Ironically a Cardiac arrest some ten years ago put Cardiacs frontman Tim Smith well and truly out of action. It’s a long and complicated story, and you can read the full details here:
In short he has been left with a rare and little understood condition called Dystonia- he’s still mentally sharp, but his speech and movement is severely limited and he needs constant care. There is a glimmer of hope that he may be able to get some rehab which might make a real difference – but he’s a victim of our ever dwindling NHS -in short it’d be cheaper to give him minimal nursing care and not to let him have a chance of a better life.
Up until now money has been raised with gigs and archival releases but now they need to raise hard cash to fund the extra help he needs and convince the powers that be it’s worth investing in Tim and others in his predicament. Sharing this in case other Cardiacs fans on here aren’t aware and want to chip in. (It goes without saying i’d happily pay more taxes and fund better Health care for everyone – there but for he grace of god go all of us)
Just doing this so that it appears in Updated.