I came across this recently posted YouTube video that features some interviews I’ve not seen before and some clips from the play. Might interest some here as it did me.
So what do we have planned for tomorrow?
Tomorrow. You know, Thursday 19th November. That’s right! It’s International Men’s Day! We are overwhelmingly men on here so I’m sure the date has been flagged in our calendars for months.
I admit I have really known what this day is for, other than a quick rejoinder to those whose response to International Women’s Day is to ask, ‘When is International Men’s Day then, tell me that, eh?’ ‘It’s on Thursday mate.’ ‘Oh.’
According to the website of the UK organisation the three core themes for International Men’s Day in the UK are:
• Making a positive difference to the wellbeing and lives of men and boys • Raising awareness and/or funds for charities supporting men and boys’ wellbeing • Promoting a positive conversation about men, manhood and masculinity
The website goes on to list areas of concern around male wellbeing, both tangible such as health and suicide, and more nebulous, such as expectations of men as fathers.
So what do we think here? Does the modern world place strains on the twenty first century man which need to be discussed and addressed? How about assumption of the place of men in families? I don’t have any kids (though » Continue Reading.
Beany’s “Men In Bowler Hats” Thread
In a private email, Beany expresses his chagrin at mis-identifying the character on the Stackridge album cover as “a man” (in spite of all the evidence to the contrary), claiming the “hat fooled him” (forgetting that the hat in the picture is no more a bowler than the wearer is a man), and asks if I’d kindly curate a thread on his behalf to make the whole issue of “men” and “bowler hats” clear to him. Pleased to oblige, Beansie!
Soul Men
Inspired by the Women Of Soul thread and the fact that i’ve got one eye on a James Brown docu on BBC4 now. What about the soul men ?