We may not need them now but we did once eh? No gig was complete without the purchase of an over-priced glossy programme and a badge. Doing some tidying up/clearing out I came across a little trove from gigs past – all at least 30 years old, I think.
So I took this photo. Can you name them (band/artist and tour?) And do you, reader, have any of your own that you’d like to share?
Rush, Genesis, Bobby Dylan, Stevie Hackett, no I`m not on first name terms, Sad Cafe, Marillion or is it Marrilion or Marrilion. Any how that`s it without a magnifying thingy or expanding the page.
I used to have loads of these from back in the grey mists of time and programmes also.
Yes, I have a small pile of programmes too. Some actually quite good, most pretty fleece-tastic. Having said that, I did buy one for the Kate Bush gigs a couple of years ago because it was a really good effort.
Bottom left looks like Roy Harper and is the one next to it Nick Drake’s “Pink Moon”?
I used to buy loads to adorn my headbangers denim jacket.
At one point down the left hand side I had 21,7 neat rows of 3!
Had a huge Rush back patch then I embroidered Iron Maiden across the top in wool!
Yes, Harper from ’84. Must have been a gig in Bangor, where his brother lived. Would love to have seen Nick Drake but no.
And just for variation, some political ones. Almost every one a lost cause – some just as well.
Too right. That Nelson Mandela was never going to get out. What were you thinking of?
‘Jane Wyman Was Right’? I take it it’s not about her brother joining The Rolling Stones.
What was she right about?
in the olden days RR was the lefties idea of a scary right wing US president
Innocent times.
Got it!
Looks like the contents of Student Grant’s bottom drawer. I had one of those ironic Nuclear Power No Thanks badges in Welsh as well as the now cringeworthy “I didn’t vote Tory” one. I even had the bumper sticker of that one, along with the usual anti Thatcher badges. I’ll dig some out when I get home.
All students together then:-) Note that I have two badges in Welsh, one of which is actually made out of slate.
I got my anti-nuclear one at a rally in Edinburgh, where Roy Harper was playing and Mick McGahey speaking. Harper was reminiscing at last Saturday’s gig that he watched McGahey while on mushrooms, which must have been an interesting experience. I had completely forgotten, until Harper mentioned it, that Julie Christie also spoke at that rally.
Not a cause I’ve had any attachment to for some decades now but those badges were quite well done.
Like all old favourites, due for a re-issue:-)
That one, from a swedish punk group “Grisen skriker”, “the pig is shouting” and I understand why.
I never miss to check the smell of a guitar’s head before I buy it…
Right on brothers! (and sistas)
This was me in my full-on Dave Spart period
Daft as a brush, I was.
Note the one bottom left. Some sort Of anti sus chords campaign, by the look of it.
We’ll be seeing much the same at the upcoming Labour Party conference. Nick Cohen called Corbyn a ‘badge wearer’.
A couldn’t decide if I wanted to be a hippy, a soul boy, a great-coated prog nerd, a glam rocker or a punk. So I tried a bit of everything. No regrets coyote
ah, what am I doing wrong? Pasting in direct link as requested
I was similarly conflicted although clearly my metal years were the most productive badgewise.
I’ve also still got a fine collection of Nerwobbem patches, which I’ll take a pic of when I get a chance.
Love the “Gertcha’ badge!
And the early Iron Maiden.
I take it we were both at the Permanent Waves tour? Glasgow Apollo for me.
Hammersmith Odeon for me. Looking back at my merch stash I can’t quite believe just how many gigs I used to go to.
Not sure why that isn’t working for you @spotcheck_billy – unless there’s some sort of box you need to tick in the photobucket settings?
Never had a problem before. On the old site we used to have to put code before and after the link, but as I understand it that’s no longer the case. No response from admin central
Is that a New Zealand Tourism Authority badge next to The Stranglers ?
Here’s a few, back of a drawer job…..I’m sure I had more than this, must have a rummage…..
impressive esp for a first rummage
I could see myself wearing a Gong badge.
Actually, there’s probably a retro market/current business in all this.
Does anyone make retro badges in 2016?
Nice Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking badge.
I still play that album a lot and it is probably Roger Waters best solo album.
Yep, have to agree with that. I got myself to that London for the gig, Eric Clapton playing lead at the time. The full “pros & cons” album, followed by a set of classic Floyd – it was a more enjoyable show than the Floyd themselves, on the “Momentary lapse” tour, where Scott Page et al had me pining for times past…
Just for JW and the other Antipodeans on the blog, here’s a few ancient Aussie badges I found.
The Braithwaite badge would have adorned a few girls school uniforms.
Jimmy And The Boys – Jimmy was quite the entertainer, bit of a contortionist. Brother of jazz singer Monica Trapaga,
Sports -a good band
Hats Off – not a great period for Joe Camilleri
I have only one badge, noticed it in a fold on a curtain in my old bungalow bedroom some thirty years later. I was delighted to find it.
Second batch…
Very nice Tufty Club & Fat Freddy’s Cat badges!
MMMMMMMmmmmmm Dead European tour
The Tufty Club! Brilliant. Did the road safety rodent capitalise on his popularity among schoolkids and form a band………