The British television programme Taskmaster has been challenging people to perform tasks at home. People are asked to submit a 20-second video and the best are edited together and put on youtube. This week’s task was to “silently recreate a famous movie scene”. Some great responses!
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Oddly enough, I’ve just been chatting with some friends in Cobham and they recommended this very show.
Quite brilliant! What a tonic!
Perfect to banish those lockdown blues.
All of the ‘At Home’ task responses have been amazing. It’s a great show, too.
I had a spectacular home remake of Charge Of The Light Brigade all ready to roll. Damn these social distancing requirements.
Cos I was born in 1753 almost all of those movie references flew straight over my cuckoo’s nest. Am I alone in the universe in thinking there’s just too much smart-alec internet stuff going on right now, too many choirs in the hood, too many people baking charity pies, too much clapping for health workers, just too much? I really preferred being cynical and alone, all this goodwill is making me feel ill
And as for those middle-class twats re-enacting famous paintings, me and my flame thrower know where you live!
This is more like it
David ‘Axis of Evil’ Frum. My, how he’s changed. That’s a good piece from a guy who didn’t exactly shirk from his own form of propaganda during the GW Bush years.
Did you read Paul Krugman’s piece in the NY Times a few days ago about the Wisconsin elections? Pretty devastating. Here’s a link if you’re interested:
“Middle class twats re-enacting great paintings?”
This baffled me until I saw this morning’s Guardian. It’s the Getty Museum Challenge.
There are some intersting suggestions on their list, not least the Folk on Foot Front Room Festival. Some marvellous artists and it’s raising money for musicians who have been hit by the virus.
Very AW-friendly!
“All this goodwill is making me feel ill”. That made me chuckle. I do understand your horror at how everyone in the whole world has morphed overnight into Julie Andrews,in the Sound of Music, Lodestone.
But things are grim out there in the hospital wards, so perhaps it is needed for a few weeks?
Poor old Julie.
The hills are currently closed, so not alive with the sound of music, just with birdsong and the baa-ing of sheep.
If folk is not your bag but jazz is, Jazz FM’s Virtual Jazz Festival starts at 7pm on Monday, following a full day of jazz recordings etc. by British or British-residing artists.
I think I might be flitting between these two streams.