Here’s a couple of questions I have been pondering for a while- Have we reached peak vinyl? And is now the time to cash in the chips? Let me explain. Most of my vinly I cherish and play and, to be honest, it has memories and stories attached to it that I would never want to part with. However, I have a few records that, it turns out, might be worth a few quid. Some of these records I have not put on the turntable in at least four house moves, and with the possibility of another house move coming up next year I am starting to de-clutter and move things forward. I happened to keep buying records in the 90’s whilst most other sensible people moved on to CD’s (or got a better hobby) and it turns out that what I thought would have been common items go for a bit. Quite a bit. One particular record is on Discogs for between £100 to £500 (it’s on ebay for £400). Now, I know that just because it says it costs that much on a website it doesn’t mean I’ll get that much, but I’m pretty sure I’ll get more » Continue Reading.