Hi everyone, hope someone might be able to help with this puzzler. Overnight, or even faster, the disk drive on my desktop PC has stopped reading DVD-Rs. I’d been ripping my collection to my harddrive using Handbrake with no problems, and then it suddenly stopped recognising DVD-Rs, tending to see them as blank disks, but not seeing any data on them. I’ve had no error messages to suggest a problem. – “Pre-recorded” disks are still fine. – As far as I can tell there was no software update since the last DVD-R I ripped literally hours before – I’ve done a system restore to a week ago but no change – It’s an HP PC if that makes any difference All ideas appreciated, for what might have caused this, and (especially) how to fix it! Thanks as always, enjoy your sunny Sunday!
WordPress help – Landing Pages needed
It’s a classic tech ATM post here. I have to look after our website at work built on WordPress. As part of a recent chat with a proper web designer the importance of having a good-looking and clear landing page was impressed on me. Not a ‘sign up for’ style landing page, but one which can point the visitor to news, events etc.
The rest of the site was judged ok, so don’t want to tear it down and start again, or use a new theme if possible. No current theme doesn’t have a landing page function as such.
Can anyone recommend a good landing pages plug-in? Preferably free as we don’t have a budget for this kind of stuff, if not then something in the £10/20 range.
The only one I’ve really liked in trawling through the ‘5 landing page plugins to supercharge your site’ lists is this one – but I’m not 100% convinced by the support, updating etc so alternatives if you use one very welcome.