Will this give the Orange one an election boost? Will he encourage another attack by his supporters?
Interesting times.
Musings on the byways of popular culture
MC Escher says
Sample news bite from the conservative media:
Fox News host Tucker Carlson said the ruling showed it was “probably not the best time to give up your AR-15s.”
Shocking stuff.
Baron Harkonnen says
Will he ‘encourage another attack by his supporters’? First of all I wouldn’t name them supporters, homicidal maniacs is a better description. Of course he will, he’d probably have invited Putin to invade but probably has second thoughts after seeing their capabilities in Ukraine.
The guy’s a Yellow Headed Yellow Bellied Twat just like his English doppelgänger.
Black Celebration says
The OP is wrong, his tweet says he was INDICATED.
He really is the Bell End of all Bell Ends.
Tiggerlion says
This will increase the chance of violence. It’s a relatively minor matter and involves an untested law. He is likely to emerge growing of victory. There are more serious crimes being examined. If only they’d get a move on and find a charge that will stick.
His core will back him no matter what. Will this convince waverers to vote for him? I think not. An awful lot of people, including Republicans are heartedly sick of the shenanigans. Will it put people off voting for him? Not much.
It puts him back in the news cycle where he loves to be.
Baron Harkonnen says
Shenanigans? Apparently he’s asked his advisers to formulate plans for invading Mexico should he be elected. Raving Looney?!?!?!? I don’t think there are words to describe this monstrosity.
Leem says
I agree pretty much wholeheartedly with Tiggerlion. Those who absorb the contents of the fright wing media echo chamber will have their beliefs reinforced. I do think some waverers may gravitate towards him as from what I can determine the charges are not overly robust and all too easily framed as a witch hunt. May also damage other cases against Trump. A tendency to look away from Clinton (H) and Biden (H&J) can be seen as bias amplifying accusations of unfairness.
It is interesting that Faux News will not talk about Bidens age as Trump is too close in age to use that as a stick to beat him with. But how old would Trump be at the end of a second term – 82? If these are the best a nation of 340 million can come up with heaven help us.
Trump is consumed by perceived grievances which his acolytes in public (if not in private) are all too keen to perpetuate . However, if the Dominion case affect Murdochs bottom line we shall see.
I would love to see T lose in court but I fear, one way or the other, it won’t be the slam dunk the left would like.
As stated above I just hope the fact that he has never won the popular vote will ultimately prevail.
mikethep says
Can I just take issue with one thing in your otherwise excellent post? ‘…the slam dunk the left would like.’
To Trumpistas, of course, ‘the left’ is everybody who doesn’t follow Trump – unless they’re Marxists too. But you only need to be a few degrees to the left of Genghis Khan to find Trump repellent, shameful [insert other adjectives here]. ‘…won’t be the slam dunk everyone who loathes Trump and wants him gone would like’ reads better.
Leem says
fentonsteve says
hubert rawlinson says
MC Escher says
Talking heads in the States think this will give him a ratings boost, would you believe. It seems it’s not right to “weaponise the judiciary” in this way, mainly, as I understand it, because he was once president, and it’s not fair.
I sometimes think that a substantial proportion of the US voters would prefer an actual monarch.
Twang says
It seems a film of the act in question is available on certain specialist websites. Apparently the orange one only has a small part.
Beezer says
Will this give him an election boost? It will indeed. Amongst the crazies. Will it matter? No, I don’t think it will. He hasn’t won a popular vote in any election at all and given this I doubt the same number of sane normal Republicans who felt obliged to vote for him last time will not do so in future. It can only be hoped this translates strongly enough at the electoral college process, though I think it will.
Another violent protest(s). Yep. But at what scale? Yeah, go on MAGA. Invade 5th Avenue. Storm the DA’s office. And see what precisely happens to your loud and angry but ultimately ridiculous little force. See how far you get down 5th. See how quickly you’ll be tasered to the floor outside the DA’s office.
I truly don’t think America will allow itself to bend to the mewlings of an ignorant, corrupt TV personality, who will very likely be dead in less than a decade anyway. What is more concerning is that there is a right wing tendency to be cultivated over a longer period of time by far shrewder bastards than that horrible twat.
bigstevie says
I don’t think there will be much of a protest, well, certainly not violent protest. All the maga nutters are in jail. 1000 of them. Anyone thinking of violent protest will be looking at the 1000 in jail and wondering if it’s worth it. You could count on one hand the amount of protesters outside his buildings a few days ago when he predicted (wrongly) his indictment.
Beezer says
dai says
I was thinking of the Jan 6th attempted insurrection. If the DC police force had refused to go in and stop it, possible end of US democracy. Trump was still president at the time. Democracy hanging by a thread.
davebigpicture says
Sitheref2409 says
Latest polling I’ve seen indicates that about 70-75% of those polled believed he has committed one or more crimes.
I couldn’t find any indication about how many of those polled gave a stuff about that, though.
kalamo says
Will Stormy Daniels return the hush money.
Sniffity says
Thought I heard her calling his name…
mikethep says
She’s describing TRump’s indictment as the pussy grabbing back…
Tiggerlion says
She’s making money from merch. Trouble is, so is Trump.
Beezer says
Unsurprisingly, I thought he seemed deflated and cowed by today’s arraignment.
As well he might. No doubt he’ll be back on his high horse in due course, but my God he has been chastened today. More please, America.