See, the point of this is to STOP AT TWO. This means you, duco01 and tiggerlion. No “honorable mentions” running into the hundreds. Just TWO. Two songs by the Beatles. Not cover versions. Performed and recorded by the Beatles. Not MORE nor indeed FEWER. Two. 2. Deux. Dos.
Let’s do this, people! To get the show on the road, I’ll list my Top Two Beatles Songs in the comments!
H.P. Saucecraft says
What? Already? Can I have some more time? Two, you say? Er …
Tiggerlion says
It’s obviously so long since you actually listened to The Beatles, you’ve forgotten the song titles. Do you mean Wait and Eleanor Rigby? Or Something and Two Of Us?
H.P. Saucecraft says
See? See what happens here? I set out guidelines that even the meanest intelligence can work within, and you, tigger – whom I specifically warned – list FOUR songs. Four – last time I looked – is more than two.
Rules are important, people. Oh, you may think you’re being “clever” or “individual” for wilfully ignoring them, but you’re striking at the very foundations of civilised society.
Tiggerlion says
Doesn’t ‘Two. 2. Deux. Dos.’ mean two thousand two hundred and twenty-two? Could be morse code or, even, a bizarre form of binary language.
Please ENUnciATE.
H.P. Saucecraft says
chiz says
Just jumping in here to confirm that four is, according to reliable in-field sources, more than two. More on this story as it unfolds
H.P. Saucecraft says
Thanks to chiz there, standing outside the Houses of Parliament in less than ideal conditions.
Moose the Mooche says
Twerp in foam top hat: “STOOOOOP BEATLES!”
Tiggerlion says
Really? Have you ever heard of quantum physics?
H.P. Saucecraft says
Sorry, love – we’re off air – can you come back tomorrow?
Uncle Wheaty says
You are the new Laura Kunsberg!
Mrbellows says
Are you the Giant Owl I’ve been expecting?
Chrisf says
1. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
2. A Day In The Life
H.P. Saucecraft says
Fantastic answer! If you can’t think of your own Top Two, you could do a lot worse than to copy-paste Mr. f’s cogent response.
noisecandy says
1. I Am The Walrus
2. Happiness Is A Warm Gun
dai says
Strawberry Fields Forever
Happiness is a Warm Gun
chiz says
Wait, what? Do you mean all time favourite or favourite right now? This is important. Over 50 years of listening to The Beats favourites have come and gone, and sometimes familiarity means you really don’t ever want to hear a song again, but aggregated over a lifetime, it would be up there among the favourites. You can’t just dive in with these non-specific demands you know.
H.P. Saucecraft says
All-time favorites cherry-picked from their eternally glowing harvest.
chiz says
uh hu ok. And how many was it again?
H.P. Saucecraft says
Just the two, chiz. Or, if you’re up to it – a couple!
chiz says
If I Fell
And Your Bird Can Sing
You can’t do that
H.P. Saucecraft says
Oh dear! And we were doing so well!
Shall we have another crack at it, chiz? I feel we should. You’ve made such really tremendous progress, and we must have the confidence to build on both our successes AND our (finger-waggle) *failures*!
chiz says
I KNOW! I like literally did three and then I said you can’t do that
H.P. Saucecraft says
Don’t forget Jigsaw Club is in the conservatory this morning, weather permitting!
Arthur Cowslip says
A Day In The Life and Long Long Ĺong.
Blue Boy says
Yebbut do we list them in ranking order? And if so, what’s the scoring method you’re applying? Does Duckworth Lewis apply if the poll ends before we’ve all voted? Come on , HP, these rules need thinking through if you’re going to do this properly.
H.P. Saucecraft says
You are collating the results, Mr. Boy, according to your own arcane methodology. Thank you for your service.
Blue Boy says
Excellent. I declare the winners to be Twist and Shout and I’m Looking Through You. Now, about that Greatest Ever Billy Fury songs poll….
H.P. Saucecraft says
This would seem to be the end of the thread.
mikethep says
Wondrous Place.
Blue Boy says
And Halfway to Paradise. He had a shedload of hits.
mikethep says
I know. But Wondrous Place.
bang em in bingham says
Paperback Writer, Cheese And Onion
Rigid Digit says
(or some such dahn wiv ver kids abbreviation)
Cheese and Onions was actually on a Bootleg as a kosher track)
mikethep says
Why two? Why not one?
H.P. Saucecraft says
You’re a rebel, you are. Forever questioning society.
Black Type says
Things We Said Today
Penny Lane
Carl says
If I Fell
In My Life
Two songs – six words.
chiz says
Just jumping in here to confirm that – yes, we’re hearing it is indeed six words
Carl says
Thank you and does Mr Sunak have any comment upon the matter? Will there be a word tax and will I be penalised?
I do not know but I think we must be told.
Tiggerlion says
I see ten! And a hyphen!!!
One full stop.
duco01 says
Am I allowed “Carnival of Light” as one of my two choices?
H.P. Saucecraft says
No you are not, dickferbrains. Wupes – did I type that out loud?
duco01 says
Hmmm … well I wouldn’t say that being called “dickferbrains” is exactly the high-point of my many years on the Afterword, but still … here are my two choices:
Strawberry Fields Forever
Podicle says
My two choices exactly.
H.P. Saucecraft says
And again, we have a choice that is heartbreakingly close to being the correct answer.
ip33 says
Only if you send us all a copy.
Moose the Mooche says
Please don’t.
Tony Japanese says
Penny Lane
Here Comes The Sun
H.P. Saucecraft says
This is so very nearly the right answer.
Pajp says
I would have said that @tony-japanese does have the right answer or, at least, it is the answer I would have given.
My alternative answer (still only two … and, of course, Tony’s answer is not my answer) is:
Penny Lane and For No One.
ip33 says
Hey Bulldog & All Together Now.
Bubbling under: The rest of them.
Beezer says
Yellow Submarine
Just one, yes. But I don’t actually like it so it’s not in my top two.
H.P. Saucecraft says
Beezer says
Took your time!
Rigid Digit says
And Your Bird Can Sing
Don’t Let Me Down
Gatz says
Blimey RD, I didn’t read the other nominations before making mine to avoid being influenced and came up with the same two.
Rigid Digit says
Great minds etc
Mrbellows says
‘You can’t do that’, ‘Paperback writer’
Twang says
Penny Lane
Paperback Writer
Vulpes Vulpes says
TNK, obv.
plus Paperback Writer.
It’s all there, right there.
Declan says
TNK? Sorry, not obvious to everyone.
Gatz says
I reckon Tomorrow Never Knows
Vulpes Vulpes says
Relax. Turn off your mind, and float downstream.
Lodestone of Wrongness says
Paperback Writer
ps I last listened to either of those tracks when my hair was long, my knees were strong and I was never Wrong.
fatima Xberg says
Calling Occupants From Interplanetary Craft
The Mole From The Ministry
Moose the Mooche says
Sounds of Science
Fresh Wound
James Taylor says
Shes A Woman
A Day in the Life
pencilsqueezer says
The first one and the last one.
Martin Hairnet says
Tomorrow Never Knows
It’s All Too Much
Billybob Dylan says
Paperback Writer
I Feel Fine
Mike_H says
Yellow Submarine
Maxwell’s Silver Hammer
fatima Xberg says
“Yellow Submarine” and “Maxwell’s Silver Hammer” were also Angela Merkel’s answer when she was asked about her favorite Beatle tracks by a newspaper.
Junior Wells says
Oh dear.
Blue Boy says
Wait, you’re not saying Mike is really the Chancellor of Germany….?
Mike_H says
Sssh! Seid leise!
Twang says
IFF is a great choice.
Hoops McCann says
Paperback writer
A day in the life
Razorweed Onion says
Tomorrow Never Knows
She Loves You
Gatz says
And Your Bird Can Sing
Don’t Let Me Down
ipesky says
Here, There & Everywhere
I Feel Fine
I Am …sorry, nearly added a third
NigelT says
I’d have trouble picking two from each year, or each album….blimey, here goes…
I Want To Hold Your Hand….my first ever single.
Strawberry Fields Forever…..possibly their most revolutionary track.
I never tire of these two.
Dplumbley says
So difficult
In my life
For no one
Moose the Mooche says
Never mind the Philip Larkin impression, give us your favourite BEATLES songs…
H.P. Saucecraft says
See? Moose is so very much more than just a pretty face, a floppy fringe and a pink tank-top.
winterish says
Ticket To Ride
I Feel Fine
Downhill all the way after ’65 if you ask me 🙂
(Ducks and runs very quickly for cover)
deramdaze says
See also “Rolling Stones.”
Not an opinion I’m entirely at odds with (even given my own selection on this post), my go-to Fabs’ LPs being the first four, Past Masters Volume 1 and the two BBC releases.
If I listen to an album, it’ll be one of those I’ll listen to, never Pepper, Abbey Road, White Album etc.
Beatlemania has never remotely been rivalled, chin-stroking concept albums c. 1973 (not entirely the fault of The Beatles, obviously) are two-a-penny.
Moose the Mooche says
When I’ve had a few I always put on the stereo PPM and the mono AHDN.
pawsforthought says
At the same time?
Moose the Mooche says
Third ear, dude…
SteveT says
Two of us (yes really two)
Norwegian Wood.
If I cant have two of us because of its contentious nature then I saw her standing there.
Max the Dog says
A day in the life
Penny Lane
Diddley Farquar says
To-Day In The Life
Tomorrow Never Knows
Langdale68 says
It Won’t Be Long
Penny Lane
the simmo kid says
Eleanor Rigby
Here Comes The Sun
Junior Wells says
Dont Let Me Down
There ya go there’s Two Of Us
fitterstoke says
I am the Walrus
Penny Lane
Steerpike says
At this present moment in time (now), I am convinced the correct answer is :
‘She Said, She Said’ … and…
‘She’s Leaving Home’
Boneshaker says
A Day In The Life.
Paperback Writer.
attackdog says
Penny Lane
Lady Madonna (mainly because it is the only Beatles song I have heard by a covers band who absolutely ripped it up. A covers band fronted by a very young, very talented and very beautiful Kate Robbins).
Black Type says
Cousin of Macca…inside job. 😉
Moose the Mooche says
My parents sat with Kate at a wedding reception about 20 years ago. She was apparently very nice and funny. My personal observation is that she has nice legs, but I expect they weren’t visible on that occasion.
I very often repeat her Cilla catchphrase: “Ohhh, ah luv yer ‘urrrr!”
Funny to think that the Hey Jude Hitmaker is related to Den Perry – and indeed the singer of Creme Brulee.
bobness says
Ticket to ride.
Fool on the hill.
Me and Mrs B had one each.
thecheshirecat says
Look Suckers, H hasn’t actually committed to doing anything with your choice of 2. Don’t go expecting a database or analysis or anything.
Oh alright then.
She’s Leaving Home
Strawberry Fields Forever
Smudger says
Happiness is a Warm Gun
Across the Universe
Uncle Wheaty says
Ticket to Ride
Day in the Life
Lando Cakes says
You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away
Here Comes the Sun
Moose the Mooche says
Put some sunblock on your “love” and stop being such a wuss.
Locust says
The answer is always:
Any Time At All
Long, Long, Long
hubert rawlinson says
“And now the results from our German jury, come in Hamburg”
Komm, gib mir deine Hand
Sie liebt dich
Declan says
Strawberry Fields Forever
I Am The Walrus
They were quite good in 1967.
All downhill for Lennon after that.
H.P. Saucecraft says
I just remembered:
Strawberry Fields Forever
Penny Lane
“Not putting those songs on the album was the biggest mistake of my life.” – G. Martin
Moose the Mooche says
Really? Worse than that bloody Hollywood Bowl album?
H.P. Saucecraft says
I don’t see how Penny Lane or Strawberry Fields could have been included in that album.
Moose the Mooche says
You no believe in magic?
Paul Wad says
1 – Everybody’s Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey
2 – Come Together
I’ve never narrowed it down to two before. Naming one is easy. It’s the best Beatles song to play really loud. Naming five is easy. Naming two is hard, cos it made me choose one of the other four. And I’m now doubting my choice even before I press Post Comm…
Paul Wad says
I just pressed it before I changed my mind!
Black Celebration says
Tomorrow Never Knows
I am the Walrus
mikethep says
After much mature consideration (I do mature pretty well):
1. Love Me Do
2. Her Majesty
Then I can imagine everything in between.
Mrbellows says
Mrbellows says
salwarpe says
Please Please Me
Come Together
(chosen in recognition of Welcome Back Moose Week)
Moose the Mooche says
Shoot me!
retropath2 says
I Wanna be Your Man
A World Without Love
Mrbellows says
billy shears says
I Should Have Known Better
She’s Leaving Home
Mrbellows says
Tony Japanese says
I’m sorry to hear about your relationship troubles.
Moose the Mooche says
Jackthebiscuit says
1)- A day in the life
2)- Strawberry fields forever
That concludes the voting from Birkenhead.
deramdaze says
Two songs, one 45, no, not that one …
1. Lady Madonna
2. The Inner Light
Vulpes Vulpes says
No, really, 1966.
A 3 minute master class in treading new ground.
Moose the Mooche says
Burt’s Transparent Hamperbait (TMFTL) comes good.
Enjoy the artisan chutney.
H.P. Saucecraft says
I’ve run out of CORSAIR TINNED CHICKEN, innit.
Moose the Mooche says
Oy vey. Remind me not to stand downwind.
hubert rawlinson says
Without wishing to add to HP’s Transparent Hamperbait but my singular word in song post is just 9 NINE comments from mythical hamper status. So near but not near enough. You wouldn’t want me to have to make my own elderberry chutney again.
Oh is there a vegetarian option for the Corsair Tinned Chicken?
GCU Grey Area says
That image I’d dredged up from a Kays catalogue of yore appears to date from a time when there were no vegetables, only Plum Rose ham.
There are tiined peaches, ‘Mixed Fruit’ (which sounds well dodgy – probably heavy on the Bartlett Pears), knock-off Dairylea.
Oh, and ‘Chinese Figs’.
H.P. Saucecraft says
Hubes – link to your thread, please! Happy to help out a fellow hamperbater!
hubert rawlinson says
Many thanks o saucy one.
Here is the link for my hamper bait.
I shall wait with bated breath.
Declan says
TNK? Sorry, not obvious to everyone @Vulpes Vulpes , what a silly bunt.
Declan says
OK, got it. Why (not) bother?
Native says
You Never Give Me Your Money
Eleanor Rigby
H.P. Saucecraft says
This thread has been such a surprise success – who knew The Afterword is “Beatlesville”?! – I am inspired to pen a follow-up – Your Top THREE Beatles Songs!
Anyway, only I got the right answer, but thanks for all your wrong ones.
MODS – Please label my hamper NO FOOD INSIDE so it’s not looted by the customs officers.
Mak says
It Won’t Be Long – Mother bought home With the Beatles ,first time I heard them
Rain – Always the right answer with each of them contributing brilliant.
Mak says
It Won’t Be Long – Mother bought home With the Beatles ,first time I heard them
Rain – Always the right answer with each of them contributing brilliantly
Moose the Mooche says
It Won’t Be Long – Mother bought home With the Beatles ,first time I heard them
Rain – Always the right answer with each of them contributing brilliantinely
slotbadger says
You Never Give Me Your Money!
biggles says
In My Life
Never Knows
Strawberry Fields Forever
salwarpe says
What about Yesterday?
Black Type says
Yesterday it was The Night Before, which was A Hard Day’s Night.
Mike_H says
It was a Good Day Sunshine here earlier. Not so much as a speck of Rain.
Izzy says
Things we said today
The long and winding road
(That was not easy)
dwightstrut says
Don’t know whether you all realise it and I’m a bit surprised myself, but if you tot up the votes so far I think Lennon is trouncing McCartney.
She Said, She Said
Gatz says
I’m more surprised by the first than the second, but the one which surprises me is Macca’s Penny Lane. A terrific pop ditty of course, but surely there are far richer pickings to be had from Paul’s input.
H.P. Saucecraft says
It’s Peak Macca. Tuneful, affectionate, sentimental, but – crucially – stopping short of the camp whimsy that infects so much of his songbook. He actually tried with the lyrics, for a change, and it paid off. Coupled with the Peak Lennon of Strawberry Fields, that great shimmering, buzzing moment in pop, you have a Top Two without equal.
They’re also – thanks to the fun-factor of mp3 – blended into my Compleat Pepper, along with Northern Song.
Moose the Mooche says
At the crossroads of Trumpton and Motown.
H.P. Saucecraft says
This is brilliant, Moose.
plumb1909 says
Hey Bulldog
I Will
Slug says
I’m Down
You Can’t Do That
H.P. Saucecraft says
If someone with more patience (and better eyesight) wants to analyse and collate these results, I’d be interested to see if Lennon trounces McCartney (as he should).
Lodestone of Wrongness says
I’ve just run the votes through the computer (the one in my head which is always Right) and,yes, Lennon wins by miles and miles and miles.
Black Type says
Why should he? Please let’s not have a Lennon v McCartney ‘debate’, which is both redundant and ridiculous.
Lodestone of Wrongness says
Redundant AND Ridiculous? That’s me that is..
H.P. Saucecraft says
You’re right Mr. Type. A Lennon v. McCartney “debate” would be both redundant and ridiculous, as Lennon is clearly the greater artist.
Black Type says
H.P. Saucecraft says
deramdaze says
Let’s ask some girls … (leaves room) … (long pause) … (longer pause) … (stops off at pub) …
OK, I’m back, I’ve asked some girls … it’s Paul.
jockblue says
Going somewhat against the grain here…
1) Golden Slumbers (or the whole medley if that counts as one track)
2) The Long & Winding Road
Lodestone of Wrongness says
No Jock, no. You were supposed to vote for two best not two worst . Mind you, you got the two worst bang on.
sarah says
I’d rather choose two from All Things Must Pass, but here you go…
Here Comes the Sun
While my Guitar Gently Weeps
Yes, I’m a George girl.
Moose the Mooche says
Swingin’ down the street so fancy free
…..I’ll get me old brown shoes
sarah says
‘Something’ told me that would come up 🙂
Blue Boy says
Using the phrase ‘come up’ in reply to Moose is just asking for trouble, I’d have thought….
Moose the Mooche says
I would have thought the preposition is somewhat redundant.
Mrbellows says
@Sarah. There you go. The breadth of this group is so astounding. Why, as long as humanity continues, so will The Beatles.
NigelS1956 says
You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away.
In My Life
salwarpe says
Top 10:
1. A Day In The Life / Penny Lane / Rain
4. Paperback Writer / Strawberry Fields Forever
6. Tomorrow Never Knows
7. Here Comes The Sun / I Am The Walrus / In My Life
10. Don’t Let Me Down / Happiness is a Warm Gun / I Feel Fine / Ticket To Ride / She’s Leaving Home
As sung:
Harrison: 4 (8 votes)
Lennon: 22 (61 votes)
Lennon & McCartney: 6 (15 votes)
McCartney: 23 (48 votes)
Starr: 2 (3 votes)
Tiggerlion says
Great work, sal.
Nothing like some cold hard facts for providing clarity to an emotional situation!
Rigid Digit says
Statistical analysis should be used more.
I say yes to this type of thing, whatever the situation.
I do love a stat
WholeHogg says
Strawberry Fields Forever
I Am the Walrus
deramdaze says
Hey Jude’s resonance seems to have lessened (not in my house) over the years.
In 1983 the Beatles Monthly did a poll, probably the last of its kind that would only take in the original, pre-BBC and Anthology, back catalogue (about 215 songs), and Hey Jude effortlessly finished first.
Before the poll it didn’t occur to me, or I suspect anyone who read the magazine, that it would be any other way.
But, here’s the thing … at 7 minutes long, how often has Hey Jude actually been played on the radio in the CD/streaming age?
In 2020, very rarely.
The DJ (do they still exist?) is always going to play a Paperback Writer/Penny Lane/Help! every time, in favour of it.
Diddley Farquar says
1.Here Comes The Sun
2.Let It Be
3.Come Together
5.Hey Jude
Most popular according to Spotify number of plays, though civilians, as we call them, would struggle to name more than a couple of tunes. Here Comes The Sun is way out in the lead Spotify-wise.
deramdaze says
18 … 5 … 69 … 6 … 1 respectively in the 1983 poll.
Does rather beg the question, “what do people in the 21st Century see in Come Together?” In 1983 it finished five votes below Eight Days A Week and four votes above … have a guess … you’ll never get it in a million years … Don’t Bother Me.
I think that list has an Oasis (oh, great … truly cosmic … a sure sign of quality) bias.
David Hepworth mentioned some dodger in his office saying that he’d never heard a Beatles album and, when confronted with the options, immediately went for the cover that looked like him, i.e. depressing, i.e. Let It Be.
Makes me want to spin the early b-sides, the BBC sessions, and the Long Tally Sally E.P. more than ever.
Moose the Mooche says
“I’ll Get You” is better than any of ^ those five songs.
Diddley Farquar says
Clearly reflects modern tastes for the big, wet ballad, which Hey Jude kind of invented, albeit done better. Coldplay, Oasis and REM even. We are such snobs. Come Together is a sort of soft rock precursor, which is always popular. Great playing of course but quite easy listening despite the weird lyrics.
Black Celebration says
Here Cones the Sun is prominent in the Bee Movie. When such a great song appears by surprise in a kids film, it’s a real joy.
Never liked Come Together.
mikethep says
Now if you’d said you never liked Revolution No.9 I could understand, but Come Together? I am baffle.
H.P. Saucecraft says
Come Together is a nice groove, great rhythm section playing, good guitar break, but it’s not much of a song, is it? And it comes from that relatively long period when they thought they could rely on their genius for words without having to work at a lyric. Lyrically, melodically, it’s nothing special.
Rigid Digit says
And it got John Lennon into a spot of bother being that it’s basically of remould of Chuck Berry’s You Can’t Catch Me.
He recorded 3 cover versions on his Rock n Roll album as part of the settlement. The royalties were funnelled to Maurice Levy and, apparently, Allan Klein who’d bought a share in the publishing from Levy.
Can’t be comfortable situation being sued by your own manager
mikethep says
Don’t care and don’t care.
H.P. Saucecraft says
You should have that painted in white on the back of your parka.
Mrbellows says
Very good.
mikethep says
*works up contorted I, Vanker joke but then realises he’s got the wrong Trump*
Mrbellows says
Lyrically nothing special?
One of John’s best as a Beatle in my opinion.
H.P. Saucecraft says
There you go.
Black Celebration says
I find the song slow and annoying. Like having to slow down to 5mph for really annoying speed bumps (that go “sshhkaa!”) when there’s literally no need. Sometimes a slow song builds up tension and in the end we all have a lovely time, but Come Together makes me look at my watch.
H.P. Saucecraft says
As does most of that side of the album. “Something” aside, it’s a wash-out. But Beetles-lovers, like proud new parents, love everything their darlings produce, even the dung.
mikethep says
BC and HPS, Axis of Wrong. Who’d have thought?
Fun when everybody else is in bed, isn’t it?
Mrbellows says
Shush! You might wake them. 🤪
H.P. Saucecraft says
Mike, I’d like to see you make a convincing critical argument for the qualities of the “song” side of Abbey Road other than “It’s the Beatles!” or “I like The Beatles, me!” or “Abbey Road is fab!”
Go on. What makes, say, Maxwell’s Silver Hammer a good idea in any universe? Why do we need another Ringo-sung sub-aquatic “children’s song” after Yellow Submarine? Why would anyone in their right mind want to listen to the never-ending hail of white noise at the end of I Want You? Etcetera.
Love is blind, and every Beatles fan has a mental white stick.
mikethep says
No. I may have other things to do. (*little winky thing*).
Anyway, we were talking about Come Together, so away with your Maxwell’s Silver Hammer and your Octopus’s Garden.
Mrbellows says
Jeez man. Don’t go all Dr. Volume on our asses.
mikethep says
When I say other, I mean better of course.
H.P. Saucecraft says
I should hope so.
salwarpe says
To me it’s rhythmic vocal nonsense that I’ve always found fun to sing along to – here it is in a more lively setting =>
Mrbellows says
Shoot me
Shoot me
Shoot me
Shoot me
Here come old flat top
He come groovin’ up slowly
He got ju-ju eyeball
He one holy roller
He got hair down to his knee
Got to be a joker
He just do what he please
Shoot me
Shoot me
Shoot me
Shoot me
He wear no shoeshine
He got toe jam football
He got monkey finger
He shoot Coca-Cola
He say I know you, you know me
One thing I can tell you is
You got to be free
Come together, right now
Over me
Shoot me
Shoot me
Shoot me
He bag production
He got walrus gumboot
He got Ono sideboard
He one spinal cracker
He got feet down below his knee
Hold you in his armchair
You can feel his disease
Come together, right now
Over me
Shoot me
Come, come, come, come, come
He roller coaster
He got early warning
He got muddy water
He one mojo filter
He say one and one and one is three
Got to be good looking
‘Cause he’s so hard to see
Come together right now
Over me
Shoot me
Shoot me
Shoot me
Come together, yeah
Come together, yeah
Come together, yeah
Come together, yeah
Come together, yeah
Come together, yeah
Come together, yeah
Come together, yeah
Come together, yeah
H.P. Saucecraft says
Move over Paul Simon and tell Leonard Cohen the news.
mikethep says
Not sure you’re helping, Mr B.
Mrbellows says
Really. Who puts together a line like “He rollercoaster”? Sing it. Now is that not lyrical genius?
H.P. Saucecraft says
It’s not even lyrical.
Mrbellows says
It is absolutely lyrical. Rollercoaster just rolls off the tongue.
Black Celebration says
Is it really “shoot me?”. I always heard “shh-ka!”.
H.P. Saucecraft says
The debate rages.
mikethep says
Course it’s not “shoot me” – that’s probably a “Paul is dead” fantasy. It’s just “Shoo”, with an almost silent p from the closing of the lips. Try it, you’ll sound just like a Beatle.
Mrbellows says
It’s definitely shoot me. Unfortunately the Trump supporter took it literally. But let’s not go there just now.
Moose the Mooche says
Listen to the outtakes that came out last year. They’re rather good, and the “shoot me” is clearer. Clever of George M to choose the more ambiguous take for the record.
H.P. Saucecraft says
Unfortunately, not quite ambiguous enough.
Moose the Mooche says
….Americans are so literal,. aren’t they?
H.P. Saucecraft says
Talking of Americans, Moose – have you seen that video of Trump where he’s “firing” an Obam-alike in his office after giving him a thorough dressing-down?
What’s that you say? Passed the Double Hamper mark already? As you were, then.
Moose the Mooche says
I can’t weave those baskets fast enough!
Pssst. Got any sharp objects?
H.P. Saucecraft says
Not in here, mate. I’m writing this with a crayon.
Mike_H says
No wonder Moosey was missing for so long.
Desperately searching for wicker supplies. And tinned goods. Then weaving, weaving, weaving.
Moose the Mooche says
My hands are so sore.
H.P. Saucecraft says
Mrbellows says
Has anyone got a tin opener?
Moose the Mooche says
Dude, that stuff is fifty years old. Get a blowtorch.
Mike_H says
Dynamite. Just a single stick should do it.
atcf says
Who are these Beatles you speak of? Are they any good?
H.P. Saucecraft says
They’re a great pop group who peaked early, ran out of ideas, and blamed their girlfriends for splitting them up.