KFD’s fruitful Poirot thread raised the possibility of an alternative take on The Murder of Roger Ackroyd – the evidence presented could lead to a different murderer than Christie named.
I got to thinking about Ferris Bueller’s Day Off – what if Mr Rooney was a time-traveling Ferris, come back to suburban Chicago to prevent his earlier self from setting off on a path of slackerdom leading to a dismal failing position as high school principal – he’d do everything he could to keep him on the straight and narrow, wouldn’t he? Even Ferris’s sister could be seen as trying to help make him see sense and face up to his truancy and lack of commitment issues.
Any others out there?
Was the Nakatomi Corporation a powerfully destructive multinational actor which could only be stopped by a dedicated team of vigilante environmentalists led by Hans Gruber attacking its headquarters?
Did Rose engineer the sinking of the Titanic just so she didn’t have to marry Cal?