The following are TV or movie sound effects as described in trademarks or scripts. See if you can recognise them:
1. “Annoyed grunt”.
2. “A series of approximately ten sounds, alternating between the chest and falsetto registers of the voice, as follows – 1) a semi-long sound in the chest register, 2) a short sound up an interval of one octave plus a fifth from the preceding sound, 3) a short sound down a Major 3rd from the preceding sound, 4) a short sound up a Major 3rd from the preceding sound, 5) a long sound down one octave plus a Major 3rd from the preceding sound, 6) a short sound up one octave from the preceding sound, 7) a short sound up a Major 3rd from the preceding sound, 8) a short sound down a Major 3rd from the preceding sound, 9) a short sound up a Major 3rd from the preceding sound, 10) a long sound down an octave plus a fifth from the preceding sound.”
3. The “sound of rhythmic mechanical human breathing created by breathing through a scuba tank regulator”
4. “An oscillating humming buzz created by combining feedback from a microphone with a projector motor » Continue Reading.