Youtube would obviously like everyone to go down the premium route, but they will allow free viewing as long as you turn off your AdBlocker.
Which I have done, but am still getting the “Service Violation – Allow Ads on Youtube” message.
All seems to work OK in Edge, only when I restart Chrome does the issue come about.
And strangely, embedded videos don’t seem to be an issue.
I even removed all AdBlock extension, cleared the browser history and cache, and restarted Chrome – still the same message.
My limited experience in IT suggests turn it off and on again, so a full restart pending.
Anyone else experiencing this (or know how to solve it?)
I prefer to watch YouTube on a biggish screen, but if I am watching stuff on my phone the Opera browser blocks all ads (so far)
Yup – all good on phone and tablet, it’s only when I’m bound to the desktop does Youtube fall over/deny me viewing enjoyment
I use Vivaldi ( a Chrome based browser) with AdBlock installed and it’s working fine, ad free.
Just doing some very quick reading – looks like no issues on most browsers, only Google Chrome.
I also note that Google Chrome is listed as 4th most popular browser (and I thought it was number 1 or 2). And the fact that Google own YouTube makes me cynically think this might be a corporate ploy.
Think I’m going to migrate to Firefox , and consign Chrome to the back-up back-up bin
All the stats I can see suggest the Chrome has at least 60% share with Safari at about 20% the rest share the other 20% between them.
It’s very odd. I didn’t get ads on my Mac with Chrome or Safari. I got them on my PC with all browsers. But on my two Samsung tellys one gets them all the bloody time and never on the other one. Very odd. I’ve gone for paid no-ads as they do my head in but I hate paying unnecessarily. Also they just whacked up the price – it’s higher than Netflix or Spotify now I think.
Using Chrome here, with AdBlocker Ultimate, on both a Windows 10 and a Windows 11 machine. Without problems.
The only YouTube adverts that I ever see are the ones actually embedded in clips.
The only escape from those is not viewing said clips at all.
Still happening – next option is log out of Google account and try again.
Option after that? Shout at it and/or throw the PC out of the window
Ulaa is your friend. It’s a browser that does a good job of blocking YouTube ads, although sometimes YT thinks about it for a few seconds.
I’ve found a work-round (that makes no sense, but seems to do the job).
If I open a video in a new tab, and then reset the AdBlock preferences on the first page, go to the new tab and all seems fine.
Very weird/annoying, but hope it might fix itself one day.
Quick update: something’s happening because the Open In New Tab works fine (without the faffing), just the YouTube front page that seems to knacker me
I’ve started using the DuckDuckGo browser for YouTube. Early days, but not had a single ad so far. No additional ad blocker.
Their anonymous email thing is good too.