On October 29th 1969 the first message was sent through the ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork) between the four remotely located computers that it consisted of. The message was “LO”. It was supposed to be “LOGIN” but the network crashed after the first two letters. And so what eventually became the Internet was born.
Derek Griffiths Twitter scam
I’m seeing from various Twitter posts that the Derek Griffiths account – complete with Blue Tick verification – has now been closed due to it being not the great man himself, but an imposter, a fake, a scammer. It looks like many people might have been conned out of money via bidding for charity lunches, plus celebs and artists have been persuaded to hand over goods and services for ‘charitable causes’. Fake Facebook and Insta accounts have also been suspended, it seems.
It’s not yet clear how far the damage goes, but possibly worst of all for AWers is the fact that the real Derek may not be the D. Griffiths credited with backing vocals on I Am The Walrus, something that was ‘confirmed’ by the Twitter account holder in July.
Goodness me.
POTUS Record Reviews
This is currently trending on Twitter, surely we can create some of our own. Remember they’re tweets so 140 characters only. Here’s an example –
The Rolling Stones – Beggars Banquet
Beggars smell bad! Not a fan! No handouts! The devil! Sympathetic! I like him! This smells bad, too!
The Trump Album Report please
The Trump Book Report is trending all over the shop which describes various works of literature in the style of the Donald. You know where this is going, #trumpalbumreport please – loosely around 140 characters.
Lovely Rita. In 10 years I’m gonna be dating her – and not when she’s 64 know what I’m saying. I made it with only #alittlehelpfrommydad. Hillary had 30 years to fix those holes. #letsmakeBlackburngreatagain.
Twitter Triumphs
I need a lie down. Bobby Ball replied to one of my tweets. Then, his daughter joined in and included me in some banter with her dad!
Can anyone out there beat that?
This is “trending” on Twitter at the moment and some of them are very funny. Well, I thought so. Shall we have a go?
My favourites –
Ron Butterly
The Village Pope