Which means the prices aint coming down any time soon, but they might stabalise a bit as little Rishi and his mates try to find new ways to keep a lid on price rises
(plus I believe they’re waiting for the next Hawkwind Box Set and don’t want to be priced out of the market)
I wonder who enjoys a bit of Hawkwind (out of the current cabinet)?
Penny Mordaunt was spotted mouthing the words of Urban Guerilla at the Coronation. Jeremy Hunt appreciates the first few albums, but is more of a Motorhead fan.
It was so packed in the front pews at the Coronation that Ms Mordannt certainly was In Search of Space…
The UK’s dire recessionary forecast and double-target-rate inflation is all Taylor Swift’s fault and definitely nothing to do with Br*xit. You hear me?
This has been a party political broadcast from Jeremy Hunt.
Best laugh I’ve had all day was Hunt taking umbrage when Amol Raman asked him if he knew his nickname in Westminster was the Fiscal Drag Queen.
Oooooohhh, innee bollllld
Rice cakes and pumpkin seeds were added too. Both of which I buy more than vinyl.
The people most affected by inflation aren’t buying vinyl. Or probably pumpkin seeds, for that matter.
It’s claimed that some of the nonessential items used in the official figures are there to keep the figure looking lower than it actually should be.
I’m surprised that people in the UK are still buying anything. Where do they get the money from?
It is a conundrum. A significant number of the male population locally enjoy quenching their thirst and most of them still seem to do it, at all hours, in the various pubs.
And yet they don’t appear to have a pot to piss in… how do they afford it?
Perhaps they all run record or pumpkin seed shops?
The only record shops near me are the ones on the sepia photographs they sell in the gift shop! Penny-farthings, red phone boxes, ship wrecks, record shops.
Appearances can be deceptive. Just because they’re scruffs doesn’t mean they’re potless.
They might be doing quite nicely, in one or more ducking-and-diving employment modes.