An interesting assertion about the Afterword Massive© , made on another thread.
Anyone broadly agree?
Anyone broadly disagree?
There’s only one way to find out…
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Musings on the byways of popular culture
An interesting assertion about the Afterword Massive© , made on another thread.
Anyone broadly agree?
Anyone broadly disagree?
There’s only one way to find out…
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That’s an interesting thought. How can we find out?
Well, we could try asking a few quizzy questions.
Talking of wearing things, here’s one from @DuCo01‘s favourite TV quiz show (mine too!) På Spåret which returned to our screens last night.
At the Barcelona Olympics in 1992, the male basketball team of one rather impecunious, small country wore magnificent psychedelic t shirts gifted to them by The Grateful Dead .They won the Bronze.
Which country was it?
Well, I don’t know the answer – but I’m not proud of that fact…
I’m very proud of the fact that I looked it up on my computer’s internet. I think that shows a degree of intuitive resourcefulness that will help me survive any zombie apocalypse.
The question to ask, is that a music or a sport question? I don’t know enough about the Grateful Dead to give an answer and I don’t follow sport to even guess an answer.
Plus you’re at a further disadvantage not knowing what “impecunious” means.
Luckily I do.*
* checks Internet
On @fitterstoke ‘s Sheep and Goats thread I couldn’t make a decision as I’ve heard neither song.
In that case, the answer to the sheep ‘n’ goats OP question would be neither – since the likelihood of either song appearing on your playlist would be “slim to none”…
Ah but then that would be showing my ignorance.
Though I realise I’ve done that above.
Showing your ignorance is one thing – but are you wearing it with pride?
Not sport or music! It is of course a Fashion question, @hubert rawlinson
Ignorance with pride? Bollocks!
By and large it seems we are individually each immensely knowledgeable about subjects dear to our idiosyncratic hearts, subjects of little use or purpose to a wider world or even, often, to many of our colleagues here. Occasionally prone to believing in our own false memories and the myths and legends our favoured have drawn about themselves? Well, maybe. Proud to know bugger all about things of bugger all interest to our peculiar peccadilloes? Absobloodylutely!
Does anyone have a recipe for peccadilloes? They sound amazing.
Here are some I fashioned in my lab a few years ago a cross between a peccary and an armadillo.
Siouxsie sponsored a peccary at London Zoo. She called it Gregory.
Just in case you think I’m getting all Harry Hill or Bob Mortimer on yo ass, I’m not. This is true. I read it in Smash Hits.
Gregory Peccary makes a cameo appearance in a Gilbert Shelton cartoon – either a Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers story, or one of the Fat Freddy’s Cat spin-offs. I’m pretty sure it was the cat who met him…
Maybe Siouxsie got the idea from Shelton?
Nah. She was a big fan of The Cool Ruler and just wanted to be able to sing
🎶I’ve got a pecarry by the name of Gregory🎶
Gregory Peccary? See side one of Zappa’s Studio Tan. Not as good as side two.
Siouxsie’s Zoo? That’s a comic strip in Viz, isn’t it? If not, it should be. With Robert Smith hammering horseshoes for the zebras. Andrew Eldritch in charge of the reptile house. Sean O’Hagen and Bernie Simpson can look after the alpacas (or some such animal).
Voodoo doggy?
And for the hyenas, ‘Happy House’
Certainly does sound like a Viz strip. Basically she brings the entire menagerie with her wherever she goes – even when appearing on TV.. After all, her best pal was Budgie and they were The Creatures. It writes itself.
On her command, Bill Grundy is mauled by a tiger, Sav*le gets his bits devoured by piranha fish in his bath, DLT, being wacky, is dressed as a gorilla and is buggered to death by Siouxsie’s real gorilla….the possibilities are endless.
Sorry, but I for one have never heard a single note of Ignorance With Pride, and based on what I’ve read here and on the other thread I’m afraid I don’t feel the need to investigate any further, particularly given that I have a collection of several hundred records with which I’m perfectly happy.
Oooohhh, satire! 🙂
Satire, but – critically – without pride.
Wasn’t Ignorance Without Pride that U2 album that landed in everyone’s iTunes.
What arsehole wrote that crap?
“The Afterword likes to…”
Afterword civilization is based on a hive or group mind known as the Massive. Each Afterworder is linked to the collective by a sophisticated subspace network that ensures each member is given constant supervision and guidance. The mental energy of the group consciousness can help an injured or damaged AWer heal or regenerate damaged body parts or technology. The collective consciousness gives them the ability not only to “share the same thoughts”, but also to adapt quickly to new tactics. Individual AWers in the Massive are rarely seen speaking, but a collective “voice” is sometimes transmitted to the Blog.
Yes;repeat; no…
Oh bee hive.
That’s worth an up 👍
I once told my five-year-old daughter “Behave!”, to which she replied rather sharply “I AM being have!”
Very good – I like that!
I can’t even understand some of the thread titles.
I do not flaunt my ignorance, but neither do I feel ashamed of it.
That sounds like the ideal approach @Mike_H.
That’s worth an up 👍
I know nothing of any new music released in the last 5 years and cannot name a Taylor Swift song.
But I still love UFO.
Can I stay?
Of course @uncle-wheaty
Only you can rock me.
Depends, Unc – do you like the second album?
I’ve never knowingly heard Taylor Swift … and I plan to keep it that way
Neither running from or towards Ms. TS, personally.
Never say never. Be open to the possibility. Something you always thought you didn’t like might turn out to be a revelation. Something new you think is only for young girls might brighten your day and open your mind to new possibilities. Or just say my world is the past, nothings gonna change my world, I’m proud as hell of that fact.
Have I had me tea yet?
Yer not ‘avin mine!
My monicker means “F*ck Knows”
There is an infinity of increased content endlessly emerging, and this minus 1 for content we don’t yet know. We have our areas of magisteria, but doubtless fail, as everyone does. What prick thinks they know everything?
“The clever men at Oxford, know all that there is to be knowed. But they none of them know one half as much, as intelligent Mr. Toad.”
Apparently the rights to this thread have been sold for it to be made into a musical.
Or a commerative tea towel.
Bring it on.
I could do with some new tea towels.
How about a cushion?