I am going to attempt to teach my eight year old daughter to play the guitar.
She has been playing the violin since the beginning of this school year and has some understanding of how to read music – though open strings only at this stage, so very limited – and a reasonable grasp of playing in time with a beat and importantly, she is sufficiently enthusiastic about dedicating time and effort to the guitar to make me think it is a worthwhile investment of both our time.
For my part, I am out of practice but I’m competent enough. I wouldn’t say I’m greatly burdened with natural ability, but I’ve taught myself enough that I’ve played in a couple live bands for several years each, though not for a good while now. I quite relish the opportunity to start playing again, and hopefully, if I do it from a sufficiently good source, improve my own technique.
With all that said, I still remember what driving lessons with my dad were like and that there are plenty of potential pitfalls ahead.
Caveats aside, does the Massive have any recommendations for age-appropriate (hers, not mine) teaching materials? I’m quite happy to use books, DVDs, YouTube or apps.
I used Rocksmith the Xbox game (on PC, Playstation too). Then found that if I topped up with some Quick Licks/Lick Library DVDs (where you can find a song you like and learn to play it), then you get the satisfaction of little victories (I learnt ‘this song’ but also find I can play guitar as well).
I know I’m subversive but technique by stealth works for me.
It’s try different methods and see which is most fun…
Good luck & enjoy. That’s all that matters…
Quality bonding activity…
Haven’t tried it personally but I have friends that speak highly of Gigajam – http://gigajamonline.com/home/ – there are lessons you can try out for free before committing to a subscription.
Thanks, i’ll take a look at Gigajam.
My daughter is 8, she too is learning violin at school and also having a guitar lessons. She seems to like it but finding it hard to get her to practice with me at home at the weekends. Whilst she has the enthusiasm for learning at school I’m happy for that to teach her the basics. She can play E, A and D. It seems to be quite slow going but then it is only 30/45mins per week. But moving in the right direction. The last thing id want to do is force it on her.
I’m teaching Twang Jr by showing him the main chirds and some simple songs he can play. No internet malarkey – he spends enough time looking at some git mumbling on YouTube. A4 pad, biro, chord charts and a few fun songs. And I totally agree, not pushing is best. Actually I’m just off to teach him the intro to Johnny B Goode.
Also had this free resource recommended to me by my brother and have reviewed the first lesson with Daughter#1 approving