Hello all,
In February, my Family and I are spending a few days in the Smoke. We’re looking to see School of Rock in the sparkling West End. I liked the movie and my son’s is performing in his school’s version of it next year. My question is re snagging some tickets. Is it worth waiting until we’d down there and trying to get theme when we’re there (for a discounted price) or, given that we’ll need 4, is that a bit risky? What about outlets? Are some better than others? or am I best use the venue’s official box office?
On a similar matter, I have a pass to go out myself to a gig one night. Can someone send a link to a listing of gigs that I can filter my day/ genre. I’ve had a look at the various O2 venues for the nights I’m there but nothing particularly up my street. Or… any recommendation welcome. I’m there from the 11th to the 15th.
Thanks in advance.