hideous, the whole wretched affair. At least it’ll shift half a dozen copies to Sadworders.
Scotland’s Story is the best song to come out of this Nation in the past 25 years. I have a lot of love for them.
You. Outside. Now.
I can put 5 from Idlewild alone ahead of it.
I’ve read elsewhere that someone let the cat out of the bag too early so the info above has been withdrawn for now.
So: until such time as the album reappears – what is the current title holder for The Most Afterword Album in the World?
Gilbert O’Sullivan’s “I’m A Writer, Not A Fighter”. Either that or anything by Paul McFucking Cartney.
Not Smile, then? Or anything at all by Van?
Possibly Sad Café’s difficult second album. Either that or anything by Del Fucking Amitri.
Something from Donovan or Gerry Rafferty’s new one.
Alternative choice: Cockney Rejects – Greatest Hits Volume 1, 2 and 3
There is a terrific interview with Linda in the Guardian to plug the new album. @mikethep , surely you have some publishing contacts who can beat a path to Linda’s door demanding an autobiography?
Yes it was a good interview, and I’m pleased to see she took the whole difficult latest album issue a lot less seriously than some.
Most of my publishing contacts are either retired or dead, but I do have a daughter who’s a literary agent…
Sorry, what’s wrong with that cover? A reclining woman wearing a fancy frock?
Lot of weird over-reactions here.
I love Linda Thompson’s precious work both with Richard and solo but my understanding is that due to her condition she cannot/ doesn’t sing on this album. I am curious as to how it can be described as a Linda Thompson album.
Linda wrote all the songs on it and picked who she wanted to sing, hence it’s called Proxy Music.