So we hope you have been enjoying the new podcasts after our brief hiatus due to a cross between life getting in the way and frustration to the total lack of indifference feedback received. Someone complained recently about feeling down after not getting much response to a post it took them 2 mins to write. Try spending an evening recording and then the best part of a day editing it only for people to be too lazy to give you a thumbs up or even a “Yeah, good” post.
Pearls before fuckin’ swine, you black balling bastards
*lies down and does his breathing*
only joshing, I love you all.
So last year as the snow was falling and auld acquaintances were being forgotten we had an open line to The Massive and anyone who wanted could join in and tell us about their year, what they listened to, or whatever was on their mind. So we thought we’d do it again this year. So at some point in December we’ll have a podcast session at a time when as much of the world’s population can take part. So if you wanna join in then keep em peeled
Also my » Continue Reading.