Time for another irrelevant poll – your best Neil Young songs. Usual rules apply – list the top 5 in order, number one gets 5 points etc. Neil songs in CSNY / Springfield etc (for example) are eligible. Bar drops Sunday night.
Keep on rockin’ in the free world!
PS Haterz spare us posts saying “none of them” or similar hilarious contributions. 🙂
Neil Finn:
Damnit! You beat me to it. I think I’d have gone for Fall At Your Feet, though.
Bugger all the on-topic chin-strokers down-thread. I would have thought Neil Peart and Rush. Here’s a nearly 9-minute drum solo
Neil Gaiman:
Sorry, can’t resist. Surely the best Neil. Though not a clue what his top 5 songs are. His best lyrics are at about 1:15
Please think of my aching sides. 🙂
From The Young Ones
Martin O’
Billy Mc
(Sadly we wont be able to put a spotify list together). Bit old school.
On the Beach
Cortez the Killer
Down by the River
From Hank to Hendrix
Hey, Hey, My, My (Into the Black)
Only Love Can Break Your Heart
Cinnamon Girl
Down By the River
Man you’re my kind of girl Ruby. I’ve played 4 of those 5 in bands over the years – DBTR as recently as Sunday afternoon!
To atone
Cortez The Killer
My My Hey Hey – both versions please Kirstie
Like A Hurricane
Only Love Can Break Your Heart
With choices like that you are forgiven and granted the extra one.
in no particular order
Change Your Mind
Down By The River
Cortez The Killer
I’m The Ocean
no prizes for guessing that I like electric Neil the best
Have an up for I’m The Ocean.
I think Mirrorball is a really underrated album.
Cortez The Killer
Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black)
Heart Of Gold
Like a Hurricane
Expecting to Fly
I believe in you
Four strong winds
Is Four Strong Winds really a “Neil Young song”?
No its not but he sings it beautifully. Its earmarked for my funeral as morbid as that sounds. Anyway I have booked a doctors appt for tomorrow as I find myself agreeing with 3 ianess selections in Pocahontas, Like a Hurricane and Four strong winds.
Would add For the turnstiles and Harvest Moon.
Bubbling under Wrecking Ball, Long may you run and After the Goldrush.
Can I just say that Decade is one of the best compilations ever released.
He does indeed. I find the original a bit ‘mannered’ for my tastes.
Ian and Sylvia song, but I adore Neil’s vocal on it. It’s one of his songs that, once I’ve played it, I need to hear it several times in a row. Apparently, Neil had a similar experience when he first heard the original on a jukebox.
Bubbling under for me were Revolution Blues, Out on the Weekend, Southern Man and, reach for the tranquillisers Steve, Long May you Run.
Decade is indeed a magnificent compilation. Neil was my favourite artist of the ’70s by some margin.
I have the same feeling every time I play Four Strong Winds – I need to hear it over and over again. Funnily enough I had a Canadian business associate come over to UK a few years ago and we had become good friends. At the weekend my wife and I took him to see the Searchers and they played their version of the song. My friend was quite emotional so expect this song resonates with a lot of people.
Cinnamon Girl
Like A Hurricane
Cortez The Killer
Hank To Hendrix
Southern Man
Ambulance Blues
Revolution Blues
After The Goldfish
It’s too difficult. But without too much thought. Obviously feeling angry today.
Revolution Blues
Rockin’ in the free world
Heart of gold
Southern Man
Like a Hurricane
Long May You Run
Southern Man
Comes a Time
Wrecking Ball
1. Don’t Be Denied
2. Like a Hurricane
3. Crime in the City (live)
4. On the Beach
5. Mr Soul
1. Little Wing
2. Old Man
3. Heart of Gold
4. After The Goldrush
5. There isn’t one
Oops, forgot Needle & The Damage Done – that’s my number five.
Unknown Legend
You and Me
Cortez the Killer
From Hank to Hendrix
Like a Hurricane
From Hank To Hendrix:
I only found out recently that Neil is singing about Hank Marvin here and not Hank Williams as one might suppose.
The Shadows were huge in Canada of course being a British colony, even though they didn’t break through in the US very much.
Shakey was a big fan of Hank Marvin in his (Shakey`s) early days as a performer.
Is Shakey big fan of Shakin’?
Apparently so – regularly soudchecking with Oh Julie and Merry Christmas Everyone.
Rumour is that he’ll be duetting with Bonnie Tyler for the encore of his next tour.
1. Harvest moon
2.One of these days
3 Heart of Gold
4. Rockin in the Free world
5. Cortez the killer
1. Like A Hurricane
2. Needle & The Damage Done
3. Hey Hey My My *
4. Rockin In The Free World
5. Only Love Can Break Your Heart
* both Blue & Black variants can be combined in a sort of Part1 and Part 2 scenario
1. Powderfinger
2. After the Goldrush
3. Unknown Legend
4. Broken Arrow
5. Needle and the Damage Done
Ambulance Blues
Cortez The Killer
Like A Hurricane
Rockin In The Free World
Too Far Gone*
*”We had drugs and we had booze
We had nothing left to lose
And in the mornin’ I wanted to marry you”
Kinda sums up my life…
With apologies to Don’t Be Denied and Albuquerque for the slight.
1. Greasy Isotopes No.4
2. Angela’s Hat
3. Noise / Noise
4. Orion Returns To The Circus
5. Metal Plate
You’re an idiot. Angela’s Hat was written by Gary Flake, and appears on his “Ant Bites Last Longer Than Mosquito Bites” album. Although it became a live favourite for Neil during his tour of Canarsie in ’81, it can in no way be considered a Neil Young song.
No, your a idiot, spunkwallah. Flake recently revealed that he was present one drunken night in the Canyon when NY wrote that song, along with ‘Sacramento Bishop’ and ‘Crosby, is it Genetic?’ When he rang Neil the next morning to ask if he could cover it, Young couldn’t even remember writing it or indeed being there. Years later, he did a live version of his own song, before thanking “That Fluke Guy” for writing it
You clearly believe everything you read on Reddit, and as such will forever be a stranger to truth. Gary Flake’s own Facebook page features a video clip of him demo-ing the song for legendary alt-post-rock producer Ethan Beetlebeard at his backwoods log cabin studios in Coon County, Neb., a full calendar year before Neil appropriated the song.
Also – how you can omit Neil’s iconic “3mo. Visa Extension” is beyond me. Either do some fucking research or just DON’T BOTHER parading your lamentable ignorance on this thread.
Just sayin’. Om shanti, dickferbrains! _/\_
Oh, that’s it. I’ve had enough of people like you ruining this place. I’m off to Facebook to start a lynch mob. WOTCH YOU’RE BACK, FUCKNAD!!!
In no particular order:
Rockin’ In The Free World
Over And Over
I Believe In You
….oh, this is impossible – 5 different ones tomorrow.
Over And Over was so close to being on my list.
Cinammon Girl
Cortez The Killer
Cowgirl in the Sand
A Man Needs a Maid
Revolution Blues
Down by the River
When You Dance I Can Really Love
Like a Hurricane
Ooh forgot When I Dance …
I’m The Ocean
Walk On
Walk Like A Giant
After The Goldrush
1. Roll Another Number
2. Time Fades Away
3. World on a String
4. Powderfinger
5. Mr. Soul
If I could add a couple more: For the Turnstiles would definitely be in there, along with Don’t be Denied and probably, See the sky about to rain…..
List a:
1. Ambulance Blues
2. Revolution Blues
3. Vampire Blues
4. On The Beach
5. See The Sky About To Rain
Tough call……
1. On The Beach
2. Cowgirl In The Sand
3. I’ve Been Waiting For You
4. Ohio
5. Borrowed Tune
List b:
1. Only Love Love Can Break Your Heart (and his isn’t the best version!)
2. Cinnamon Girl
3. Down By The River
4. Cortez The Killer
5. Driftin’ Back
I’ll stop now, otherwise I could be here for a long while…
Ambulance Blues
Cortez The Killer
Barstool Blues
Dont Cry No Tears
Only Love Can Break Your Heart
It changes with him weekly with me, I love Neil Young, but today I’d say
Revolution Blues
Tonight’s The Night
Down By The River
ambulance blues
and for one out of the box- ordinary people
The answer as usual is Frank Zappa
“Remember there’s a difference between Bending Over and Neiling Down”
@twang I’m not a particularly knowledgeable listener of NY but what I know, I like very much. 🙂
Crime in the City
Ambulance Blues
Cinnamon Girl
Like A Hurricane
Since I’m his biggest fan, I’m having another go.
Revolution blues
Out on the weekend
Don’t be denied
Don’t cry no tears
Pardon my heart
1. Eldorado
2. Change Your Mind
3. Cortez The Killer
4. The Painter
5. Farmer John
With Neil, you could have easily asked for 10 and had enough to choose from. I tried to boil it down to one from Spanish, grunge, stoner, acoustic, garage and still missed out on acid guitar workout (Down By the River) and naive hippy (Natural Beauty). It’d be easier to choose top 5 albums (excluding live and greatest hits):
1. Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere
2. Sleeps With Angels
3. Ragged Glory
4. Prairie Wind
5. Freedom
Thought I’d hit spotify for an arvo of Neil and waddyaget
Trans and Everbody’s Rockin
as Dylan said -was that some kinda joke
Though Trans better than I expected.
Tough one but:-
Down By The River
Don’t Cry No Tears
Harvest Moon
‘fraid I bailed at Mirrorball, so its all oldies
Old Man
Love in Mind
Tell me why
Cinnamon Girl
Long may you run
I love the longer thrashes too, but at heart I loves me a tune (even if Neil struggles to carry it)
In the 70s and 80s I listened to Ol’ Neil a lot.
In the past 25 years, not so much. In fact hardly at all.
But still -here we go:
Cortez the Killer
1) Hey Hey My My
2) Rockin’ In The Free World
3) Old Man
4) Southern Man
5) Ohio
Best Neil? Ron Nasty
Cortez The Killer
A Man Needs A Maid
The Needle & The Damage Done
Neil before Zod, certainly
Love & Only Love
Hey Hey, My My
Ambulance Blues
Ordinary People
Trans Am
(ask again next week, different choices)
Hmmm … I see there haven’t been too many votes for “Piece of Crap” yet. Strange.
Piece Of Crap will have to take its turn behind this masterpiece.
1) Old Man
2) Needle And The Damage Done
3) Surfer Joe & Moe The Sleaze
4) Wonderin`
5) Are There Anymore Real Cowboys?
(First shout for? ) I am a Child
Sugar Mountain
Tell Me Why
Cortez the Killer
Like a Hurricane
Don’t be Denied
See The Sky About To Rain
Out on the Weekend
Tough to pick just 5, but I’ll go with;
Cortez The Killer
Heart Of Gold
Like A Hurricane
Hey Hey, My My
Harvest Moon
Bit late but…
After The Goldrush
Borrowed Tune
Look Out For My Love (unplugged)
Sorry I’m crap, life has got in the way. I’ll do it soonest…
I’m even later. But can you add:
1 Southern Man
2 Revolution Blues
3 Don’t Be Denied
4 Powderfinger
5 Crime In The City
Im here, Im here – work gets in the way of life at the mo’ so off the top of me bonce
Harvest Moon
Cinammon Girl
Southern Man
On The Beach
Only Love Can Break Your Heart
You’re too late*. Those who snooze, lose etc.
* Not really, but consider yourself lucky.