I know that the default setting for Corbyn is that everyone is out to get him, but I think the main problem is his judgement during this Brexit process. I honestly think the Conservatives are there for the taking – a shambles. A blundering, out of his depth PM resigning as a result of a referendum he only agreed to in order to keep his own party from imploding.
Labour were weak during that period. Instead of being the Opposition, they remained largely silent. When the results came in, they were just as broken as the Tories and allowed the resignations of numerous shadow cabinet ministers to dominate the news just as much as the chaos from the PM and his pals.
Teresa May couldn’t believe her luck as she came in as the voice of calm reason, and steadied things – battening down hatches to prepare for the inevitable onslaught of dissention and ridicule from the Opposition. Except it hasn’t come. Teresa May’s charmed life as PM continues when the Opposition seem to be just as battered and bruised and are giving off an air of grim, defiant survival rather than doing their job.
It reminded me » Continue Reading.