This thought process started with the kind of observation that could easily sustain a whole column in a Sunday supplement (Lifestyle section) by a humourist, sharing with us their sideways look at life. To help with this, their picture has them in profile but eyes towards us, a knowing smirk playing on the lips.
Mrs BC said to me yesterday that when I talk about teenage high jinks/escapades I still, mostly, find them funny. She told me about how, as a high schooler, she had a careers session with a train driver and how her and a friend decided to fully engage in the exercise, really ratcheting up enthusiasm and asking him dozens of excited questions about trains as if he was a pop star. She cringes with embarrassment at this, whereas I find it hilarious. I wondered if this is a gender difference? That is to say, men find this stuff funny forever and women grow up and regret their actions – but I’m sure that’s not true. This is bad news for the content-hungry, sideways-looking columnist I referred to some moments ago.
In the days of jumpers for goalposts and Spangles ferrus tea, there was at least » Continue Reading.