I know there are a lot of internet radio users hereabouts, and I’ve got several myself; there’s my first one, a Revo Axis (thanks for the original reco @Twang – it’s been brilliant) that sits on my desk right here, then there are two little Bush items, there’s a very nice Pure jobbie that lives out in the potting shed, and we have a big old Roberts Stream WM-202 in the kitchen.
The Roberts has always been set to play BBC Radio 4 only; I’ve never paid much attention to its screen, I just tap the on/off button and away you go. However, wanting to continue listening to a FIP programme that I’d been following out in the garage, I went to change the presets yesterday and noticed that the screen was blank. This is a Royal PITA, as pretty much anything other than selecting a pre-existing preset is done via the menu on this screen – without it, the thing is just stuck at Radio 4. Any attempt to navigate the menu system blind is a sure-fire route to permanent brickdom for the entire thing.
Anyone here ever replaced/revived the LCD screen on this » Continue Reading.