Not wanting to kill the buzz man, but is the Roller revisionism (“they were pretty good, really”) ironic? As a teen into arty glam and working on increasing my credibility with the 6th form hairies a few years ahead by getting into progressive and heavy rock, the BCRs floated like an unflushable turd through my mid-70s. I can’t believe I am the only one here who found them ghastly. Even The Osmonds had “Crazy Horses”, which no rock fan could be pissy about. The BCRs were a Scotmid boyband and their hard-girl fans were scarier than the types who later followed Skrewdriver. Their back story makes Motley Crue look like Coldplay, and is only missing a Jimmy Saville connection. This is the best (or at least, most interesting) thing about them. Might I speculate that the Roller sympathisers were 10 years old at the time, and being below the age of criminal responsibility, knew no better, m’lud?
Are there other examples of music revisionism that need exposing?