On Boxing Day evening The Light and I headed to a local pub to meet with a group of old friends. There were about 10 of us, but a couple of others couldn’t make it as they were either suffering or just recovering from Covid.
I spent most of the evening chatting to Margaret as we hadn’t had a catch up for a while. For 90 minutes or so we sat haunch to haunch on a pub bench as we chatted, laughed and occasionally burst into song. Two days later Margaret messaged to warn me that having felt ropy on the 27th (she doesn’t drink alcohol so it wasn’t the after effects of the pub) she had tested positive for Covid on the 28th.
So far I’ve had no sign of the slightest cough or ache. I realise I’m possibly in the incubation stage, though from what I’ve read people with Omicron variants typically know about it within a few days. Indeed, to the best of my knowledge I’ve never had Covid. It’s possible I’ve been infected but asymptomatic and spreading disease like a mid-Essex Typhoid Mary but if so it’s entirely unknowingly.
I wore masks and so on when » Continue Reading.