Christ, I hope they have their ducks lined up on these charges, as an acquittal will energise the right and plunge the US further into chaos. I have a sneaking suspicion that prosecutors are overpaying their hand and hoping that someone will roll over and provide them with the evidence they perhaps don’t have. A risky game.
Trump was obviously trying to look defiant in his mug shot but looks instead like he should be outside shaking his fist at clouds and deflating errant beach balls with his rake.
Black Celebration says
My feeling is that this arrest and the terrifying mugshot now shows him very clearly to be a bad ‘un. That’ll be enough for a significant amount of people – the people that don’t follow political stories. They won’t vote for someone who’s in court half the time and may end up in jail.
I know Trump and his supporters say it will only increase support but I don’t think that’s true. Hopefully the Republican Party will come to its senses, cast him aside and disown him.
Podicle says
There is literally nothing that will dissuade his hardline supporters, and that is almost more worrying as a social phenomenon than Trump himself. The scenes of the supporters outside the jail reminded me of footage from the Manson trial, where members of the Family rallied to support an obvious psychopath. The difference is that they were seen by the media and public as kooks. I get no feeling that that is happening now.
Sewer Robot says
This was a moment.
(also: your opportunity to click and subscribe to Fox News, soz)
Vincent says
Another thug trying to look tough to the Police camera. Except, I doubt Trump has ever had to stand up for himself, as he’d get goons to do it, and make sure there was no obvious link. He probably spent a few hours trying to find the right fierce scowl. Thing is, we’ve also seen him canoodling with the US flag, and also his his patent smirk, so we know one of his skills is gurning. Like you, I hope he is bang to rights here, though if so, I bet even if convicted, they have him in house arrest at Mar / Largo rather than the joint, arguing the Secret Service can keep him safer there.
Mike_H says
The do-or-die Trump supporters are a sizeable and very loud minority. They are nonetheless a minority and he will lose the election after he stands (as he will) as the Republican candidate.
His supporters will claim that result to be fraudulent too.
Biden or his Democrat successor will fail to deal with the situation effectively and a Second American Civil War could well be triggered, with worldwide consequences, mainly economic.
deramdaze says
But apart from that summary – all of which I broadly see coming true – everything’s great! Thank the Lord we have an OMD single.
Jaygee says
I think the only way we are going to see the last of Trump is if his diet or an assassin does for him
Jaygee says
Ironic that a picture of Trump taken after he surrendered to law enforcement officers
is now appearing everywhere captioned “Never Surrender!”
napaj says
It’s a cult, totally incomprehensible to anyone sane and decent.
Rigid Digit says
Trump is a cult – not the first time I’ve heard him described thus
Vincent says
We’ve all been called that. He’s a cult’s cult.
hedgepig says
Now this is hardly the important bit and I’m not one to body shame, but he claims to be 6’3” and 215lbs at arrest. For comparison, that’s the same height and a pound heavier than Muhammad Ali when he fought Zora Folley in 1967. Google Ali in 1967 and marvel at just how indistinguishable in physique he is from the carved Adonis that is Donald Trump in 2023.
The power is all in getting people to repeat your mad lies even when the truth is staring them in the face. He’s remarkably good at it.
Leedsboy says
He is a carved Adonis. Just really badly carved.
pencilsqueezer says
One thinks he’s the greatest and the other one was Muhammad Ali.
Leedsboy says
On the greatest spectrum, we have it covered with just two humans here.
Jaygee says
A spectrum being a spectrum and therefore all-encompassing, surely each and every one of us is on it?
hubert rawlinson says
I’d rather not be on a spectrum with trump in fact I’d rather not be on the same planet.
Jaygee says
Know where you can obtain a Putin Airways ticket with your name on it, H
Podicle says
I have no idea why 9 other people thought it would be a good idea getting on a plane with him.
Jaygee says
Probably because they didn’t fancy their chances with the complmentary hot beverages on offer in the VIP departure lounge
Vulpes Vulpes says
…or the duty-free perfumes.
Vincent says
More like 250lb.
TrypF says
Prosecutors have managed to flip his Mar-A-Lago IT manager, which may prove to be a big deal in the documents case.
I hope that he’ll run, and lose by a large margin. His cult followers will tail off in numbers as he whinges about another stolen election. What amazes me is the GOP’s closing ranks in support of the orange bastard. Not one of the other Republican candidates in yesterday’s debate dared break ranks because he’s so far ahead in the polls.
One can only hope that a loss in the midterms (2018), election (2020) midterms (2022) and the 2024 election will convince them they have a loser figurehead, no matter what he spews.
Vincent says
How the republicans can look at themselves, i don’t know. Makes you miss folks with integritry and decency like Reagan and Dubya.
Jaygee says
As it involves a State charge rather Federal offence he can pardon himself for if
he gets back in, Georgia is the case whose outcome DT fears most
Tiggerlion says
I think you meant ‘can’t’.
fitterstoke says
I didn’t read it that way, Tiggs – I read it like this.
“As it involves a State charge (rather than a Federal offence for which he can pardon himself – if he gets back in), Georgia is the case whose outcome DT fears most”
Tiggerlion says
He can’t pardon himself from a State charge, whereas he can from a Federal one.
And everyone is on the same page.
fitterstoke says
Jaygee says
I really have to stop posting on the iPad while I’m still half-asleep
Sewer Robot says
Or at least get that Brian Kennedy fella to quit with the duplicate posts (posts)..
Jaygee says
As it involves a State charge rather Federal offence he can pardon himself for if
he gets back in, Georgia is the case whose outcome DT fears most
Jaygee says
Sorry, dupe post that I cannot delete – no idea why
TrypF says
On the other side of the coin, here’s the reaction to his mugshot in a US bar that may not be serving the MAGA Kool-Aid:
Jaygee says
Seeing stuff like this is a bit like reading the ambiguous ending to Animal Farm.
It’s impossible to tell whether these people are cheering because they hate Trump
or because they love him
Black Celebration says
I may be missing something here but isn’t this a bar watching a World Cup penalty shoot out or something and they’ve changed the TV images?
hubert rawlinson says
Indeed a popular meme and has been used before.
MC Escher says
Re that photograph: it was as far from a normal mugshot as it’s possible to be. Flatteringly lit, slightly off to one side, from slightly above so he is looking up minimising chins. It’s basically a propaganda shot for his supporters. Someone’s getting a good weekend out of this 💰
dai says
Beeb disagrees
Jaygee says
MC tends to have a decidedly odd perspective on such matters
MC Escher says
I’d appreciate you keeping your humourous personal jibes for your other targets, thanks.
Jaygee says
Sorry, MC, comment was in reference to your artistic namesake.
Apols if the joke didn’t come across that way
MC Escher says
Ah. No probs. The old “gag worked in your head” scenario. As you were *firm handshake*
MC Escher says
From the very link you just posted, @Dai :
John Bolton, who served as national security advisor under Mr Trump, said the image was likely carefully staged. “I think it’s intended to be a sign of intimidation against the prosecutors and the judges,” he told CNN.
“He could’ve smiled. He could’ve looked benign,” Mr Bolton added. “Instead he looks like a thug.”
mikethep says
I found this dogged running-down of all the threads pretty persuasive. I think he’s toast, particularly once all the rest start flipping. Can’t see Rudy going down to save Trump.
Baron Harkonnen says
I fear for the future of humanity should that bastard be elected president.
Beezer says
He looks ludicrous. He looks like a cartoon villain. The scowl and the pissy-eyes. God Almighty, please take this empty headed bag of bile.
He thinks he looks hard, doing his version of Richard Pryor’s convict swagger in ‘Stir Crazy’ when really he’s the fresh fish Clancy Brown beats up in ‘Shawshank’
Unfortunately I don’t think he’s going to die in prison. There are any number of delays he can use to appeal. We may be also be dumbfounded when even just one unconvinced juror at any of the trials chooses not to return a guilty verdict. The prosecution may screw up a detail at trial, and on and on and on.
Equally, I don’t think he’s going to be re-elected now. He’s never won the popular vote. The electoral college system pushed him over the line in 2016. He was soundly shown the door in 2020 and since then his behaviour has been even more disgraceful. I don’t think the majority of the all important undecided swing voters would want a vengeful pig as Head Of State, achieving nothing but satisfying his whims.
And yet, here we are. A world enthralled by this rancid shell of a human,
deramdaze says
Tottenham have more chance of winning a trophy than Trump spending any time in prison.
That said, he could do a “Help!” job – something he would never have seen – where The Beatles walk into a door of terraced houses and then reappear the other side in sumptuous accommodation. If he does, it’ll be for a very well-documented week at most.
Hey! Like Fat Boy J. at death’s door with Covid. Oh yes, that happened.
Vincent says
Outside the halfwits, Trump is a failing brand:
Freddy Steady says
I just think he often looks camp. A bit mini-me.
Cookieboy says
That mugshot reminded me of Stanley Kubrick.
He loved to use the looking up from under the brow with the head tilted down smirk to indicate “crazy”.
Private Pyle in Full Metal Jacket and Jack in The Shining.
hubert rawlinson says
As one of our chums has posted on his FB page.
Caution contains the orange one.
Vincent says
Woo, scary. Cheato, and the folk that rim him watch too much television. I’ve been visting prisons and secure psychiatric hospitals since the mid-80s (for work). Lots of artfully posed looks of fierceness, and it’s often “Batesian mimicry” ( hoverflies with markings like wasps scare predators away. It’s the quiet ones with nothing to lose you need to watch. King Grift likes his money and status, and has found most people back down as they haven’t been on the receiving end of a death look, so fall for it.
MC Escher says
Yep. I reckon Biden would still put him down even today.
Jaygee says
Not sure if that look will win him the election but he’d be a shoo-in for this competition