Thank you all for your enormously warm and generous welcome! With apologies to the Big Lebowski I shall answer a few of your questions before embarking on my first efforts as a contributor.
First the name. I was until recently the owner of a lovely black Labrador who unexpectedly went to the great squirrel run in the sky in November. For some reason I referred to him as “a good beast and a sound hound” in addition to his actual name of Digby. When choosing a name i was thought I would keep the expression alive as an homage to an old friend. A sort of visit from the dead dog as Ed Harcourt once sang. (Any other dead dog related songs could equally apply but other than the one named and Edie Brickelll’s Ghost of Dog my well of canine obituary related songs has run dry)
In other news. I seem to hit the target demographic turning 60 this year. I lived in the West Country for 30 years before a job forced relocation out Sussex way 5 years ago. In the course of the move most of my music collection was boxed up and most CD’s ripped to a hard drive and accessed via Roon although I have started trawling the charity stores of the South East for bargains. I buy the occasional record when the mood takes me but my classification system is a product of the need to find somewhere to store them whilst at the same time attempting to disguise the new purchase form the eagle eyes of Mrs Hound. My trawl through the “virtual cd collection” involves me imagining i was walking into the room in my old house where they were stored and trying to remember what was in each shelf. They were, of course stored aphabetically within genre
As for Beatles and Stones…..Beatles at a push. Favourite bands of all time The Smiths, New Order, Camel, Horslips (hello Colin H!) and John Grant but my musical tastes spread far and wide from Mahler to Weather Report and beyond
Most recent gigs were NIls Frahm at the Brighton Dome (wonderful) and Juanita Stein at a local record shop (absolutely amazing and in front of about 20 people). As i type i am listening to Hiriomi’s Sonic wonderland which i whole heartedly recommend.
I am an avid wordler with varied degrees of success. At one stage i was on a surprisingly long unbroken run but was getting increasingly stressed by my need to get it before heading out for the door. I met my Waterloo with “vying” and now enjoy a level of mediocrity which allows for increasingly frequent failures.
So that is a bit more about me and my foibles It only remains for me to say Deep Purple Mk 2 and i shall exit stage left to reappear as if by magic in the comments
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AI is developing fast it seems. 🤓
It’s getting better, but it’s not that good yet!
Hasn’t learnt spacing and paragraphs though!
Good point! My proof reader has been summarily dismissed and exiled to a desert island.
At this point, I need to apologize. I worked on various AI algorithms over the years, many of which have been adopted in marketing and social media. This plays on my mind a lot given how out of hand it has all become.
That’s it. As you were.
An interesting question – is the Hound real or an AI experiment at creating a stereotypical Afterworder? I’ll go with real – welcome again, Houndmeister! Expect more ‘new old’ Horslips this year. Twice this year. 🙂
Blimey! I’m now suffering from enormous existential angst! I thought I was real but now I’m not so sure. I think therefore I am I think or thought. How do I prove I have a corporeal presence, a beating heart, a love all things musical? Tricky but I have watched the rather wonderful BBC programme about Colin H and was open mouthed with admiration for his love of John McLauglin. I was also inspired to listen to the Weather at Worlds end after enjoying the many manifestations of the Legends of Tomorrow!
“How do I prove I have a corporeal presence”?
Show us your hands – two mitts of 5 distinct digits (rigid or not) should do it.
Arguments about AI seem to be this decade’s version of the old sock puppet discussions that flared up some time ago.
I think we should welcome our new ChatGPT overlords, even if they turn out to be H.P.Saucecraft hidden behind a green curtain pushing buttons and pulling levers.
Now it’s ME who the existential angst – my biggest fan turns out to be a non-existent AWbot! 😀
🎶Still better to be called A.I.
Than have the Mods suspect you’re really Bri🎶
If you’d left out the “really” that would have been a rhyming couplet.
Great to have you on board. You sound just the type for here. “Alphabetically within genre”. Genre is a minefield. Brave decision minister.
FWIW I am strictly alphabetic by artist within order of release though classical has a separate section organised alphabetically by composer.
I’ve never put anything into alphabetical order in my life or any kind of order tbh. Should I get my coat?
But how will you find your coat, if you don’t hang them in alphabetical order?
It’s in the large pile of clutter next to the medium stack of odds and sods.
Alphabetical within genre is the correct answer.
So where do you file someone like Clarence Gatemouth Brown? Blues? Country?
Let alone common or garden fare like Van. Is Astral Weeks on the same shelf as Pay The Devil and Irish Heartbeat?
Are Afro-Celtic Sound System folk, world or electronica?
“I … now enjoy a level of mediocrity which allows for increasingly frequent failures.”
Welcome to the club.
We expect to see him on the links tomorrow.
Surely Old Shep is still the King of canine obituary songs?
I did think of that but this was the first one that came to mind.
Neil Young – Old King, surely?
We’re thrilled to welcome [Name] to the Afterword family! Much like the meticulous alphabetical listing of vinyl records in a collector’s dream, [Name] brings a fresh, methodical yet creative approach to everything they do. Whether they’re cataloging obscure albums or pondering the perfect Fray Bentos pie (which, let’s be honest, is a subject as deeply treasured as a first pressing), they have an uncanny ability to see beauty in the details. We’re excited to see how [Name]’s unique perspective will unfold in our discussions, offering insights that are both thought-provoking and delightfully offbeat. Welcome aboard—let the conversations begin!
Insert name as required.
Anyone who loves dogs is alright with me.