If you have a Record Token burning a hole in your pocket, the HMV sale includes several of my Albums/Reissues of the Year, needless to say, at much lower prices than I paid for them.
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Musings on the byways of popular culture
If you have a Record Token burning a hole in your pocket, the HMV sale includes several of my Albums/Reissues of the Year, needless to say, at much lower prices than I paid for them.
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Mmm. Record Token for Christmas. That’s my equivalent of jumpers for goalposts.
I’m going to buy myself Computer World for I think the fourth time in my life.
Wonder how many Brazil nuts and oranges FS had to struggle past to find his record token.
Sadly, in my post Crohn’s diagnosis times, both nuts and oranges are off-menu. As is the Terry’s Chocolate Orange which Santa dropped down my chimney.
Buyer beware: check HMVs prices against the dodgers, if not elsewhere – for example, the ELP Live extravaganza boxed set is touted as ‘was £59, now £24’, but it’s also available for less than that from Amazon!
Yes, other online record shops are available. I still found £97 worth of ‘bargains’.
I think we can assume the distributors for many apparent bargains have discounted them to “move stock”.
Good for us punters when they do that but it’s still always worth comparing prices to get a Real bargain.
Latest release in the ongoing Resonance label unissued Bill Evans live performances is pretty wonderful – both the music across two CDs and fascinating booklet – and now almost half price at the dodgers at around the 11 quid mark. Cut and paste link doesn’t seem to work – it’s called “Inner Spirit” – the 1979 Concert.
That Nickelback album is overpriced at £4.99
No, that’s how much they give you
The two Resonance Bill Evans 2CD live in Buenos Aries albums released this year – Inner Spirit and Morning Glory – are both ACE.
£11.67 for “Inner Spirit” is an absolute steal.
For anyone here who’s not into Sparks but interested in getting a good intro, the excellent 3-LP Past Tense Vinyl Best Of is available for just under £29 (also valid for their three for £50 deal)
Oh crikey, so it is, and I can see more than three in the £55 deal.
Excellent tip from Fents up there – that’s a fantastic price on the Bovell vinly.
My planned New Year resolutions:
1. Cut down on my pointless overuse of ellipses;
2. Not to react to the hilarious “vinly” trope;
3. Listen to more Bill Evans.
No.3 really is an excellent resolution, fitter.
Can’t blame you for 2. , one’s sides can only take so much…
D’you know – I’ve started to suspect that neither you nor FS actually put your pound coins in the “vinly” jar. I’ll go further: I’m not even sure that you have the jars!
Hilarity shouldn’t be taxed. Otherwise there’d be a charge every time I get me knob out, and we’re past that since the court order.
Aunt Clara shows off one from her collection.
She’s wearing a glove. Well-advised.
My word! You are a card, sir, and no mistake…
This makes me think about clothes. A part of me (about 20%) wants to be tailored up the nines in threads that would make Beau Brummell squeal with delight – but the other 80% of. me really would rather just wear a smock and be done with it.
To wear okayish clothes for work and to not look too much like the fat slob I am at other times is my stretch goal. My current wardrobe does not spark joy so instead of buying that teak box of rare Depeche Mode 78s, I could do a one-off splurge during the Christmas/NY sales. Lots of people talk about a tailored suit but what if the tailor is terrible? All that money and I end up looking like Rodney Bewes or Lawrence from Abigail’s Party….
Tailoring is arguably only as good as the instructions the tailor is given. As my mother says about Jacob Rees Mogg: “All that money and look at the state of his suit…”
Nanny hasn’t measured Jacob and Little Jacob for a good while now.
Little Jacob? Ewwwwww
I’ve disgusted even Moose.
My work here is done.
Disturbing on so many levels…
Jacob Minimus at the very least
Beatles ~ Revolver 5 disc box set currently £89 on Amazon
Thanks to SDE for the heads up.