…but it helps!
He wants the USA to take over Greenland and also annex Canada. He also take over the running of the Panama Canal and rename the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America.
Oh and wind turbines are “driving the whales crazy”.
Shall we just leave this thread open for the next 4 years? It will be a great source of passive hamper income for me.
He’s joking about Canada .. .I think.
However Canada is in a political crisis partly fuelled by him with the Liberal government falling apart under his ridiculous sanctions threats. Unfortunatey, a certain Pierre Poilievre looks like soon becoming Canadian PM, which is also pretty scary. Google him.
I’m not sure Trump can truly joke about anything. As some observers have said, he is not often seen properly smiling or laughing. Usually he comes out with some random statement and it is his apologists who say, “He’s joking” or, more typically, “No, you didn’t understand – that was a joke.”
I haven’t been paying as much attention this time round as I can hardly bear to look at him anymore, but I haven’t noticed many MAGA people coming forward to say his Canada comments are another example of Trump’s “humour”.
I wonder what those who voted for him expected. Did they think he was going to be better or more normal/presidential than last time?
He is not yet in power but he already seems to be turning whole countries against America, going back on election promises about immigrants and lowering prices, coming out with these claims about the Gulf of Mexico, etc.
His list of priorities now seems so different to those of average Americans, and how long it will be before millions of his supporters realise that they might have made a mistake?
Can you actually just buy another country? It’s great idea to be fair. I might see if Sir Keir will put in an offer for Spain.
Well … I seem to recall that the US purchased Alaska from Russia in 1867 for $7.2 million. Bargain!
And Louisiana etc
Alternatively you don’t bother wasting money, you just annex the land as the US did, taking Texas off Mexico’s hands.
He’s going to end the Ukraine war in one day though, so there’s that.
Yep he is going to incorporate Ukraine into the USA as the 51st state. He is going to drop the UK because his advisor has told him we are batshit crazy.
One week into a New Year, it seems the whole world is getting batshit crazier and crazier with every passing day
It’s no coincidence that supervillains have taken over the world since James Bond died. No Time to Die related September 2021, Putin invades Ukraine Feb 22. Makes you think, eh?
James Bond died? What?
He’s up there now, with Gerry Rafferty.
what are you saying about Gerry Rafferty!!
“No one likes us, we dont know why… Let’s drop the big one now.”
As true today as when it was written, it will also be just as true years after we’re dead and gone when round after round of future American shitheads continue to vote another obviously befuddled, malignantly venal prick into office.
The worrying thing is the pricks the US – and indeed the rest of the world – elects get more and more malignant and venal every time.
As ghastly as they were at the time, Reagan and Bush Jr look like beacons of reason compared to the troll that is about to leave his bridge and take up residency in the Oval Office in two weeks time.
The even more worrying thing is that how much more malignantly venal can malignantly venal get?
This feels like yet another gish gallop. Ignore what he says, watch what he actually does.
One of the many, many problems with him is that he says these things and, whether he does anything about them or forgets about them the second they’ve left his mouth (which may be more likely), other people/countries have to respond to them or think about them.
I am sure the Danish government, for example, have more urgent things to deal with than whether the US is going to buy/invade Greenland, but still some department now has to spend valuable time considering how to respond.
And what repercussions are there for Trump when he causes so much international consternation and stress? None whatsoever, as we have seen. He can just go blithely on, ready to make his next pronouncement re firing nukes at hurricanes, injecting bleach, etc.
Sooner or later everyone has to realise that this stuff is almost certainly strategic, and just stop reacting to absolutely everything he says. He has far too many people on strings.
Meanwhile, somewhere, someone opens a school for snipers.
Yep. For the last few months I’ve decided to try putting emotion aside and dispassionately viewing him and his comments as I would other politicians. It’s been instructive and has changed my opinion of him.
His advisers are no fools.
Sort of like Ronald McDonald and the people that actually make and serve the food? That makes sense.
I guess so. Don’t quite understand your reply, but then I’ve had a few whiskies.
I think I was mostly trying to get across that Ronald McDonald and Donald Trump are both really annoying but that the food in McDonalds is passable and, hopefully, so will the US Government.
Taking a leaf out of Nixon’s playbook when visiting China in the early 1970s.
Mao and his henchman all believed Tricky Dicky to be a madman – a notion he and Kissinger did nothing to disabuse them of
I remember when it was called Bejam.
Alas Bejam begat Iceland.
I was already of the opinion that it would be a nightmare having this TUPOS as incumbent for the USA/Mexico/Canada World Cup beforehe started pissing off Canada and Mexico..
Expand Americas territory, by military means if necessary …*cough* Putin
I find the whole situation so depressing I can barely read the news any more.
Yep. Think I am finally going to quit social media too (Facebook). Mainly a foul cesspit of idiots with idiotic views and now no more 3rd party vetting of content of posts.
Donations to Trump’s inaugural fund:
Meta $1M
Apple $1M
Google $1M
Amazon $1M
Which channel are you on and what time(s) do your bulletins go out?
Oh the bantz. 🙄
More at the top of the hour…
When he’s waving hands over *here*, we should really be looking at what’s going on over *there*
Trump is the clown in this show. Elon Musk is the one to keep an eye on.
Just wait till he gets that black tailored uniform with the peaked cap and the shiny jackboots.
He is making lots of stuff up that is not even remotely credible and will then take full credit when things turn out to be better than he said they were.
Regarding Canada, this all could be just smoke and mirrors for a new trade deal. We supply electricity to some states and lots of oil to the US. However we need them more than they need us.
I’d forgotten this crap. Armed with a giant splurge gun of bullshit, Trump will threaten, ‘muse’ and wilfully misinform for the next four years and the world will have to investigate whether his ramblings are feasable. And he’ll spout even more nonsense while we’re catching up. It’s exhausting.
I’d suggest that instead of paying overdue attention to the stream of babble that issues from it’s flabby orange maw it might be better for everyone to cool their jets for now and wait until he takes office then pay full attention to what he and his cabal of none of the talents actually do.
Flabby Orange Maw – TMFTL
Wise words
Here’s a prediction though: the US is going to have unprecedented social unrest this year and beyond. Add Trump to the natural disasters of climate change, to name only two factors in the mix, and there seems very little chance of domestic peace there.
We’ll just have to do our best to keep it confined to there, then.
Just to add my admiration for the phrase “flabby orange maw”. It almost makes his very existence have a point.
I’ve seen the nickname Tangerine Palpatine used and I’m not proud of myself for repeating it.
Wasn’t that originally by Marc Bolan?
Excellent response!
I had been a keen watcher of US liberal news media in the run up to the election, rather enjoying watching him making a fool of himself and his followers. Then he won and I stepped away from them all. How on earth could any reasonable person want him as a Head or Stafe? Great job, USA. You should have jailed his mushy ass years ago.
I’ve only recently been paying attention again and yep, he’s as nasty and stupid as ever. Even on the death of Jimmy Carter, while praising him as a good man,he had to make a dig about some of his administrative failures.
What a ****. I wish him nothing but abject failure.
I understand that he and or his team understand much more about how government works now so it could be worse than before. I often wonder who really is Trump’s puppet master.
Not just his but the bulk of the House Republicans. Though I’m not a conspiracy man. It is probably what it looks like; a perfect storm of weak venal right wing fundamentalists playing with all the matches there are.
Also my delightful typo above, ‘Head or Stafe’. Head of State. Captain Bananafingers to the recsue. 😁