It’s a well-established fact* that you get more comments and attention for your posts online if you say something incorrect, spell a wrod wrong or getting your grammar not rightly.
Trolls perform a service for pedants – they feed a need to share passionately-garnered knowledge, to enlighten the ignorant, to show off. So, as a good servant to the Afterword thrivemind, here are some misconceptions you may wish to correct, not infamous ‘Paul is dead’, ‘Elvis is alive’ ones. More things you are tired of hearing about your favourite music.
- Prog rock is over-complicated for the sake of it, it’s all about pixies and wizards and you can’t dance to it. Techno/house/acid/rave is all the same and it’s just a big thumping, repetitive noise made on machines by people with no musical ability. Folk music is tedious out-of-tune warbling about blacksmiths and sailors and maids in castle towers. Americana is basically slightly less sentimental country and western. All pop music since 2000 is auto tuned, has the same music and is mass produced by a factory in Sweden. Everything was better before 1973. Bob Dylan can’t sing. Neither can Joni Mitchell. Neil Young shouldn’t sing. All modern music is » Continue Reading.