I’m guessing that Bri has been booted off the Blog given the lack of psychedelic ramblings greeting us each morning? I know his last post re “What have women ever done for us?” bordered, if not downright exploded into, offensiveness and that he has had repeated warnings about multiple postings but can someone from the Admin Office confirm if he has indeed been banned?
Like everyone on here I marvel at the work our Admins do (apart from the brown envelopes stuffed full of cash each month, unpaid work too) and I have no wish to get into any debate about the rights or wrongs of any decision that may or may not have been made by them but I think we should know, in the broadest of detail if necessary, what went on?
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Ah, was that what that “thanks for letting me in” post that vanished was?
Hmm I assumed he took a “sabbatical”.
Anyone know what Twang’s up to? Any prospect of a return?
Jeff’s gone quiet too, for some reason…
Twang’s busy having a life. He may return in time.
Hey! When you want “a life” how do you start? Where d’you go? Who d’you need to know?
(Asking for a friend. Like I have friends..)
I have no idea as I have no life myself. You’ll have to ask Twang when he comes back.
I have met Twang and Twang Jnr. TJ is a little younger than my lad. If Twang’s life is anything like mine, he’s busy doing Dad’s Taxi runs while Jnr has all the fun.
It apparently stops briefly when they’re 17 and can drive, until they’re 18 and can legally go drinking and need picking up at all hours.
Except we are now having to cajole son into doing A level work rather than spending time gaming and making the beast with two backs with girlfriend. Oh, he shows no sign of being bothered about driving yet.
Oh crikey, why did nobody warn me he might turn out just like I did? Except it was records, not games, in my day.
A pigeon arrives from the West Coast bearing a message – “I have been expelled, no longer welcome, I am a non-person”.
See you at the bar at nine this evening for the first “Free The Vancouver One” meeting….
It seems there is one rule for one and one rule for another on here. Bri was harmless and never called anyone a cunt…then again it depends who your pals are on here. Dosen’t it Admins?
I dont know any of the current admins but I’m sure they are all lovely
Bloody hell DFB, you also done it?
You do know that the stars of the Afterword have agents and top-class legal representation, don’t you? Bri comes across as a relaxed, knockabout Big Lebowski Dude de nos jours, but make no mistake – this is a Business and they operate with as much cold-hearted avarice as the most extreme hedge fund managers or Craig David fans.
The scales fell from my eyes when I bumped into Middlerabbit at the airport on holiday. “Get in there – grab all that you can – and then get the hell out”. He turned left when we got on the plane.
Well, the meeting, I think, went very well.
Very vocal in support of Bri were
Gary ( much shorter in real life but still awfully cute)
Ruby (bit of a surprise to find out he’s a trucker from Southport)
Moose (easily identifiable by the rolled-up copy of Caravanning Monthly)
Tiggerlion ( nice gloves although I must admit I found the tight red leather trousers somewhat unsettling)
We have 3 demands, 2 of which are not suitable for daytime reading, the most important being “WHAT HAPPENED TO BRI????”
C’mon, Admins/Mods – WHAT HAPPENED TO BRI????
That night we met at the Burtonwood Service Station with my HGV full of animal feed, you promised me you wouldn’t give my secret away. I will now reveal that we were there in the dead of night to swap Sufjan Stevens rare boots and reminisce about how it was all so much better in the 70s.
I wear those boots to this day even though they are very, very small.
ps forgot to give my thanks to Bargepole: not sure what I will do with 17 copies of “Yes: The Playschool Years ” but the Robert Fripp t-shirt I shall wear with pride
The leather pants were for Ruby’s benefit. I hear she likes red.
I prefer green leather pants- they match my Eddie Stobart uniform.
Damn! Green doesn’t suit me.
To clarify; are we talking pants as in trousers, or undergrollies?
Trousers. As you already know, I don’t sweat but leather grollies is pushing it.
Doesn’t anybody know that grollies are bogeys?
A day in that London always gives me leather brollies. (Or London Black Bogey to give it’s medical name)
Imagine our surprise on finding out you were so young! You come across as so mature on here. And I must say, we all think you’re doing a jolly fine job with the ‘Free The Vancouver One’ campaign, but to be honest Tarquin (may I call you Tarquin, now that we’ve met?) we’re a little worried that it’s interfering with your studies. O Levels are far more important than justice, as I’m sure your mother would agree.
You may indeed call me Tarquin. Mum gave me permission to go to the pub last night, who knew vodka tasted of nothing? I like the way you , despite your stature, refuse to wear those ridiculous platform boots although I did notice the barman asked for your ID and not mine (surprised actually he could see you all the way down there).
I’m confident I can Free Bri and get all my O-levels ( Home Economics, Woodwork and Media Studies since you ask) but I have to go ring Ruby now – he promised to show me what’s underneath his bonnet.
Bri is over-wintering in Alaska. He was last seen surrounded by huskies, smoking a spliff and huddled into the corner of his makeshift igloo. Come the spring he will be meeting up with Jingle Jangle and herding caribou.
Just to be clear, are we talking about virtual Bri, his mind, or his physical body?
I’m guessing at least one of the above is on a higher astral plane.
By the way Steve, sitting here on my settee listening to The Dead (Boulder 81) – what a revelation the Fiio X1 is! Years of listening to an iPod, what a fool I was…..
Now that I’ve ensnared you, your next mission is to buy better headphones.
The X1 will drive almost anything except high-impedance cans like my Audeze magneplanar thingies (you need the extra grunt of the X3 or X5 to drive those to my preferred eyeball-wobbling levels).
Remember, cans inject the sound straight into your lugs with no room acoustics to mask them. And they vary in sound a lot. Take the X1 to a shop and try some out – it will easily drive cans up to the £300-400 price range.
My new cans cost several grand – 36DDs! I’ve had to start wearing my Fiio higher so the headphone cable can reach around my new enhanced curves..
Currently listening through Philips Fidelio which when I bought them a couple of years back were gathering rave reviews for headphones under £300. (think they were on offer for 200 smackers-ish)
My only gripe, or more particularly the continual gripe of Mrs W, is the sound leakage. “Like sitting next to that annoying git on the tube ” she (often) says.
Any recommendations for reasonably high-quality over-not -in cans what don’t leak?
Off the top of my head, I quite liked the Beyer T51p but I prefer over-ear to on-ear cans and they’re a very different balance to the Fideleo. Oppo PM3 are pretty good but planar magnetic so need lots of grunt.
There’s a thread which Moosey started, probably last year, and I posted a long list.
A top-tip* to test for sound leakage. Try a pair of closed-back cans on in a shop (ideally a large, open-plan department store). Have a friend play something really loud over the biggest speakers in the shop while you wear the cans. If you can hear the salesman yelling “Jesus, turn it down!” then they leak sound – if sound goes in, it also comes out.
(*) not recommended, but it worked for me. After being ignored by the salesman for ages, he was suddenly very keen to sell me the Beyers and get me out of the shop. I still use them for live work – I can hear a pin drop, even with a PA system at full tilt.
But new cans would only solve half of Mrs W’s problem. . . 🙂
I’m sure Mrs W, like Mrs F, has got used to being married to an annoying git by now.
Mrs F has even found a solution to my spending money on kit, and found herself a job earning considerably more than me.
Last attempt Mods/Admins – What happened to Bri??
Wot? Like this..?
Fun fact! This was the film that caused Brian Wilson to freak out one night in 1966, when he saw it at the cinema and was convinced it was a ploy by Phil Spector to drive him bananas.
It’s not really their job to keep us informed of everyone’s status is it? They’d be at it 24/7
It’s not status here. I am reliably informed (by an admittedly unreliable if likeable character) that Bri has been flung overboard by The Admins with nowt but a “you’re not welcome anymore” explanation.
Me and the other members of my committee think it only fair we know why??
“What happened to Bri?”
The words seemed to hang for an eternity in the sterile, temperature regulated air of the meeting room. On the other side of the desk furtive, sidelong looks were exchanged as the men and women in lab coats collectively fumbled a response.
I shifted uneasily in my seat, trying to maintain eye contact as I did so. The plastic bindings were starting to bite into my wrists, and the discomfort reminded me that not only had I not eaten or slept in 36 hours, but that i’d
voluntarily placed myself in the lion’s den.
Back across the table, the Mods remained silent. Then, suddenly, a walkie talkie was raised to lips, a muttered instruction was delivered and they filed out, leaving me alone to contemplate the pass at which I’d now arrived. I knew for a fact that others had preceded me in this room. Good men and women, who only wanted to speak their minds and who had paid the ultimate price. Guardians of the right to shitpost through the night and slag off the wimmins. Where were they now, I wondered?
I was brought back to reality with a jolt as the door creaked open and a figure appeared before me. And it was Bri.
When I first clapped eyes on him I laughed. A laugh partly of disbelief, partly of joy, but mainly of relief. I hadn’t even got to the end of the laugh before it curdled in my throat. Something wasn’t right.
I inspected him more closely. His eyes, once so fiery and alert, were dead now, two dark, sullen pools in an empty skull. His hands hung limply by his sides and he stared straight ahead, seemingly unable to recognise me. I looked closer, and located a well hidden but still visible surgical scar across the top of his forehead, vanishing into his hairline.
“Top 100 Argentinian Tango tracks”, he murmured.
“Bri… I”
“Is it just me or was food better in the 70s”
“Bri – please, don’t…”
“This place isn’t as good as it used to be”
“ATM: Backing up my iTunes library”
I threw back my head and screamed. And the scream brought catharsis, and then fear, and then – finally – the void. And I was glad of it.
I can see this as a contemporary version of One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest. Now, who would play Nurse Ratched?
Excellent. Bravo!
But Bingo, don’t you remember? Bri’s always had that scar. We all do. He’s one of us. One of us.
Stop making me laugh! It hurts to… COUGH…
“Argh, that’s got it!”
More to the point what happened to Shughie McFee? Excluded because the production team wouldn’t build a new set after the motel fire. A disgrace. I demand to know what the admins have to say about THAT!
Before this thread gets forgotten about, I’d like to add my voice to those wanting to know what has happened to Bri, and why he has been removed from the site. I’m aware that some of his postings have crossed the line on occasions, but I can’t say I’ve ever been particularly offended by anything he’s written. While I’m aware that he’s been warned about multiple postings, I never found any of them particularly annoying, and many of them were amusing, albeit perhaps unintentionally.
Bri has PM’d me recently, and I know he is missing being able to interact with us all. No one is asking for a blow-by-blow explanation, and the Admins may feel unable to break confidences, but the complete radio silence on the matter seems a little odd. As Lodes says above, Bri may have been given the order of the boot with a ‘you’re not welcome here any more’ explanation, but I’m not entirely sure that ‘not being welcome’ reflects the views of all of us.
This is a broad church – lots of us have our little foibles that grate on each other from time to time, but surely there’s room for us all, and we all muddle along together in a pretty civilised manner. I thought one of the things we were all most proud of about the site was its tolerance and inclusiveness.
What he said (and I wish I had said it like that)
Shame if he has been banned, but he has been given ample opportunities to reign in some of his eccentricities I believe.
But why would anyone want him to reign in any of his eccentricities? People’s eccentricities make this place more entertaining.
Hear hear.
There’s eccentric, and there’s hostile. Or patronizing. Or nasty. Or just your basic trolling. So where to draw the line….I could care less about multiple postings. Anyone could write themselves a 200 post thread and it wouldn’t mean much to me. It’s what is said that’s at issue.
I have been mailed privately by The Admins who don’t wish to discuss any of Brigate in public. Apparently ‘sufficient’ warning was given to Bri although, at least to me, it remains unclear what his crimes actually were.
I for one think we should be told but now is the time for me to bow out of this debate. My last remark is that The Admins generally do a brilliant job, especially on the technical side of things, but perhaps they have got this one wrong?
Thanks Lodey. Were it not for your sterling detective work I would not even have been aware that there was a Brigate at all. Whole thing seems a bit rum to me.
Well at least you got a reply Lodes, which is more than I did. A rum do indeed. Even murderers get the right of appeal.
Indeed. But they wouldn’t do if judges volunteered their time for free and murder was absolutely bloody trivial but extremely annoying.
I’m Team Mods. If it were down to me I’d have banned half the people on here loooooong ago. And then I’d ban anyone who moaned about it, for good measure.
Let me tell you something, mi compadre: you guys have been coddled. I’m not your girlfriend, I’m not your camp counselor, and I’m not your sixth-grade teacher you had a crush on.
Yebbut, one man’s annoying is another man’s amusing.
I meant annoying to the Mods.
That’s where I come at this from: we all may or may not have found Bri amusing, but if he was repeatedly irritating the Mods and requiring their attention then that’s not cool, is it?
It’s my impression that you have to work pretty hard to get kicked off this blog, the moderation has always been light touch and I’m guessing all those involved have busy lives/other things they need to be doing. They don’t ask much of us, and it did rather seem at times that Bri was trying to push all the various buttons to see what would happen.
You’re probably right, although I often got the impression he was too out of it to be fully aware of what was going on!
Yeah, that’s probably true too!
Tonight you pukes will sleep with your rifles!
“I’m not your camp counselor” – Unclear as to exactly which part of this description you’re in denial about, Bing old chap.
Why, the “or” on the end of course, darling.
Bungliemutt – we can assure you that you did get a reply to your email – 23rd Jan at 23:23. Check your junk folder or send another contact form and we’ll forward it again
Yes, thanks Mods, I’ve finally found your response in my spam folder. Appreciate the reply, and fully accept your decision – just seems a bit of a shame all round really, both for Bri and for the rest of us.
I agree if one of us is banned then us should at least know they have been banned.
Course he can always setup new name and email and none would be the wiser ….. errr
Rules is rules, innit? I rather liked Bri’s overnight rambles but if that’s why he’s been turfed out he can’t say he wasn’t given enough chances. Whether anyone actually minded that particular kind of overposting is another question.
I generally found Bri harmless although I do remember him being very rude to a longtime poster who, AFAIK, never returned. Of course, this could have been coincidence but Bri was very out of order on that occasion.
IIRC, that was one one of Bri’s tl;dr responses to a typically thoughtful piece from Ah_Bisto. Probably just a stoned, throwaway remark, but it was rude and unnecessary, and those things can hurt. I know whose absence I miss more.
It was a lot stronger than that but yes, it was directed at Bisto.
That was me actually. Not stoned or drunk. Just a throwaway one liner that relied on the preceding, thoughtful post which was a lengthy and enjoyable rumination on reading.
Of course I regret the outcome.
Ah, so I didn’t remember correctly after all. I do seem to remember that, for some reason, that thread had bad vibes all over it. I was sad to see Ah_Bisto go. Always a thoughtful and knowledgeable contributor – wasn’t there an epic stoner anthems thread in which he dragged dozens of obscure tracks out of the woodwork – right up Bri’s street. We’d also had some interesting exchanges on Manchester’s post-war trad. jazz scene, which my father had been involved in.
I can appreciate the potential comedy value of the tl;dr gambit. But it’s a dangerous ploy. Invariably it comes across as smug and disdainful. I understand that wasn’t your intention now, but set against the general tone of the comments it probably didn’t go down too well. Be good to have a virtual group hug and see Bisto come back into the fold.
I think you’d need to re-read the thread tbh, Martin.
Apologies @badartdog. Wish I’d never got involved in this thread, now. Memory playing tricks. Should have checked first.
Oh, and FWIW, I never particularly subscribed to the cult of Bri, but his expulsion does seem a bit harsh.
As others have said, keeping this place functioning is a balancing act. Complete laissez-faire would never work, and I guess that’s something all posters have to take on board.
The elephant in the room here is that while the most liberal AWers are happy to come out and say ‘Hey, what’s the problem?’, those who didn’t care for the tone or content of many of Bri’s posts are rather hamstrung – if anyone says so they’ll be branded a prude or a censor or whatever.
I’m aware that some people who won’t say so publically have those views. Personally, I feel the admins made the right call, if he’d been warned. I felt the tone was sometimes nasty/deliberately controversial and I didn’t care for it. A site like this can be a delicate balance – like a wedding reception where all sorts of diverse people are gathered together, brought there by something shared (knowing the bride/groom or their families, or liking a certain kind of ‘musings on the byways…’ and banter in our case). Having or two drunken uncles, say, in the room may be okay, may add to the general rarefied atmosphere, but if that were to multiply, a lot of people become uncomfortable.
I don’t have a problem saying that if there were 3 or 4 people here posting with the tone and vibe of Bri, I’d be inclined to slip away. So I understand why the admins have to make a judgement call to keep the tone of the site something that most/all the participants feel comfortable with.
I always thought he was a bit of an arsehole, myself.
Which bit ?
Let’s face it, Bri may have been “amusing” a fair bit of the time but mostly the laughs were “at” him rather than “with” him, which may have exacerbated the problem.
Class Clown Syndrome.
There were moments of proper no-harm mutual fun, but not really all that many that I can remember.
At other times he was a real irritant and occasionally just plain offensive.
If he was making the Mods job more difficult than it should be and he wasn’t prepared to behave better, then the obvious decision had to be and eventually was made.
Poor lad never got his head round the time-difference thing. We weren’t responding because most of us were asleep. (And when we did wake up, we didn’t have a Scooby’s what he was on about anyway, but that’s another story). His resulting attempts to wake us up and get our attention became progressively more manic. We’ve done him a favour really.
To be honest when we hadn’t heard from him for a while, I assumed he’d dug one of his famous big holes while spannered and then fallen into it .
As someone who often overnights on the AW I got to observe Bri quite literally talking to himself on more than one occasion – hence multiple posts. I thought this daftness added to the colour of the place like KFD’s North European videos, sudden spurts of smutty innuendo, or I’m-backing-out-of-the-thread-now heartfelt confessionals. But he did begin to drop some quite aggressive and unwarranted remarks. It was almost like – as much as Lodey and others might have wanted to keep him around – he was trying his damnedest to taunt the powers to escort him to the exit.
Begs the question, though: lots of posters have fallen away over the years but it never occurred to me that – apart from that bloke trying to sell the digital watches or jewellery or whatever some years back – anyone had actually been shut out.
Yes, how many left of their own choice and how many were… hang on, that’s the doorbell, I’ll be back in a minute….
(Hello? Hi. What are you lot doing here… ow…. what are you??!…. no! … stop that… help! Help! Hel…. mmmmf gmph …)
I wonder what the AW equivalent is of the excommunication ritual of bell, book and candle?
1. A sonorous note on a crumhorn is sounded
2. A copy of Revolution in the Head is snapped shut
3. The glowing light of a VU meter on a vintage valve amp is painted over with a thick coating of Fray Bentos gravy
Revolver sits patiently on the desk while Whiskey In The Jar is consumed.
4. A Richard Thompson-“style” beret is cast to the ground
5. A sorrowful minute’s silence is observed where no-one makes the Gerry Rafferty joke
6. Fanfare for the Common Man plays – and then we’re back in business
But it’s not a beret, it’s a, um, I forget, but someone pointed this out a while back.
…the top of a Royal Mail postbox?
Probably me. It is a [clears throat], a …. Balmoral!
[Pauses to acknowledge applause until having to settle the audience with an indulgent smile and a gentle ‘hands pushing down’ gesture] Oh, thank you, thank! I’ll see you all again soon.
That’s the fella. (The tragedy is I spent ages, OK, 10 minutes or so, scouring the web looking for: types of beret, thompson beret etc etc. But this is the hell of the afterwor(l)d……..)
I think I saw Gyles Brandreth wearing one last night on This Week. He was doing a spoof of Call the Midwife, and spent quite a lot of time talking up a woman’s frontispiece.
Rock and roll!!!
I know I said I had finished but just to make it clear – I have no real idea re whether or not Bri was a good thing for the blog: he certainly could be annoying, sometimes was offensive and most of the time I had no idea what he was talking about.
When it became apparent he had been expelled I asked the Mods if they could explain. Then Bri mailed me to say he had been given no proper reason. I have no means of knowing if this is true or not apart from the fact when he’s not stoned he seems a regular sort of guy not prone to distorting the facts.
I personally think The Mods could still give us the reasons behind Bri’s dismissal but this really is my last word.
I’ve no idea what our Mods said to Bri in justification of banning him and I really don’t think what they told him about their decision should be made public. It’s strictly a matter between him and them.
For what it’s worth, I’m more inclined to trust our Mods to explain to Bri why they decided to ban him than I am to trust Bri to accept their decision as reasonable and not complain about it.
And my last word on the subject is to explain that there was a late night post a few days ago by someone new who sounded a lot like Bri. I made a jokey remark asking if the new person was a reincarnation of Bri, at which point the ‘new’ person revealed themselves as Bri and the Mods promptly deleted the thread and got rid of Bri’s new identity. Bri then PM’d me to say how much he was missing being able to interact with us, and that he didn’t know why he had been booted off the site.
Like Lodes, I’ve no way of knowing if Bri was being strictly honest about this, but there was a particularly offensive late night thread along the lines of ‘what have women ever done for us?’ that was equally swiftly deleted after it appeared a few weeks ago, and which I suspect was Bri’s last stand on the blog.
I enjoyed his late night ramblings in the main, but fully accept that his amusement value had probably become outweighed more recently by less attractive tendencies.
….”interact with us”… amuses me. Is he short of people in his life constantly asking him what the blue blazes he’s talking about? I know I’m not.
Well I’m starting to miss him, now I know he’s gone. If that makes sense. He was always nice to me when he replied to any of my comments.
Did he make offensive remarks? I can only assume I missed them – maybe they were deleted before I saw them!
Presumably Bri can read all these posts. Must be one weird experience reading them and not being able to post. …. *waves*
Did he ever talk about music?
Yes. We once got his live blog of him listening to Aladdin Sane.. every single track on the album in a separate thread. Brilliant, it was.
Brilliant- am going to do a re-enactment later. Can life get any better than this?
Oh no- his posts have all gone. Can life get any worse than this?
He did indeed. He was the only other AWer, apart from moi, who understood that David Sylvian is the musical genius of our time.
I was going to respond, favourably for merely so doing, to the mods explanation post at the current head of the blog. But the clever baskets have made it no reply.
What other strange magic do they know?
I break my promise yet again but thought you should know that Bri mailed me with a “Time for me to walk away” message.
You should also know he signed off in typical Brianese which made me laugh “Heuvos Rancheros, Mon Ami”.
I, for one, will miss him.
That’s sad
Unhelpful comment coming up….
People really get in a lather over this sort of stuff don’t they? The flounces, the announcemebts that they are going to take a break, enigmatic silent periods, and then returning to explain why they’ve been away,…. the DMs, the sidebar chats with the Mods. None of this matters. Post whenever you feel like it. Just try not to be a prick. There will always be a bunch of people here (hopefully).
Afterword t shirt
Try not to be a prick
You could just substitute a down arrow for the last word… to avoid offending anyone 😂😂😂
(Bri tribute)
In Bri’s more lucid moments, we had some very pleasant PMs about music kit. Digging holes for a living made him enough dough to splash out on some nice gear. Naim wireless speaker for the kitchen and a seriously expensive Sony semi-pro ambient recorder.
I hope he’s happy now, bashing away on his drum kit.
Can we please ask everyone to keep any personal comments positive. Negative comments about a member of the site, former or otherwise, aren’t welcome and can still be read by anyone, the individual included.
I can’t stand Mooche – he’s all northern and bitter and everything. I like Gary, though…. short but perfect
I am not bitter. I am mild.
A man of stout resolve.
A true lager than life character.
You know it, shugah!
Now that the discussion has been concluded, perhaps we should delete the thread? Lodey, if you agree, I think you just ask the Mods to delete it and as if by magic…
Not sure why it should be deleted but if that’s a consensus opinion then nae probs.
Oh great. All my wonderful jokes for nothing? That’s it, I’m off into the woods with a spliff.
Can we at least leave the bit about me being perfect?
But that appears on pretty much every thread on the site, to be fair… even, bizarrely, Bargepole’s A Night In With An Interminable Prog Box-set.
Yeah I know, but this is the first time someone other than me has pointed it out.
You could start a petition to have it written into that little copyright message at the bottom of the page.
But only Lodes and I would sign it. And even Lodes would probably only sign it the once. ‘Sides, I think the current slogan is already about me.
It’s me and Gary on bongos!
Kind of ironic that at the same time as banning Bri – after repeatedly warning him that his multiple posts kicked everyone else’s contributions down the blog page – the Mods should pin a thread of their own choice to the top of the list for 10 days, and another for five.
Also ironic that two threads about Bri have had more responses than any of his own threads.
Poor lad.
All quiet on The Island last night – sleeping it off I expect (I hope)
I think the reminder in Moderation In All Things is important and should be pinned to the top of the blog for some days. It needs to be read by everyone but isn’t a post that will get many comments.
My favourite thing about Moose’s thread putting together a playlist for Bri is that Moose contributes the first half a dozen countries comments, talking to himself just as Bri used to.
It won’t get any comment cos you can’t comment cos the Mods made it so you can’t comment
What’s the catch? Catch 71!
“Talking to myself” suggests that there are other people on here who could conceivably respond . Real people.
Crazy talk.
Haven’t you caught on yet, Tigger? Everyone on here, including you, is a figment of a Boy From Hull’s imagination…
….and that vintage cheddar I had before bedtime is some gooooood shit!