Rufus Wainwright is selling his Laurel Canyon pad.
Anyone got $2.2 million going spare?
Musings on the byways of popular culture
Rufus Wainwright is selling his Laurel Canyon pad.
Anyone got $2.2 million going spare?
by Mike_H 9 Comments
Worth 81 minutes of any music-lover’s time. In my opinion. A strange, very intense and incredibly driven individual, absolutely crammed full of talent. Loads of good intelligent interview footage with Jarrett himself and his musical collaborators, plus plenty of performance footage. Best music documentary I’ve seen in ages.
by Mousey 8 Comments
No I hadn’t heard of him either.
He plays piano on Joe Cocker’s “Feelin’ Alright”
And yep, it’s not not Chris Stainton, as I had always thought.
I’ll continue the story in the comments
I saw at a friends The Beat My Heart Skipped recently. It’s a French film starring Romain Duris, a big star in France but pretty unknown more widely. He plays a property gangster, part of a gang who buy up freeholds, evict tenants through menace and violence, then by obtaining building permits through bribery and sell on the property for big profits. He stalks the streets of Paris walkman on, leather jacket done up, cigarette in hand, as a quintessentially French stylish violent hardman. Yet – and what a big yet – a chance meeting re-ignites his childhood passion for the classical piano. The plot of the film revolves in no small part around his attempts to pass an audition and be taken on as a concert pianist by a leading manager. This is played completely straight, not a hint of irony or bathos. (see the clip which sees him lay into his Vietnamese piano tutor with frightening intensity)
Now imagine the same plot with a British actor. Ralph Fiennes, Benedict Cumberbatch could do the tortured would-be maestro. No shortage of heavies and hard men. Tom Hardy, Tom Hiddleston to name but two. But the same actor? Only a French » Continue Reading.
Over on @Junior Wells thread about the sad passing of Australia’s greatest guitar player Ross Hannaford, I posted a song from the band Daddy Cool of which Hanna was a founding member.
It was this – “Baby Let Me Bang Your Box”, which is OF COURSE a song about playing the piano.
I can think of a few others, but as a piano player myself I’d love to hear more.
Beautiful sunny summer morning here in Brisbane, not too hot, and I was out on my rounds, hunting and gathering, when this popped up on the radio: Manchega by that groovy Nawlins Jewish Creole, Louis Moreau Gottschalk. If this doesn’t perk you up you’re probably dead.
Nils Frahm has released an 8 track album Solo free, to celebrate National Piano Day, which was March 29th (am a bit late to the party, I know). I downloaded it today. It’s been one of those afternoons where lots of little things have gone wrong. Just heard the first two tracks and I feel much calmer now. Go and get it if you are already a fan, or want to hear some lovely piano music. Link below.