I notice that VM’s latest offering has been sitting in the most commented for a week or two and that frequently contributors have confessed a concern about his work and ‘the man’. I have spent a fair share of time on thinking about and writing about music and recently my 20 year old daughter told me that she thought that Beautiful Vision is the most fantastic record and that Celtic Ray was one of the greatest openings to an album she had ever heard. My daughter’s partner is a young man with a PhD in film and is writing about the relationship between music and film ( it’s much more nuanced than that but you don’t need the details). He asked me if there was a good book on Morrison and I reflected that the problem is that his music and his work do not really suit any typical kind of writing about music. What kind of writing is required? Is there very much to say?
I think there isn’t very much to say and a few years ago I wrote about one song ( Cul de Sac) in this space and I haven’t had the urge to repeat » Continue Reading.