Since Friday I’ve been fed up, frustrated and angry.
So instead of hand wringing and sulking I’ve decided to do something constructive. I have joined Liberty and Amnesty International. It may not be much, but I’ll add my voice to the growing chorus of discontent at least.
Bargepole says
Protest and survive will be the watchwords for the next five years.
Dodger Lane says
I think you should also look at 38 Degrees who are far more rooted, support community action and it’s up to you which of their campaigns to support. They are a campaigning organisation and I found about them on the old Afterword site. See here –
Wheldrake says
Yes, already know of 38degrees and have taken part in a few campaigns.
GCU Grey Area says
If you are interested in the work of Liberty and Amnesty and human rights, this recently established organisation’s website is well worth a look at:
Wheldrake says
Excellent. Thanks for that. Looks interesting.
GCU Grey Area says
There are some great legal bods on twitter, who link to other legal people of interest as well as to their own blogs and work.
Adam Wagner (who is an important part of rightsinfo) and Jack Of Kent’s (aka David Allen Green) twitter feeds both generously retweet other people.
RubyBlue says
I re-joined the Labour Party, for what it’s worth, and hope to get a bit more involved locally. Although I do live in the Socialist Republic of South-East London so I suspect it might be a bit of a Guardianista echo-chamber. 🙂
Would second (third? Fourth?) the 38 Degrees suggestion.
pencilsqueezer says
I’m already a member of Amnesty. I have been for years, the same for Greenpeace and a few other groups.
38 Degrees are much more than simply a signature collecting sop. They act as a focus for many different people with differing attitudes to what should be a focus for legitimate dissent and debate on a wide variety of topics. They are actively involved in legitimate protest. I know. I’ve taken part.