Tune- I was aware of them but I only really discovered Microdisney after the fact having loved Sean O’Hagan’s work as High Llamas – They’re like a very acerbic, angry take on what Prefab Sprout and Danny Wilson were doing – and of course it all leads back to Steely Dan (who of course weren’t short of a few lyrical barbs)
Love love love. Hate Steely Dan so never got into the Llamas. But Microdisney, Fatima Mansions, Cathal’s solo stuff – love it all. He’s a genius, a giant, a prince, the Pope.
I concur, loved Microdisney. Loved The Fatima Mansions as well – at one stage I used to come home from work at lunch time just so I could hear “Blues For Ceausescu” at maximum volume. I miss the ferocity of that band coupled with Cathal’s snarled vocals. I have a couple of his solo albums and like them a lot.
As it happens, the Irish edition of the Sunday Times had an article by Tom Dunne last week on the best Irish albums of all time – an arbitrary list of course, with plenty to disagree with. But with U2 and Van as obvious choices, the top position went to “The Clock Comes Down The Stairs” by Microdisney, not the first time that this work has been recognised.
Some helpful soul has made a Spotify playlist of this:
Dexys, The Waterboys, Les Smiths and Oasis feature, as the definition of “Irish” is stretched to snapping point. I often wonder, when second and third generation paddies are being lumped in, why no-one votes for Mary Isobel Catherine Bernadette O Brien?
Tune- I was aware of them but I only really discovered Microdisney after the fact having loved Sean O’Hagan’s work as High Llamas – They’re like a very acerbic, angry take on what Prefab Sprout and Danny Wilson were doing – and of course it all leads back to Steely Dan (who of course weren’t short of a few lyrical barbs)
Tune indeed. Loved them.
Love love love. Hate Steely Dan so never got into the Llamas. But Microdisney, Fatima Mansions, Cathal’s solo stuff – love it all. He’s a genius, a giant, a prince, the Pope.
I concur, loved Microdisney. Loved The Fatima Mansions as well – at one stage I used to come home from work at lunch time just so I could hear “Blues For Ceausescu” at maximum volume. I miss the ferocity of that band coupled with Cathal’s snarled vocals. I have a couple of his solo albums and like them a lot.
As it happens, the Irish edition of the Sunday Times had an article by Tom Dunne last week on the best Irish albums of all time – an arbitrary list of course, with plenty to disagree with. But with U2 and Van as obvious choices, the top position went to “The Clock Comes Down The Stairs” by Microdisney, not the first time that this work has been recognised.
Some helpful soul has made a Spotify playlist of this:
Dexys, The Waterboys, Les Smiths and Oasis feature, as the definition of “Irish” is stretched to snapping point. I often wonder, when second and third generation paddies are being lumped in, why no-one votes for Mary Isobel Catherine Bernadette O Brien?
Hi @Freddy Steady @Tim @paulwright @badartdog
I wasn’t aware until just now that Microdisney are to reform for one gig in June (Dublin) Sold out unfortunately, but it might lead to other things…
Ooh lets hope so!
thanks for the heads up, Max. Tremendous news.
AND one night at the Barbican Hall in London, Saturday 9th June. Not quite sold out yet!
I’ve got my ticket
@badartdog, @tim, @freddysteady, @max-the-dog