Underworld deniers are not to be trusted, in my opinion. I think Karl (and, by extension, the band) may suffer from the ubiquity of Born Slippy and in particular the ‘lager, lage, lager’ refrain being misappropriated and taken at face value by all and sundry. There’s more to them than that, I maintain. And he has always struck me as a broader and more creative mind than he’s given credit for in the public consciousness. Given his recent work with Eno and forthcoming work with theatre group Shared Experience this may be a view shared by other, more illustrious, individuals.
90 minutes of Underworld live at the 6 music festival on the iplayer now, well worth checking out (just had a little dance round the kitchen). I don’t think I’ll ever tire of Rez into Cowgirl.
I met Karl Hyde briefly last week. I jibbered at him. Which seemed appropriate given the effect his music has had on me over the years.
Personally I crush hard on Karl form just about every direction, but I discovered recently that for Underworld deniers he’s the offputting element.
I’m waiting for the Freur reformation tour.
Has it really been six years since the last album? Lordy.
Will listen to the samples in a bit, but my first impression is that the album sleeve is really good, and the album title is really terrible.
Underworld deniers are not to be trusted, in my opinion. I think Karl (and, by extension, the band) may suffer from the ubiquity of Born Slippy and in particular the ‘lager, lage, lager’ refrain being misappropriated and taken at face value by all and sundry. There’s more to them than that, I maintain. And he has always struck me as a broader and more creative mind than he’s given credit for in the public consciousness. Given his recent work with Eno and forthcoming work with theatre group Shared Experience this may be a view shared by other, more illustrious, individuals.
90 minutes of Underworld live at the 6 music festival on the iplayer now, well worth checking out (just had a little dance round the kitchen). I don’t think I’ll ever tire of Rez into Cowgirl.
New album, Barbara, Barbara, We Face A Shining Future, out soon.