I read this article, and agreed with it.
But then I read this comment and agreed with that, too, and now I’m confused.
Can somebody tell me my opinion, please?
Oh, sorry, I thought the links would appear as hyperlinks, but it appears they don’t.
You have to put a link in the correct field, but there’s only room for one.
Links put in comments will be clickable: http://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/jonathanjonesblog/2016/mar/14/chris-evans-top-gear-cenotaph-driving-stunt-matt-leblanc-apology
Thank you!
It seems to me that people are getting outraged for the sake of getting outraged.
Make your neighbourhood a safe space – offend a student today !
Hi Carl it’s what people do in this country. Fake outrage is a phenomenon that is starting to really irritate me. So what? Who really gives a stuff?
The press, particularly the anti-BBC rags, are about as desperate as you can be for the Top Gear reboot to fail. It could be the finest bit of television ever made in the history of the whole world ever, but they just wouldn’t allow it to be. They made their minds up about its fate the minute Clarkson et al got their coats and nothing, but nothing, will deter them from that.
I’ll only be happy when there is a monument to dead Top Gear presenters I can hoverboard around.
Chris Evans vs. the Daily Mail.
It’s just a shame that there has to be a winner.
Well, at least they didn’t suspend themselves from the top and then claim ignorance of what the Cenotaph signifies. Progress, of sorts.
No publicity is bad publicity. Or have I just got my cynical top hat on the wrong way up.
Someone coming in from a different country and driving round with no respect for local sensitivities? That would never have happened on the old Top Gear.
Surely a HMHB album track??
Chris Evans gave an unreserved apology. (“Mitigating Circumstances” were mentioned, but not expanded on).
He also stated that the finished film would not be shown on the finished film.
It doesn’t need to be anyway, because it is being shown on every News Channel and all over YouTube anyway.
Matt LeBlanc was apparently filming at St Pauls at the same time.
What was he doing there? Driving a Reliant Robin up the Cathedral steps
So in which teacup is the next storm going to blow up?
Must remember to phone up the Daily Mail and grovel apologetically the next time I drive past Eddie Cochran’s memorial on the A4 in Chippenham and inadvertently floor the Scooby at the same time.