Since @twang innocently enquired ‘Going out this weekend?’ (link at end) My own response was rather more bullish the the reality. I mentioned gigs that night and a few days later, both of which we went to, and a short break in Edinburgh after, which we cancelled after a sleepless night thinking about it.
So what have learned from a year unlike any other we have ever experienced and hopefully never will again? Some of my bullet point takes, and I’d be interested to see yours (or of course longer discussion).
Humans are extraordinarily adaptable creatures given the basics such as utilities and retail.
Retail workers seem to have been the forgotten heroes, and lets not leave out the supply chain which by and large kept shelves stocked.
Although the last 12 months have been ball-achingly dull they have, for someone like me lucky enough to stay well and stay in full time employment, not been personally unpleasant.
Speaking of work it’s plain that working from home, at least most of the time, if far better for a great many people and should have been introduced years ago.
My opinion of the government, never high, » Continue Reading.