I was fairly busy this last week and didn’t get around to posting my ruminations on episodes 9 and 10. So I have decided to finish with a bumper discussion next week covering episodes 9 to 12.
But I do wonder will Gilou sober up in time to defuse the atomic bomb beneath the Eiffel Tower, to which Laure is strapped?
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Phew! Thought you’d lost interest…
Glad you’re back – bit of a cliffhanger ending last week!
A real Waugghhhh!!! moment, an’ no messin’ guv.
Last week’s episodes were brilliant, bonkers, edge of the seat stuff. Looking forward to the, if you will, denouement…
C’est formidable.
Really enjoying this series, having not seen any of it before. The BBC is absolutely nailing drama at the moment, Guilt was this week’s discovery.
Well you have a treat in store, if you decide to catch up. There is so much you will come to understand when you see all the connections between the various protagonists.
Maybe Santa will bless you with a Box Set.
Series 2 remains my favourite, but they are all great.
I’m rewatching the current series a few episodes behind but when I’ve finished I think I’ll do the lot again. I think I found it on the Beeb on series 2 or 3 but AFAIKR they showed them in the wrong order to start with? Anyway I watched the lot in the right order for good form so a rerun is due. I’ve got 1-4 on DVD and the rest on the PVR.
Watched E11 last night but won’t get the finale until tonight as Mrs A doesn’t watch it. Several potential twists still possible – can’t wait.
While I wait for the kick-off, I’ll just note that filming has already started for series 8 – yay!