Having unshackled myself from the weekly schedule, and posting when there is a sufficient range of gourmet delicacies from the British Book of Hit Singles…let’s go..it’s supermodels week, and it will not surprise you to know they do not feature in the delights discovered, but rather in the why oh why section in the comments. Here’s a proper singer with a proper pedigree, stepping out from James Brown’s band where she replaced Tammi Terrell, and a terrific stab of pop soul with a touch of the Motown beat. Crazy covers (well crazily awful this week), some nearly tracks of the week, and those supermodels in the comments.
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Big claim of the week. This super slab of rock and roll is claimed by some to have the first full horn section in rock. 1959, can we go earlier?
Depends on your definition of rock ‘n’ roll, but Ray Charles had a big horn section (hurr) right through the 50s, eg this from 1952.
Too well known to be a top track of the week, but if you can listen with fresh hears and get past the schamltz there’s an outstanding vocal performance here:
And so we descend to the basement. Where Youth, Gavin Friday, Tim Simenon and PM Dawn pocket the cheque and reassure the record company that she’s a great singer really as they back out the door…the original tracks slide past in will this do wine bar R and B, but this –
I have bent my rules, as it’s on the album but really really rotten record lovers are in clover here.
Surely one supermodel karaoke session is enough? No here’s Caprice with a stunningly beige piece of pop-rock that she well, does her best:
The Youtube comments are always a hoot for a track like this. Most self-revealing comment:
lol this takes me back, a 14 year old boy taping videos off the tv channels, loved this song.
Paging @moose he clearly wore out this video cassette
One of my best friends once played darts with Caprice. She’s better at darts than singing.
Kate Moss the 21st century Nancy Sinatra…
Are we talking supermodels, or are just model models OK?
Ad model and occasional actress Caroline Munro had couple of singles out in the late 60s.
Nina Carter and Jilly Johnson – a couple of Page 3 models – teamed up, and calling themselves Blonde On Blonde, released the odd record.
Mel Appleby of of Mel And Kim fame was another model of the flesh-baring kind, but some of their music was pretty good.
Twiggy released a series of discs in the 70s.