hubert rawlinson commented on the post, I Am Furious 21 minutes ago
Hurrah, and today we’ve just started as we’ve accepted an offer on our house.
hubert rawlinson commented on the post, Thin Lizzy 1976 1 hour, 8 minutes ago
I always thought drum solos were so that the rest of the band could leave the stage for ‘refreshments’
hubert rawlinson commented on the post, National Poetry Day UK 4 hours, 3 minutes ago
It’s why I put it, there’s a French version which doesn’t work.
hubert rawlinson commented on the post, October Wordle 5 hours, 1 minute ago
Probably because they are not in today’s word. 😃
hubert rawlinson commented on the post, October Wordle 8 hours, 13 minutes ago
A friend has posted a link to this, no Americanisms.
hubert rawlinson commented on the post, IP-nicking cafes and restaurants 22 hours, 29 minutes ago
Seeing the toastie mentioned above I thought there should be a place called ‘Born to Bun’ I looked it up and there was one in Newbury but alas it’s closed, maybe never to reopen. There’s an opening there for a […]
hubert rawlinson commented on the post, Blogger Takeover CXV 1 day ago
Many years ago I set myself the task of finding copies of F,M, and Legend in charity shops. Must have found about 10 copies over the years which I gave away as gifts. Kept my copy, stunned it’s 200 quid […]
hubert rawlinson commented on the post, IP-nicking cafes and restaurants 2 days ago
hubert rawlinson commented on the post, Unwritten rules of TV 2 days, 3 hours ago
I’ve always thought of it as effervescent, lively but not fat. Just checked on slang and it appears you’re correct.
hubert rawlinson commented on the post, IP-nicking cafes and restaurants 2 days, 20 hours ago
I’m annoyed that Morrisons supermarkets have no Morris dance displays or staff dressed as the album cover.
hubert rawlinson commented on the post, Are we not drawn onward to new era? 2 days, 23 hours ago
But then it would be… ¿No nos sentimos atraídos hacia una nueva era?
hubert rawlinson commented on the post, Unwritten rules of TV 3 days, 2 hours ago
As an aside when I did jury service in Leeds a case was brought over from Bradford, the first witness a shopkeeper spoke well after leaving it was decided there was enough time to call the second witness. He took […]
hubert rawlinson commented on the post, Unwritten rules of TV 3 days, 3 hours ago
Not forgetting the usage of “It’s not how it looks” (heard only last night. It always is how it looks, well most of the time.
hubert rawlinson commented on the post, Unwritten rules of TV 3 days, 4 hours ago
Register Office though I feel people use Registry Office as it’s been misnamed that for quite some time. See bulrushes.
hubert rawlinson commented on the post, Are we not drawn onward to new era? 3 days, 6 hours ago
Notlob Bolton
hubert rawlinson commented on the post, Unwritten rules of TV 3 days, 6 hours ago
Oh I’d forgotten that one, “Filmed at Nettlebed Village Hall, where the Nettlebed Folk Club (NFC) meet, and featured several of NFC’s regular singers.” You’d have thought they’d have said something.
hubert rawlinson commented on the post, Unwritten rules of TV 3 days, 7 hours ago
I think it’s easier to find faults in procedures if we know something of the job an actor is portraying. As some of you know I worked as a wedding registrar to boost my works pension until I got my state pension. […]
hubert rawlinson commented on the post, Are we not drawn onward to new era? 3 days, 7 hours ago
Doc, note: I dissent. A fast never prevents a fatness. I diet on cod.
hubert rawlinson commented on the post, Ed McClachlan 3 days, 9 hours ago
As you say instantly identifiable. Here’s my favourite.
hubert rawlinson commented on the post, Unwritten rules of TV 3 days, 9 hours ago
Ah fathers eh. Mine would comment on hearing the sound of an aeroplane overhead on the television ” Oh a tape recorder flying over”
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