Who is going to win the Afterword referendum? The REMAIN playlist or the LEAVE playlist? By 10pm this evening, the count will begin, and the thread with the most comments will be declared winner. This will obviously be reflected by the national vote.
I will kick off things here at REMAIN with some Chicago…
Can I request “We’re in this Together” by Simply Red please? It’ll really get the play-list going with a bang.
Voting Remain will keep us in the top 10, unlike these losers!
Should I Stay Or Should I Go?
We are all in this together:
“there’s never been protection
in all the history of human connection.”
Well I think you should definitely REMAIN but please, not Ben Lee!!
I like Ben Lee. Don’t diss him. Is it just cos he was dating above his pay grade?
No I dislike his approach to songwriting. He picks a meaningful sounding phrase (“give it all up for love” I think was him) and then just repeats it in a horrid bogus sincere voice with a mindlessly derivative musical backing. Like lots of successful singers. Annoys the pants off me…
Go on tell us what you really think.
Careful, you might catch his disease.
Towards the end of the long Stay Together BA sounds like your man in Iceland watching the football.
It was either this or Rick Astley’s Together Forever, so I’m going with Al Green, Let’s Stay Together
Parvenus and tardigrades….
I will carry on making that joke…. endlessly
The State oppresses and the law cheats
Tax bleeds the unfortunate
No duty is imposed on the rich
The rights of the poor is an empty phrase
Enough languishing in custody!
Equality wants other laws
No rights without duties, she says
Equally, no duties without rights
This is the final struggle
Let us group together, and tomorrow
The Internationale
Will be the human race
From station to station
back to Tunbridge Wells City
Meet Alan Partridge
and Johnny Morris
Anybody else think that JJB looks like Danny Dyer’s prettier brother?
“Get a grip on yourself, you toilit!”
“Your dress is shimmering
Your voice is hiding things
When you say
I’ve hardly changed
In Europe
After the rain
When the nights are warm
And the summer sways…”
How about a couple of Don’t Go’s ?
Yazoo :
(jeez get those haicuts)
and Hothouse Flowers :
David Bowie – Stay
Ah, I was going to post this. I’m leaving this comment here anyway, just to register my vote.
I sincerely hope that the UK stays in but if it does what does the future hold for the odious Farage?
My choice is XTC’s Making plans for Nigel.
Whatever happens, he will continue to be on the telly all the time and drawing seventy grand a year plus expenses from the Euro gravy* train he claims to despise. You can’t keep a good megalomaniac opportunist down y’know.
The future is Nigel’s face for ever.
(*the jus train, to be more accurate)
Led Zeppelin – Song Remains The Same
(You Ain’t Goin’ Nowhere)
The Faces – Stay With Me
With a currency like that you’ve got nothing to laugh about
Alabama Shakes – Hold On
Having just got very confused over on the Leave Thread, I am reposting this song where it belongs, If You Go Away by Dusty Springfield complete with French bit in the middle.
Worth remaining, just for this.
7 hours to go.
On a similar note…..
Time for this again
(And a song should we Brexit…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNB5FMQqpwQ )
If this doesn’t swing it nothing will.
[Blur: People in Europe]
me and my new wave pals loved this back in the day. It’s still fab.
Let’s remain and all stay together.
Stiltskin – Inside
Oooh, for some reason I absolutely lurve this single. The main riff is monutastic.
I think this may be my favourite number one of the 90s.
Love this song, not in a cheesy way, I honestly think it is fantastic.
If that plane is belgian, I’m on it!
Puis je?
How we could feel, if just for one day
Posting this version because I was in the front row for it. Sadly, not even the top of my head is visible.
I’ve heard plenty by them, but have never seen Eels before. The entire band seem to have modelled themselves on Ian Broudie.
I see what you mean!
That was only for that particular tour though. Suited, booted and decidedly dapper at the Royal Albert Hall just over a year later. E likes to change it up a bit every tour.
Billy Bragg – There Is Power In The Union
One of my favourite reggae tunes this..
EU Roy surely?
…..I’ll get me blouson
The Who – Join Together
Maurice Williams & The Zodiacs – Stay
Gallagher & Lyle – I Wanna To Stay With You
Surprised David Cameron hasn’t used this as his campaign theme
Sham69 – Unite & Win
Bob Dylan. -‘Tonight I’m staying here with you’. Though this lacklustre version suggests his heart isn’t really in the Remain camp….
Stiff Little Fingers – Throwing It All Away
You’re not gonna take it, you’re not gonna break it
We’re not gonna throw it all away
You used to see with open eyes
Now you’re blinded by the lies
And they say that we’ve gotta cut the ties that bind us
But do you remember when we stood as one
We’d fight the fight ‘til the day was done
For a better life and a brighter sun to guide us
From east to west from north to south
We won’t give up easy
You’re not gonna take it, you’re not gonna break it
We’re not gonna throw it all away
When you make your decision there’s no turning back
So make your decision count
For those tempted to flirt with “Out”, remember “If leaving me is easy, Coming back is harder…”
It seems REMAIN has won, 60.8 % of the comments posted. I expect the actual results tomorrow to be an EXACT MIRROR of this wee experiment.
Of course there might just be more songs about pleading with someone to stay than telling them to piss off of course…
@ganglesprocket, something like that, for example ?