If you need to banish the post-Bank Holiday blues you could do worse than listen to last night’s programme with Johnny Walker on the Trio. Linda Ronstadt, Emmylou Harris and Dolly Parton made some amazing records together, and this wonderful two-hour show with interviews with all three artists, and many songs in full, is available on the iPlayer. Warning: it’s very likely to make you desire the upcoming 3-CD set with the two albums plus loads of unreleased tracks and alternate takes.
Here’s the gorgeous Telling Me Lies.
And here’s their version of After The Gold Rush from Trio II, with haunting glass harmonica.
Very nice but they replaced the line “And I felt like getting high” with the more granny-pleasing “And I felt like I could cry”
With Neil’s permission, apparently. It’s fair enough; I don’t think any of the ladies are big stoners.
Not these days perhaps, but how do you think Linda got so bloated? The classic cocaine look.
“I tried everything,” she says, including cocaine, which she did to such excess that she needed to have her nose cauterised, twice
That’s what I meant – these days, and certainly at the time of recording it, i.e. the 1990s.
And cauterised? Yikes!
At least Linda didn’t take the Stevie Nicks route. Allegedly.
Anyone gotta straw?
Help yourself!
Stevie! *Gibbers uncontrollably*
The bloatedness is almost certainly a by-product of her ongoing Parkinson’s Disease.
Possibly a factor but Linda only announced her Parkinson’s in 2012 and the coke-induced bloating appeared decades before that. See also: Greg Lake, Chris Squire.
Announced yes. Who else but her and her doctors know how long it had been developing.
And the second last thing I want to do is see Greg Lake and Chris Squire. The last thing I want to do is listen to them…
I don’t know about that but this strand did bring to mind some David Hepworth observations referring back to “some point in the mid-90s “.
Thanks, Mini!
The pleasure was all mine, Nigel.
Au contraire! Quite a bit of it was mine 😉
I’m disappointed. I was expecting this.
If they released an expanded deluxe box set of this, I’d buy it.
(Forgot that had John Peel at the end!)
I only remembered the ad because I bought a pack of the biscuits when I saw them for the first time in years in a pound shop the other week. I found them too sweet for my taste these days, but I loved them (and the ads) when I was a kid.
This is not even the first time this ad has appeared on the blog.
I’m starting to sense a sponsorship opportunity.
And free choccy biccies.
Love these ladies especially Emmylou (give me a man of a certain age not still not in love with Emmylou and I’ll say that man died a whiles back) but always thought their records together were just too saccharine. No better example than “I felt like I could cry”…….
Aw, Wrongness, I had you down as a sentimental old fool like me. You are of course Wrong. I’ll admit they come close to saccharine at times, but never cross the line.
I like to be Wrong at least once a day.. usually I succeed
Have you tried the “Western Wall” album with just Emmylou and Linda? Much as I like the Trio albums (especially the first one) I prefer the harder edge this album has.
Here’s an example:
It’s a lovely album!
That sounds excellent Mini, Must see if we can listen to it here.
Yes I can!
I admire your restraint too. A less scrupled blogger would probably have asked for other YT clips of female trios singing together.
Like Mountain Man.
Erm, thanks.
Pertinent point. Emmylou is certainly the sharpest of the 3, honey, let’s say, with Linda providing some sugar, but careful with that spoon, and Dolly, hell, gimme’ a red can coke.
The image can stretch to other singers too. Roseanne? Coffee on the stove. Mary Chapin-C is probably a cup of tea. Gillian is probably a glass of ice cold water from the well. Nanci a sweet mint julep. You can probably guess where I’m going with this. Lucinda? Rotgut every time
Sorry Retro, you lost me at “spoon”.
Janis Joplin: a glass of bourbon, straight no chaser.
k.d. lang: a spoonful of maple syrup.
Going back to my reply, I worry that this reads as my calling Lodestone as Honey. Well, seeing as when I was in the Languedoc he held his snapper shut, no, he ain’t my honey……..
You was in the Languedoc and you didn’t call me????
Mary Chapin C is definitely not a cup of tea these days.More like a fine single malt.
I see where you are coming from, Steve. Tho’ I’m going more for something sweeter and darker, Captain Morgan after a vasectomy.
More Macallan than Laphroaig, I’d say.
I would have agreed with you about Gillian until this popped up on my Facebook this morning.
This is the only Trio I own. It’s not very good, is it? I was young and impressionable.
My mum tells me that as a child I had a particular fascination with the weird-looking lead singer bloke from this group. Apparently I had a similar thing for Ron Mael, and used to press my face up to the screen when Sparks were on TOTP.
I had a Casio VL Tone then, too. And was weird-looking.
Interesting, eh?
I unequivocally love this song. Straight up. I think it became hard wired into me as an impressionable 8 year old.
It’s a stripped down art pop classic of the calibre of Once In A Lifetime, O Superman or Money (That’s What I Want).
On Spotify today, with five of the bonus tracks: https://open.spotify.com/album/25X28V6p34T7dNc2x7Vzt4
Just a little update. I was given the 3-disc set for my birthday last month, and have been enjoying it immensely, particularly the CD of unreleased tracks and alternate takes. The stuff on it is simply outstanding; for instance I can’t believe that this was left off the original albums:
The quality of the songs/takes left on the cutting room floor is frankly staggering, and no I am not drunk 🙂
Emmylou did a solo version of that on her brilliant Wrecking Ball album from 1995. It’s one of my favourite songs off one of my very favourite albums
I love that version too. It made for a gorgeous closer to an almost perfect album.
Hey Mini, its my birthday later this month and based on your comments I feel I really must get it. I have the first album but worth getting this for the unreleased stuff.
thanks for putting it back into my conscious.
You won’t regret it Mr T! Here’s another:
(You might already know this from Emmy’s 1981 album Evangeline.)
Yes, I have that one on one of Emmylou’s boxsets. By the way that photo of her is just gorgeous. She is one beautiful lady.
Another trio calling themselves Trio! Also short-lived.
Béla Fleck, Jean-Luc Ponty and Stanley Clarke.
A sort of bluegrass/jazz hybrid.
Big fan of all those guys individually and have several Bela Fleck albums in my collection – didn’t know they recorded together as a trio.
I think John Surman and his two pals Barre and Stu, on bass and drums, got there first. They released two albums as ‘The Trio’ circa 1970, on Dawn. Not too many sublime vocal harmonies here, mind. and, to be honest, The Trio is a rubbish name no matter who’s in it.
The Trio are on the telly tomorrow night:
Followed by Kacey Musgraves at the Albert Hall: