I’ve been on one of my occasional Afterword breaks. I’m back to share something for the few fans of The Kane Gang that hang around here…First paragraph here. Link in the box…
Twitter can be a force for good if you curate it carefully, find like-minded souls and keep away from those subjects. At least that’s what I’ve found and so it proved again when, after seeing a tweet from The Kane Gang celebrating 40 years since the release of Small Town Creed, I idly suggested that I would make The Kane Gang my next Toppermost. I tagged singer, songwriter, hat wearer Martin Brammer with the thought that he might like to contribute. To my delight and surprise Martin responded that he’d be happy to and we arranged to chat over the phone. We spent over an hour discussing everything from his early years in Seaham through to writing songs for the likes of Tina Turner. Along the way we discussed a joint Kane Gang top ten. It was fascinating and illuminating and I’d love to share it all with you.
Lodestone of Wrongness says
As one who has listened to not one note of Kane, I found that jolly interesting. Nice writing!
Clive says
I disagree that you’ve never heard them … do the words Oooh Gary Davies mean nothing to you?
Tiggerlion says
Great work, Dave. The Afterword needs your enthusiasm for the eighties.
Clive says
Almost wore that album out while I was at uni