I’ve stumbled upon the fact that Wuthering Heights Day exists. A day when people – mainly, but not entirely, women – gather together and re-enact Kate Bush’s Wuthering Heights video moves, in costume.
From youtube, it seems that it happens all over the world.
What a wonderful, life-affirming, albeit slightly bonkers thing. A bit like the women herself. Its existence cheered up my day and perhaps it will cheer up yours too. So here’s the Sydney event.
And here’s the original, for reference:
The original is by some woman called Bronte, I’m told.
Good effort on an Afterword t-shirt there. However, strictly speaking, the original was by Ellis Bell.
Currer, Ellis, William… what a family.
Joking aside, that song still has the power to send shivers up my spine even after hearing it a squillion times over the last forty years.
You know, i dont think I’ve ever seen that video? I think I’ve only ever seen the TOTP performance.
Yes it’s brilliant isn’t it! Love it.
I was out and about yesterday shopping with my teenage children and one shop played Cloudbusting – which was a pleasant change. And about 30 mins later in another shop – Wuthering Heights. I don’t think Kate really “broke” the USA (I’m on holday in Hawaii) so after being surprised/pleased I had a very dark thought. Happily it was just a coincidence,
What dark thought? The USA is broken?
That she was no longer with us. I am sure there were many people oblivious to news of Bowie’s death wondering why they kept hearing Bowie songs that day.
When George Michael died I was on a coach trip in Australia, four hours of Wham! and George on the radio on seemingly endless repeat.
Sounds about standard for Australian commercial radio.
I get anxious these days when I hear an unexpected track from a favourite artist on the radio. Tonight on RTE Lyric I heard two tracks in a row from an elderly AW favourite (I don’t want to mention the name for fear of putting a hex on him) and waited anxiously for the bad news. Thankfully it was a false alarm.
The thing that still amazes me about Cloudbursting is that it is, essentially, a true story. You can actually rent a cottage at Orgonon, if you fancy staying there: http://www.wilhelmreichtrust.org
Hawaii, eh? Cool.
I love Kate, but wouldn’t be too bothered if I never heard that song again.
Always like her music, really cringe at all the pop-eyed swanning about. Hair has a lot to answer for.
And Lindsay Kemp, I think.
I love Kate Bush, I must’ve seen her a thousand times on tour. At least I think it was her, it was difficult to tell and may have just been Pamela Stephenson in a leotard.
Works for me
I’m glad I live in a world where Wuthering Heights Day can exist, but I suspect I would find the participants unbearably smug and twee. I think a Billy Squire “Rock Me Tonight” day would be vastly superior.
I see that a guy took an inflatable guitar to the Berlin one, so he could do some air guitar to the solo. So, you know, it’s a broad church.
I only heard about this event yesterday-apparently there was a gathering in Fairview Park in Dublin. Not my favourite KB song but it’s great that this exists – long may it last.
That is very funny indeed.
I can see one of those from my kitchen window and there’s a bush half way between. Didn’t know Kate was working in a garage! Well, outside one actually,
We stumbled on the Folkestone on Saturday morning. Good fun, and I have to say nobody looked even a little bit smug. Some of them couldn’t wait to hit the bar afterwards though.
Afterwards, he could wander over to the Chris De Burgh convention.
Don’t pay the ferryman!
At school in 1988 me and two mates had a “Going Way Back” week. This consisted of playing “Going Way Back” by Just Ice, quite loud, on the stereo in the music block every break and dinner time for five days. I even attempted to transcribe the lyrics, not easy as it namedrops loads of obscure (to us) Bronx hip hop artists from the mid-70s.
Fuckin’ nut jobs.
This always raises a smile.
I love this sort of stuff. That’s right up there with the Richard Cheese version of Down With the Sickness.
Nice one Cheshire. That UOGB version in inspired.
I wonder what the Bronte Sisters would make of this. Operatic, Finnish, Goth babe warbling her way through a heavy metal version of a song inspired by one of their novels in front of thousands of Brazilian metalheads. The moors of Yorkshire feel very distant!
The Brighton Shambush event is hilarious. Seriously tongue in cheek.
Brighton is my favourite so far. it’s the instructions that make it.
Someone has uploaded this high quality video of KB’s concert at Manchester Apollo on 10 April 1979.
Can some kind soul tell me how I can download a copy of this to a Mac?
I use this program ……
It’s pretty easy to use, but note that whilst it will cope with most, it will not download ALL YouTube videos, so try before you buy.
I’ll try it later when I can get on the Mac, and let you know if successful (and I should be able to stick it on Dropbox or similar for you)
@lando-cakes – looks like the download worked okay. I will upload to OneDrive and send you a link via PM.
Thank you kindly. Much appreciated.