For some reason, every time I put the telly on there is something about royalty. I’ve never taken much notice of them but, over the years, I’ve briefly been in contact with a member of the family twice.
The first was in the silver jubilee. Me and my mate tried to sign on the dole. The staff told us that the queen was about to drive by on her way into St.Helens. If we could be so kind, they would process our claims quickly after they had seen. Fair enough. We dawdled our way to the top of the road and stood together on a roundabout. Everyone else was behind a barrier on the other side. Soon enough, a Rolls Royce swept over the brow and into view, the queen resplendent in the back seat waving her trademark wave, her husband by her side. She was paying close attention to the rapt crowd but suddenly glanced our way. I made eye contact. She was quizzical and not waving, then, she was gone. It was the quickest and easiest signing on experience I’ve ever had.
The second time, I arrived at the Children’s Hospital in Birmingham to pick up my girlfriend, » Continue Reading.