My friend Jim Maving is the guitarist in Case Hardin. Now, Americana very much isn’t my thing most of the time, but there’s a fun swagger and boogie to Case Hardin, and in any case, even if I didn’t like them, I’d big them up for Jim, because he’s an absolute diamond. But I do – I really like them, and not only is Jim literally the best guitar player I’ve ever known in real life, Pete Gow has a really good way with a lyric.
They’ve got a new record coming out. This is the new single from it. I like it a lot.
Blow your mates’ trumpet here! Be it music, art, writing – let’s do our friends a solid and help break the back of that Sisyphean struggle to get noticed in this oversaturated world.
Friend of our daughter – working mainly in and around London, although did a stint at Edinburgh the other week
What can I say – contains all the old tropes. Young white boys with a guitar, a fiddle, a pork pie hat and a stand-up bass. Goes on for about ten minutes. He’s a great guy, works hard, but none of that would matter if he wasn’t, also, brilliant at what he does. Marty O’Reilly and The Old soul Orchestra.
Nigel, younger brother of my wife’s friend Rachael, previously in numerous landfill indie bands. Now half of artsy electro-pop-gospel-blues duo Vienna Ditto. Huw Stephens called them “”Portishead doing a Tarantino soundtrack” and you can see why. They’re on tour this autumn. I love ’em.
Vienna Ditto – Feeling Good