Just spotted on BBC News, lead story, comment number 1019
‘FauxGeordie’ …………..
(Comment concludes ‘Any old lie from any old hare-brained toff will suffice’. ‘Pffft’
Surely the former mucker of this parish?
Musings on the byways of popular culture
Just spotted on BBC News, lead story, comment number 1019
‘FauxGeordie’ …………..
(Comment concludes ‘Any old lie from any old hare-brained toff will suffice’. ‘Pffft’
Surely the former mucker of this parish?
It’s not quite that, but Jeremy Deller’s film on rave is on the iplayer only today and tomorrow. It’s not your average music doc, as JD talks a group of 18-year old politics students through his version of the 80s and early 90s, from the miners strike and post-industrial decay to Shelleys Laserdome and more bucket hats than you can shake a stick at. There is copious excellent video footage, and the villain of the piece if there is one emerges as ‘agent of chaos’ Paul Staines who started in rave PR and promotion and now runs the right-wing gossipfest Guido Fawkes.
It’s excellent, and the bits when kids of today get there hands on some vintage Roland kit will have you laughing.
Other thoughts welcome.
So this came up on shuffle on the commute this morning – The Shamen’s “Ebeneezer Goode”. I can’t remember the last time I heard it, and hadn’t even remembered it was on the compilation that smuggled it onto my iPod, but (eek) 25 years later it just sounds monumentally misjudged, a studio joke that went too far, a drug song for kids… and of course, despite its number 1 success, it effectively reduced the formerly supercool alternative dance act to the status of novelty-hitmakers, to be named & shamed alongside Benny Hill, Joe Dolce and Black Lace. Yes, they eked out a few more years of ever-less popular hit singles, but their career trajectory was instantly blown…
So, are there any other career-killing records (singles or albums) we can think of? Deservedly or otherwise? And should any be rehabilitated…?